Kiyoshi Nagi

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Kiyoshi Nagi last won the day on February 22 2023

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    in the shadow

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  1. Dont quit yet , I need to reach TOP 5 before that
  2. Just a injustice towards you my friend , mmmh after a few thoughts you are right let's try to remove his GM power before it too late , before the power drip take over his head , before he bring chaos to the nin world !!
  3. First of all , I asked for debuff med jutsu to remove poison/bleeding and also a Aoe for the only fact it is bored enough to play around 2 heal jutsu if I play around those two which is easily cancelable now , i'll die from boreness , the buff heal was not needed and so the cast time increase too , like cotelette said , it gives us no other choice to be a med at the backline .
  4. I am between agreeing and not , cause Medic was mostly play cause of the old version of p senbon/p scalpel , which is a bad thing.
  5. I like the idea but since buff doesn't change the heal it is better it gets a regen chak and life similar to a shiro and a bone regen per sec
  6. They are made for a groupe fight the fact u can still hardly solo it , it's already something good ^-^'
  7. I got chase by a ssm at CF this player was spaming with his dragon ball attack , with something supposed to be a "melee" attack, yet work like a projectil. If the puppet hit the nerf ssm may as well anyway
  8. Nani ? the village with the most broken org want to nerf something where u just need to don't stay near/in front of the puppet ?
  9. Maybe make those melee attack cost chakra cause it is using so freely without any risk or lose
  10. It's a really good idea rogue have a little nothing to offer when it's about content the only Entertainment is war between Org , with this the wars will have a goal
  11. Kiyoshi Nagi


    Oh no Pog you did it :/
  12. Hahahah the harass king Steezo hit again
  13. you didn't do the perk version of Dona when he has his skin blue xD