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Tatara last won the day on July 13 2019

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  1. > Topic created to nerf tools. > Someone brings up to create more tools. How does this happen? Also about the non-elementals pummeling everything in their path. Maybe you should finally think about scalings and how some weapons works with buffs? But maybe not.
  2. Sadly I can only appreciate the Art you produce and not the actual gameplay, nonetheless good work. #buggedClam #BubbleAwfulDesignButNotArt #boattrip
  3. Probably because a large margin are hybrids of both, also int wm is not as populated. Not sure about medics as both sides have a lot of players.
  4. It already is. The villages from the great continent all fear us.
  5. Didn't look for excuse. Simply replied to Roku as to why some would do it.
  6. Most of the people on the list, myself included have already done RP missions many times in the past and couldn't be bothered at one point with doing them again. I don't need RP Missions to roleplay. But free EXP is free EXP.
  7. Tatara


    Does anyone who plays games on regular basis even use linux as their OS...
  8. Dr.Yukiro: Imagine... Everyone: It was worth it.
  9. You are a missing. No events for you.
  10. Fyi. Go to forums and look at their name history.
  11. If clans do get their own jutsu I could only tolerate clans with extra abilities being made if they are not to access for example, forbidden jutsu. I wouldn't want to be at disadvantage just because I am not in a clan. Also, there's nothing really wrong like you try to point out with the current ones. The large clans that were made example Kuraen, Hozuki, Mirana, Sasayaki all function and were large/semi- sized groups that became more than just an ingame clan. Some even already have their own uniforms. So in my opinion forcing players to only choose from selected few clans instead of creating their own, limits the possibilities of imagination and rp and simply amassing a horde of players into few clans isnt really good idea. Also Name-changes do not affect gameplay in anyway since the game is rp/pvp, again taking out the freedom and possibilities just to make some ban-tracking job easier... Joining a clan will never feel permanent if you dont commune with other members and just do it for the name change or for some "ability"... sigh PS. Game already feels limited because of certain "rules", don't make it less so. Also I am in no way trying to disrespect or bad mouth the ideas set by the development team and am simply stating my honest opinion on the case.