
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by ghostdance

  1. as promised for rory, I was told to revise and post this for feedback/consideration efforts. This encompasses all current masteries and their "pain points" to some degree, obviously with further details needing to be hashed out on the recent changes on the ones listed. I am curious to see how beheading gets worked into kits/combos in the coming days. earth - increase cd for pillar - reduce tile range by 1/2 on ep, or alternatively reduce the snare time by 1/2s. EP is definitely a weird pain point, since it's become the defacto group fight tool to the point where it is basically a necessity. Group fights unfortunately don't lend well to people being able to counter/cancel EPs without some form of risk. water - runcast shark, increase cast time, fix hit box (see: bubble shark) med - reduce scalpel base dmg, or increase chk cost light - make feast more rewarding for the short range, chakra-heavy standcast, like a soft 1s snare, or a significant boost in damage. the damage to chakra cost is low (wind homing outclasses with runcast and damage, while only suffering a few chakra cost overhead), especially considering it requires stationary cast. this can be softened with a slight increase to the cooldown, adding to the risk vs reward weights. fire - open to suggestion (it feels true to the nature of burst/dot, in my opinion) wm - remove the selfstun on risky, but no cancel. allow it to be their "homing" harass and gapcloser. - still in discovery process after recent changes tai - open to suggestion, this kit is still mechanically strong gf - still in discovery process after recent changes wind - revert / rework vacuum changes to allow vacuum to be more rewarding when hitting a single-tile wide range jutsu at range. some suggestions have been posted here that seem viable (stun on first bullet, reusable jutsu over time 3x, revert the previous changes, or flat out remove the selfstun in its current state) fan - remove selfstun on slicing wind, seems unnecessary behind a cast bar for a skillshot bubble - level 30 jutsu to round out the kit, tweak the scaling or base dmg a tad, bonus: apply equipped pipes snare logic to bubble jutsu (seathorn snare time+poison for hitting a bubble snare jutsu, currently has the default pipe 1 snare time)
  2. can't turn in completed daily mission with a "full" quest log. just repeats "Mission Log is full!"