
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Akatsuki

  1. Great job! Keep up the good work. Can't wait till 1.3.0 is live
  2. Currently at work on my mobile. Got a long weekend this week time to rewatch angel beats and game of thrones.
  3. Awesome! Keep up the good work! I'm getting super excited for 1.3.0 now! Any ETA on a release?
  4. Awesome! Urge to play..rising.
  5. Keep up the great work. I'll be self learning vb6/c# so that one day I may be able to assist in the development of the game.
  6. Thanks for the update! Looks awesome. Keep up the good work
  7. Glad to see an update has been posted. Ensure's everyone that work is still being done! Keep up the good work
  8. Looking good! No wheel button for me (on a laptop) . Doesn't really bother me though. Keep up the good work!
  9. Welcome back! Happy new year everyone.
  10. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all enjoy your day and get what you wanted
  11. Everyone should buy this while they have the chance! It's a steal!
  12. Looking good! Can't wait until it's released.
  13. Looking good! Keep up the good work
  14. I hope one day I can join the Akatsuki organization I might even create my own in the future.
  15. Can't wait to play. I'll try and find as many bugs as possible for you guys to work on!
  16. Good luck to whoever gets the role(s). Can't wait to see your work in-game!
  17. Looking awesome! Keep up the good work guys
  18. Nice dev log Keep up the good work. How much of a load it is going to take off the 'main' server? Also, if we 'update' our name on the forums, will it update in-game as well?
  19. 500 pages is a lot of pages... Why not decrease it?
  20. The server will be down for a few days while they fix a few bugs and stabilize everything.
  21. This works for me because I won't have University when it's released . Sucks it's still delayed though.
  22. Awesome! I'll be at University on the release though
  23. Akatsuki


    Welcome to the community!