
Silver Ninja
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Michael last won the day on September 23 2017

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  1. @Ueda I just killed the toad boss with a teammate and all that happened was another toad spawned and when we died to it, we never got credit for the mission. why.
  2. nice also just want to add that even though i may not be the most active (life is rough), i’m really proud of this game and where it’s come to. i remember back in like 2017 when water prison was a 4 second stun and the server would crack every day. now we here. it’s been a great journey, rory. :,)
  3. Hello Ninjas! I'm here again to bring you the event you have all wanted me to do. A tournament! However, it will have a little twist. Explanation: In this tournament, we will be trying to find the people who are the best at certain masteries. So, during each tournament you will only be allowed to use 1 certain mastery. We will continue to do this tournamnet until we have used every mastery. To elaborate, in one tournament you will only be allowed to use Fire. And in another you would only be allowed to use Wind. Gentle fist and Taijutsu will be divided into two different tournamnets. The same goes for Fan and Wind and Bubble and Water. However, Int WM and Strength WM will be grouped into a single tournament. The same goes for Int Medic and Chakra Medic. Prizes: First place will receive 10 event coupons and a special title correlating with the element the player won with! Second place will receive 7 event coupons. Third place will receive 4 event coupons. All participatants will receive 1 coupon after their first fight whether they win or lose. Winners of fights get 1 (Event Coupons are won by participating in/winning Game Master hosted events. They can be used to buy special clothing, World Blessings, Etc.) The event will be weekly/biweekly (depending on my schedule) and will take place on Saturdays, usually at 1PM EST, again depending on my schedule. On days of the War Event and Chunin Exam it will not take place/be postponed.
  4. 1st place - @Aghila Mirana 2nd Place - @Chakra 3rd place - @Dairuto Thank you for participating. I know this isn’t the type of event you guys wanted, but trust me. Something is coming soon.
  5. Hello Ninjas! I am pleased to announce to you my next event. Again, it will be forum event. To win you must show PvP skills on video! How To Participate To participate you must post a video/clip of you fighting another player/players and if it is impressive enough, you could win some humble prizes! Prizes First place will receive 10 event coupons! Second place will receive 7 event coupons! Third place will receive 4 event coupons! Event coupons are prizes won by participating in/ winning events. They can be used to buy Stat Resets, Daily Resets, Special event-only cosmetics, and more! The winners will be announced on Saturday (7/27/19). Good luck to everyone who decides to participate!
  6. 1st place: @Aikya 2nd place: @Wrathful 3rd place: @Kureji Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated. To receive your forum title please message @Ueda
  7. Hello Ninjas! I am pleased to announce to you my next event. This time, it is a forum event! To win you must show how good your fashion sense is! How To Participate To participate all you need to do is reply to this post with a screenshot of your character in the best outfit you have! Prizes First place will receive 7 coupons & a forum title of your choice! Second place will receive 5 coupons & a forum title of your choice! Third place will receive 3 coupons & a forum title of your choice! The winners will be announced on Sunday (7/14/19). Good luck to everyone who participates!
  8. Hello Ninjas! I am pleased to introduce you to my next event. This time it will incorporate RP and PvP! Here's how the game will work, I will be kidnapping each Kage individually and each village have the chance to send in a maximum of 4 parties (1 party is sent in at a time). They will be trying to defeat me so they can take their Kage back to their village! The level requirements for Leaf and Sand are level 30+. Mist will have a level requirement of 25+ due to it being a very new village. The event will be taking place on 6/23/19 at 12 P.M. EST. It will begin with the Leaf village, then Sand, then Mist. To give me your teams, you can either PM me here on the forums, or on discord (michael#2236) How To Win: If at least half of the teams fighting for the village, the village will receive village points! As an additional bonus, the teams that do defeat me will win 5 coupons each! Note: I understand that Takumi does not have a Kage to kidnap, so after this event I will be hosting a missing only tournament! Thank you to @Kuraen Vali and @Itama Date who will be participating as the Leaf and Sand village Kages. And to @Koneck who will be filling in as the Mizukage!
  9. If I find you dead, i’ll revive you.
  10. Hello Ninjas! I am going to be hosting a free for all event this Sunday (6/16/19) at 11 AM EST! The event will be taking place at an arena resembling the Sand Village Warzone. All villages including residents of Takumi are allowed to join. Rules You must be at least level 35 to participate. Do NOT leave the map at any time. If caught doing so, you will be disqualified. Do NOT make use the team feature to make it so you cannot hit certain people. Summons are allowed. Pills/Oils are allowed. Prize First place will receive 15 coupons. Second Place will receive 10 coupons. Third place will receive 5 coupons. Good luck everyone!
  11. On an average map without this and without zoom on, I would get around 20 fps. Using this now, I'm getting around 50 FPS average. Thank you Rory.