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Vinsmoke last won the day on September 10 2021

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  1. Something ive been saying for awhile. Even though there are so many things that needs changing, ill stick to the topic. That jutsu alone having that low of a CD and low Chakra which tops it off with a stun is ridiculous. It can utilize with any mastery better than water if we're comparing Scalpel to WP. I'm comparing a level 15 jutsu to a level 30 jutsu btw. When it comes to stuns, i honestly feel like poison senbon is more than enough. Even though silences could be annoying, i'd rather deal with less combos being set up by a simple move. GF will always be superior but nowadays flicker + scalpel and scalpel + sub punishing damn near feels like dealing with a GF user. It looks fun and I can understand why so many of the newer generation would choose to go with the scalpel meta, but if you're solely focused on Pvp/1v1s then I could understand how annoying it would be to deal with which ill glady not get involved in. Don't even let me get started with the ego boosting one simple move can give people.
  2. Mastery: Water/WmLevel: 60Motive for joining: Mainly getting a learning experience for future things. When it come's to understanding, involvement, contact, maturity, patience and wisdom, I fit all those roles. Aside from that, the only other org that I haven't been apart of which is the most important imo is the LMPF.
  3. I'm not scared to admit it but when I was mist, I was bias about these org buffs. The moment you go against them, you start to realize how foolish it was to defend something that was clearly bs. It goes for most things. I will flat out say that the balance system with this game needs a lot of work. There are more things to point out but I would rather stay on topic. There are clear major differences with all 3 buffs. People usually point out that 12G benefit the most from "10" all stats. That's just "stats" not a giant unlimited puppet summon with a hp boost or a unlimited skill coming from a sword. It's just "stats". It's a struggle. If we're comparing the 3 then you should see a CLEAR difference. For most... Please don't lie. I just want people to keep in mind that we all play different villages and we all bring in the fun/entertainment. If a village doesn't provide that "entertainment" then how will others enjoy the game? Clearly what I'm trying to point out is, people are getting tired of it and losing interest to play the game. Dealing with something that is "clearly" bs makes you lose interest. Around 2019 with no buffs was probably the most enjoyable time of the game. Most new players never experienced it which is sad. Everything felt normal. To this day you can see the major difference and it's not good. But on a curious note, who suggested buffs?
  4. It makes sense and i love the change.