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Corgee last won the day on June 15 2022

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  1. Making a game feel like a job = kinda bad design... just like the off center leaf raid point on a bridge
  2. PLEASE... This raid point is offcenter, it looks so ugly and in the middle of a bridge/road. @Ueda I beg u to move it
  3. I feel like the change implemented in recent patch was a good idea (Instant cast with 1 sec self stun). This is the only offensive skill for chakra medics and if it gets interrupted u LITERALLY just run around for 60 seconds... most fights dont even last this long. #JusticeForMeDick
  4. so everyone should get the same weapon to fight in tournaments so its not based on luck getting an op sword?
  5. can't rly understand but i agree
  6. I support this also fix slug pls
  7. Corgee


    retire already :eyes:
  8. maybe next time you could tell you stopped working on it when u stopped not 5 years later :eyes: that way ppl wont be hypying it for years
  9. Bad idea, very bad #fixslugheal
  10. Update : Doesnt heal at all now
  11. 4 months to go and itll be 1 year :eyes: @Ueda
  12. Currently the slug heals only if u target an enemy NINJA (player) It should heal constantly or at least when targetting mobs as well as players. The heal was made as low cos it healed contantly (i think) so if its not the case then it should be buffed @Ueda pls reply ueda sama
  13. What if..... we just fix the healing first :eyes: