Hello everyone! The latest Naruto chapter has been released and is titled "Attack". You can read it here http://www.mangapanda.com/naruto/639 What are your opinions on the chapter?
Hi everyone!
My suggestion is to put something in place where you need to have a minimum character count to post in a topic. This should hopefully stop the people who post 1-2 word responses. My suggestion would be a minimum of 15-20 characters.
Thanks for reading
Hi everybody!
Does anybody currently read or has read Blue Excorcist? I'm currently halfway through Volume 2. What are your opinions on it? Mine at the moment are that it's pretty awesome so far!
Thanks for reading
Hello everybody!
Please post your most recent purchase here!
Mine would have to be the following:
- Blue excorcist Volumes 1 - 4
- Artemis Fowl Book 7 (forgot the name)
- The supernaturalist
Hi everybody!
I'm interested in knowing what your favourite genre Anime wise is. Mine would have to be Action, Supernatural, comedy, ecchi and Fantasy.