
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Hisa

  1. Well well well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crosswise


      Whale whale whale.

    3. Nassim Sr

      Nassim Sr


    4. HypnoMan


      hello and good bye! jk you'd never leave use XD right? :(

  2. Game progress?

    1. Hei


      The game is in development and only available to staff members

    2. Akiro


      Probally stopped till Rory gets back,

      Seth needs to improve his managament of the dev team, Mind you not much he can do with a bunch of volunteers

    3. Makoto
  3. Im having a sleepover with a bunch of foreign exchange students. wahooo

  4. Hey/emoticons/default_nin_disgusted.png" alt="-.-">)>

  5. My Neighbor Toroto. <3

  6. Lindsay Stirling for the world.

    1. Hei



    2. Feinz


      ^. I'd rip that violin in half

  7. Spirited Away.<

  8. ISIS = Akatsuki. Coincidence? I think not!

    1. Mart456


      Your profile song is perfect <3 <3

    2. Hisa


      you're perfect. <3

    3. Mart456
  9. drove through a puddle, car dies -_-

    1. Satsugai
    2. Kagerou


      Don't worry my daughter, you'll get through it soon!

    3. Feinz


      Ask Nagato to use rinnetensai on it.

  10. college is already stressing me out... uhhhg

    1. Makoto


      Try to stay calm. Things may always seem more stressful than they actually are. Just take stuff bit by bit and eventually you realized you are ahead.

    2. Hisa
  11. Picking a major is making me go crazy. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolf


      Women's Gender Studies

    3. Noble


      ^My religion teacher(25) studied that and Theology at Harvard.

    4. Stylish Ninja

      Stylish Ninja

      Pick something you like to do not something you dislike. I also recommend you to pick a major that's growing in demand. A history major is one that is declining so take what I said from that.

  12. Some day's it's super hard to be okay...

    1. Hei


      Then next time try harder to be okay ^.^

  13. Can't wait to mooooove, again.

    1. Feinz
    2. Stylish Ninja

      Stylish Ninja

      Make sure your next boyfriend isn't a psycho. Take care

  14. Ive been gone two weeks, come back and things changed :o

  15. What's up with Uchiha's dealing eye balls like drugs, and holding people by the necks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Feinz


      The Uchiha Mafia sounds like a nice organization. Too bad.

    3. Hisa
    4. Hisa
  16. Soooo, as I'm sitting here alone in my apartment eating ice cream, drinking a beer, my roomie comes home and brings me a naruto poster saying "this reminded me of you." lol. what.

  17. seriously Itachi, the time you do decide to have a heart, you don't kill Kabuto. -_-

  18. Just signed for my own apartment. ;_; I feel old.

    1. Robin


      Welcome to the old people club. Next up is doing the paperwork for your pension and saving for a deposit on a house!