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Everything posted by Slare

  1. I shall make everyone fear the color orange when the game comes out

  2. Slare


    On the narutopedia site they list how much ryo you get on ranked missions
  3. My mind is a mine with time to confuse mimes while smoking weed on jay z lawn

  4. Slare


    Yassy baby welcome.
  5. I thought we were talking about not wanting to permadie and have to spend forever to level over and over again which would be quite horrible for a level 100. But Rory's response subdued my doubts and once again makes me look forward to the game. BYOND isn't associated with this. I'm sure nobody really cares about GOA anymore since we know its finished forever. Comparing GOA to this doesn't make sense because we haven't even begun to play this. I'm sure Rory is aware of some of GOA's mistakes and doesn't need to be constantly told about them.
  6. I just don't want to be forced to take forever to get level 100. On GOA it took me 3 years with me playing a lot 2 of those years(I'm not comparing just saying that some people prefer to fight and enjoy instead of leveling and being a bore.
  7. Me neither lol. But i will try it. I do like an rp game on byond though so i'm not completely against it
  8. Depending on how slow leveling is(slow leveling is such a turn off to me qq) I think it would be dumb to permadie over and over again with no cap stats.
  9. Why do you always seem to have the appropriate meme for any situation? On topic: Can't wait for this game, it will fill a hole in gaming for me
  10. Slare


    Yes and when it comes to basketball, I am a Knicks fan since i started watching basketball(like 3 seasons ago and i saw curry failing a lot when i was a kid)
  11. Slare

    Xbox One

    Playstation has been owning xbox since day one. 360 may have sold more than ps3 but ps4 just proves sony is better with consoles again
  12. Slare


    Saw that video a long time ago. Did some research and it was revealed non of these guys were human so i'm not sure if it counts. And basketball mixtapes are just flashy handles with no defense
  13. Democracy which is basically all the choices in a way
  14. Slare

    Sports memes

    Any sport memes just for the lolz. Obviously football, basketball and soccer will be the most memes if people post some but we may see some tennis and chess
  15. Ya;ll just hating, i find bleach more entertaining than naruto overall
  16. Watched some of it long ago but never finished 10/10 because boobies She never lied
  17. Slare


    basketball, porn, tennis is interesting and also hockey
  18. You wouldn't understand
  19. Naruto and Saskue touched dicks many times after the Haku and Zabuza mission. The tension from the forbidden and secret relationship forced him to ignore it and that continued to strengthen the rivalry. Then Saskue met Orochimaru and found revenge more important then touching dicks with Naruto at the moment.He has come back becuase if the world ends he can never touch dicks with Naruto.
  20. The Orange sociopath of kirigakure
  21. I think transplants would be fine if balanced out right, should be like a 1% chance to get an eye when killing a uchiha or hyuuga, but of course it would be harder for you to use so at times its better to just not use it. And clans going village to village doesn't sound bad to me :unsure: