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  1. This list is probably trash, but I made a jutsu list and mastery. Some are custom, some are from Naruto. I did this for fun. Hope u enjoy. I can make more. Leave a like or comment if u want another mastery done or even expand fire more. ADVANCED FIRE MASTERY Mastery: Rolling Ignite Every fire move now causes a burn (ignite) that stacks. It's duration is refreshed upon a new fire move hit. Playstyle; Use all fire moves quick to try to get a big ignite or play fire slow for longer burning ignites. Upon picking fire adv maybe old fire jutsus can now be enhanced. Or even update the jutsus we have. Here's the list for that; Fire wall; Bigger wall maybe even a second wall is created now. Fire bullet; Second bullet is casted behind the first or maybe make a 4th projectile. Fire explosion; 4 tile teleport build into jutsu, jutsu still casts if no target is in range. Fire Ball Jutsu; Anotha one. Fire Dragon; Bigger is better. Maybe add a knockdown effect instead cause dragon. NEW ADVANCED FIRE MOVES Fire Cage; User forms hand seals to create a fire cage around user. Entraps all whos within range. Flame Style Fire Bullet; User releases a 1 tile projectile that explodes into a BIG AZZ flame upon impact (tree, wall or opponent). 12 tile range. Fire Tongue Style; User releases a coil of fire from the mouth that disables the target. 1 sec cast. 3 second disable. Must be channeled. Bashoshen: Coil of Fire; Large blanket of fire covers the ground. Maybe 6x6 tile. Deals continuous damage if target stands in it. Maybe line it up with fire cage synergy. Fire Lantern; User creates a lantern of fire that lights up surroundings. Follows user. Attacks any target automatically within range. Fire Snap; User snaps fingers and creates a fire explosion. Location of mouse causes fire explosion. 3 second cooldown. Fire Tornado; User creates a fire tornado. 3x3 tile? Big azz tornado. Fire Fox; Summons a fire fox to attack target. Either summon or fox does one hit. Great Fire Susanoo; Summon a fire susanoo that forms a shield around user. Can attack. Fire Stream; Creates a stream of fire 8 tiles long. 1x1 tile. Fire Seal; Creates seal on hand/sword. must hit target. last 8 seconds. upon hit target, is unable to mold chakra for 8 seconds. Fire Pheonix; User harnesses the hottest of fire and regens all health/chakra. 300 sec cooldown. Fire Snare; User creates fire ropes to bind targets. 2 sec snare. Fire Mines; User creates multiple fire mines on floor at random. Good for tactical play or to create space. I feel like if nin can start adding 5 jutsus per year, we can reach 25 new jutsus in 5 years. That alone is better than the current 3 jutsus in 4 years we have now, which is still an average of less than 1 jutsu per year.
  2. Verticle vs Horizontal. Vertical design would be increasing level cap, adding new jutsus, increasing jutsu slots and maybe a new area to go with level progression. What we have now is horizontal design. Adding fishing, more crafts, housing and whatever else is being developed... horizontally. I for one, would like to see vertical updates or progression. I think having new levels and jutsus would bring more life to the game and more players. Maybe fix the xp nerfs so new players won’t quit post 30 and we get more people playing. This is just my opinion on the way updates are going. Thanks for reading.