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  1. Keep up the good work Nin online team! Looks like production seems to be going quite strong still. Good luck
  2. Turn pvp on in all areas except cities. Problem solved loool
  3. Another test cool! I'll wait till its public to play, don't have any funds transferred to paypal atm. Probably will get gold soon though.
  4. Sounds good Rory. Hope all goes well and you find someone to help Whack with the programming. Time to sleep now I have work at night TT
  5. I agree 100% and I think this is a great suggestion. I found myself pushing tab in the beginning just to be annoyed that it counted as an extra key lol Of course more serious bugs are to be prioritized but that is at the discretion of the developers. Giving a suggestion doesn't hurt I don't see any possible way this could hurt the game.
  6. Get used to it they will just keep happening and they are not unnecessary. I think creating a new topic for every bug is a better idea because it is easier to organize as an administrator imo. Fixed bugs can be closed and moved to an archived section. It can be really cumbersome flipping through pages and pages of a thread to look for a certain bug report. Although I do agree there should be a stickied thread of a list of bug reports (and a link to their threads) so that people can look and see if their bug has already been reported and or fixed.
  7. Wierd, looking at the countdown it will be 12 am CST too!
  8. Looking awesome Rory! The team is progressing quite fast with the development. I am more interested in this project as a result