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Everything posted by Voidness

  1. Ah, damn... This is so late for me!
  2. I'm back, peepz! \^o^/

  3. Will the girl and the boy be NPC's?
  4. Alright, I understand your position, but... What will you get by complaining about it? It's anime styled and anime styled drawings don't need to be perfect at all.
  5. For your knowledge, sometimes art doesn't need to be real, alright? And people that are complaining about that "hand", please, try to do a better one, more perfect. There are people who have no concept of how long it takes to make something like this, indeed... I call this people, "poor and ungrateful".
  6. At least, we have a chick on the launcher... If you know what I mean...
  8. Let's make some mini-game inside this forum game.
  9. THIS IS GOING TOO FAST! But I still think that 51 pages are tooo much.
  10. But the winner will be on the top of page 50 or 51? I'm confused :S
  11. Just a wonderful piece of art... How many hours he spent doing that? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWblHYXdhSk (Yeah, I admit, it's a little annoying but... Who did this, loves to be a researcher)
  12. Nice, that would help a lot. Rory will be happy - S00N
  13. Happy Birthday, NinOnline! - S00N
  14. People are so serious about it... Indeed. It's not useless, but it is something obvious... - S00N
  15. Not to insult your determination to help the game, but... This topic is kinda useless, since obviously, they are gonna create more hairstyles and they are probably thinking about doing it or they are doing it, right now. - S00N
  16. Agree, since Rory already said that they are going to put a system that will be anti-KSers. - S00N
  17. There is another function that is nice, as well. When you right click on the task bar and then go to "Properties", there is an option where you can choose to automatically hide the taskbar. I always use that, cause it makes me feel confused when I move it to the right or left side. - S00N
  18. Voidness


    Shurikens are not auto-rockets that follow their target. I don't like the idea of the shurikens following the target for a certain time, even if it's 1 second. If it was like that, people weren't able to gain some skill with throwing. I think it would look better if people would be able to gain skill on certain things, like throwing, timing, dodging, etc. Imagine: you're in a PvP battle with another person, that person can deal more damage with shurikens and you can't. That person will win, because you can't deal more damage than him. And why that person will win? Because of the shurikens that were often following you and dealing you more damage. That's my review. - S00N
  19. Try this: http://www.ninonline.org/forum/index.php?/topic/472-if-youre-having-trouble-with-directx/ I hope it will help you. - S00N
  20. That is probably not gonna happen again, because the staff reduced the lag inside the game. If you continue to see that, close the game after 10 minutes and start it again. You will know that you are loading the game sucessfully, if a "spiral" thingy appears on the loading screen. - S00N