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EliteNoob last won the day on October 12 2014

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    In the midst of the muses

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  1. Finna play DCUO for the PC soon anyone wanna play with me or what ever let me know

    1. Feinz


      That games still alive?

    2. kendrick


      lol i play on the weekends.

  2. Listen to my new track

    1. Oku


      What did you use? I make a few beats, but I use Magix. Sorta new to the whole music thing.

  3. When it come to women I like my bitches abstract, treat these ho's like blunt s one P then pass that - Hallowed

  4. I found out from the good people of Naruto GOA *crowd goes wild for GOA* but you know I'm a dedicated dude to where the loves shown so I stuck with GOA till the game officially died *crowd awws for my compassion* then recently I've been having the erg to interact with the some of the old homies kung-fu fighting style and I hit up my cousin (long story there) Aido and I was looking for a game to play and he told me to check this out and I finally joined the community here.
  5. The problem with restraining speech is, who gets to set the rules? If it's only okay in a certain time or place, who gets to say what time and what place? Bill Cosby?

  6. The triangle is the strongest structure in nature.

  7. Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility. - Khalil Gibran

  8. “He that can have patience can have what he will.†― Benjamin Franklin

  9. “Obi-Wan Kenobi once said ‘your eyes can deceive you, don’t trust them.’ It seems to be getting harder. Distinguishing reality from the illusions people make for us, or the ones we make for ourselves. I don’t know, maybe that’s part of the plan, to make me think I’m crazy…it’s working.†-- Huey Freeman

  10. Justice means minding one's own business and not meddling with other men's concerns. - Plato

  11. I truely understand where your coming from, but at the end of the day we're still playing the game. That's like people who do good deeds in GTA ... who cares let them play the game how ever it pleases them. All I'm gonna say is worry about your damn self, if you don't wanna bot don't and if you do go ahead. Stop worrying about what someone else is doing .... fucking nosy ass neighbors acting like they checking their male box in the night type ass niggas.
  12. Majority of people who hate boters are people who are concerned about what someone else has on their plate *Metaphors*
  13. If you want to avoid botting its simple make it interesting to be a low lvl, although being higher lvl( stronger in character strength along side your skill and abilities) is kinda ideal in this ninja world (naruto) it would be cool to have some events that would make it fun to be low lvl so that people won't resort to botting to have as much fun as the game can offer.