
Gold Ninja
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Aer last won the day on April 27 2023

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  1. When I started, I found the world's content back then—which I noticed did improve here and there when I returned then saw new areas and quests—to be interesting enough for me to stick around. I grew up playing grindy games with harsh RNG for drops (and I also enjoyed Warframe), so I didn't mind that Nin required steadfast commitment to reach Lv50-60 as it felt very rewarding to gain levels, to get a rare item as a drop, and to learn new jutsus. What made me stop playing was constantly being assailed by other players who were much higher level than me at the time. It made me feel helpless—like I couldn't get anything done until they left the area, and time is precious to some people depending on their lives/schedules. It felt even worse when you're unable to beseech those of your village to help you, but compared to the past, it has gotten much better in that regard. While the grind from Lv1 to Lv50-60 can feel like a euphoric adventure at times during the beginning for some people like me, I will admit that it's... monotonous and very linear. We're killing the same NPCs for days—with only dailies, the few side-quests at certain levels, and leveling beyond those NPCs' level to break us away from that repetition, and once we are high enough level to move on to the next appropriate area, the repetition ensues. Nin really could use dynamic content (e.g., #1 and #2) to artificially—this word isn't as bad as it sounds within this context—liven up its world, making it more reactive in response to its players, while providing new and interesting ways to earn XP and maybe even items/jutsus. We see this all the time in Naruto when the ninjas aren't focused on/distracted from the main plot (if the main plot isn't a source of their "distraction[s]" itself). Think of... Asheron's Call's live events—sort of, Guild Wars 2's dynamic events, meta events, and world bosses (best examples), and Elder Scrolls Online's world events. I believe this would potentially rejuvenate the game, increase new and old player retention, and spread PvPlayers out from the spots where they would typically brutalize new/low level players.
  2. There is a slight issue with paging from the first hotkey bar page when clicking the left arrow or using Grave and SHIFT+grave to page left and right respectively. Whenever the very first page is the active hotkey bar page, clicking the left arrow or pressing the grave key doesn't page it to the second page unless I click or press that key again. This does not happen the other way around unless I click or press SHIFT+grave twice. It is as if the first page is being duplicated to a "phantom" page that comes before CTRL+1 (the keybind for quickly paging to the first hotkey bar page). I double-checked by changing out an item/justu on the first page and by testing CTRL+1-12 (0, -. = are what I'm calling 10, 11, and 12). Every change I made to the first page's bar was duplicated to the "phantom" page, and I could not access that "phantom" page via CTRL+1-12.
  3. An anniversary reward? If it's not obtainable, most likely not since limited edition stuff, hopefully it'll return someday for another event. I'm at least thankful it's tradeable, though—might snag me one if it looks good with the Silk Robe. Thanks~ ❦
  4. Thank you, I'll look into them again and see if I can get creative with any of them. ❦ I have one more question about something else I found—if you, or someone else, don't mind~ The person casting the 'Earth Split Technique' as a demonstration, is the sleeveless open vest they're wearing also an exclusive outfit? I haven't been able to find it in any of the clothing stores I visited—well, except Takumi's; I haven't checked there yet.
  5. Thanks, I'm not even sure how an evolved Earth Wall would look nor function anyway, so that cleared up some of my confusion trying to imagine that at play, lol.
  6. Aside from the 'Earth Prison Technique', are there any other jutsus under the Earth Mastery that evolve? I saw a message in the Discord for Nin Online about 'Earth Wall Technique' evolving at Lv4, but I don't see any other messages about that nor entries on the wiki about its evolved variant.
  7. Thanks! I'll check those out for my alt since I do actually want a character that dresses up like an assassin or a fighter. Do you know of any clothing items available to everyone that are in the style of that Hunter-Nin robe, Mitsuki's robe the Simple Silk Robe, or this pending Muteki outfit? I like outfits (robes) in the style of kimonos or nagajubans—any that have to wrap towards the front of the body.
  8. Ah, darn. Seems like all of the chic outfits are clan or organization exclusive. Thanks~
  9. Hiya, does anyone know the name and origin (as in where it can be bought or earned) of the robe this person is wearing? The wiki unfortunately isn't very helpful in that department—well, most departments—anymore.
  10. About the non-exclusive summons—the monkey, ninken, and snake, can anyone from any village sign a contract with them for summoning or do they have a prerequisite of being a rogue ninja? The Poison-Laced Kunai's requirement made me wonder about this since it and the snake are in the same location, and the other two summons are in Takumi Village—a village for rogues.
  11. How is the blessing's application to missions' XP calculated? Is it... 100,000 increased by 1.5% is 101,500? (Seems pitifully low.) 100,000 times 1.5 is 150,000? I have the feeling it's the latter because of the 1.5"x", but I wanted to be sure since there have been cases of XP boosts going by a percentage-based value.
  12. Whenever I ALT+Tab to check a different window then tab back into the game, keys like ALT, CTRL, and SHIFT to get jammed as if they're being held down or rapidly pressed until I manually press them to unjam them. This can be reproduced by binding an action to one of those modifier keys and testing that action—such as fishing (the character will immediately cast their fishing rod). The most obvious one is typing in the text box: normally CTRL+Backspace deletes entire words, but whenever one ALT+Tabs then tabs back into the game, the text box is stuck erasing entire words when one backspaces. This may also have to do with the client registering input despite being in the background while another window is in the foreground. For example, right-clicking something in a different window will cause my character to turn in the direction of my cursor anyway.
  13. Decided to take a peek here again since someone recently advertised Nin Online in one of the social networks I frequent, and wow, this game and my bland lil' profile brought back some memories.

    It seems like this game has changed A LOT since the last time I played which was... wow... a whole five years ago. Nice to see that it's still being regularly cared for and updated. ❦