
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Hisa

  1. Didn't you know? Women have to be strong in order to survive!

  2. I shall kill you. I will not cease to exist.

  3. I've realised recently… that everyone is given life for a reason. Everyone has something important to accomplish. The quest to discover what that is… …is the only freedom us humans have been given.

    1. Destructo


      Very deep. But unfortunately I doubt the millions of of people in lesser developed countries, who have a poor quality of life and do not get the privileges we do, cannot say the same.

    2. Edward


      Also children or babies who die at an early age never get that freedom.

  4. Oh, what the hell.

  5. Cheaaaaaa Hina's in the house.

  6. I just wanna know what's under Kakashi's mask. I just wanna know.

  7. Windmill, windmill for the land, love forever hand in hand.

  8. I'm Hina, and you're gonna be my bitch.

  9. I have a thing for them Uchiha lookin' fools.