Psyger 0

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  1. This list will have majority of the mobs in game that gives guild experience and the amount. If you know what some bosses give experience wise, please feel free to share in comments below and I will update the list. 40 arc was skipped due to it being mainly bosses unless you all would like them to be added. Also skipped Guren/Gafuki and a lot of the mob mini bosses. 20 Arc Gangster Han - 30 exp Gangster Daimaru - 29 exp Gangster Senkoji - 20 exp Gang Brawler - 5 exp Gang Spearman - 5 exp Weird Frog - 5 exp 30 Arc Angry Hawk - 100 exp Bad Racoon Bandit - 52 exp Hawks - 6 exp Racoon Bandits - 6 exp 40 Arc leyasu - 92 exp Torii- 87 exp Hasuka - 60 exp Nelinel - 45 exp Kiemon - 35 exp Kariyuse - 32 exp Tause - 18 exp Takashi - 16 exp Koji - 14 exp (45 Arc) Cave Spirits - 11 exp 50 Arc Admiral Mitsuhide - TBD General Nobu - TBD Alpha Leopard - 87 exp Emperor Penguin - 78 exp Gold Horned Samurai - 13 exp Gold Samurai - 12 EXP Horned Samurai - 10 exp Samurai - 9 exp Leopards - 8 exp Penguin - 7 exp Danger Zones Big Cursed Host - 57 exp King Bear - 52 exp Glacier Bear - 10 exp Alpha Wolf - 7 exp Snow Wolves - 6 exp Cursed Host - 6 exp Brown Bears - 5 exp Level 32 Snakes - 5 exp Level 30 Snakes - 5 exp Hornet - 5 exp Bee - 5 exp White Tiger - 5 Exp Tiger - 5 exp Villages Leaf Village Monkey King - TBD Rat King - 42 exp Large Wolf - 13 exp Level 10 Spider - 8 exp Mutant Rat - 5 exp White Tiger - 5 Exp Tiger - 5 exp Wolf - 5 exp Larvae - 5 exp Sand Village Huge Scarab- 34 exp Mother Scarab - 19 exp Puppets - 8 exp Big scorpion - 8 exp Big Scarab - 5 Exp Desert Tunneler - 5 exp Stingers - 5 exp Baby Scarab - 5 exp Desert Coyote - 5 exp Scorpion - 5 exp Dark Weasel - 440 exp Mist Village Kuraken Tentacle - 42 exp Evil Black Boar - 25 exp Raging Boar - 19 exp Spirit Fox - 13 exp Fierce Dragonfly - 7 exp Big Red Ants - 5 exp Big Black Ant - 5 exp Evil Spirits in Temple - 5 exp Black Boar - 5 exp Red Boar - 5 exp Foxes - 5 exp Level 7 Fire Ant - 5 exp Level 3 Ant - 5 exp Dragonflies - 5 exp Kuraken Head - TBD Takumi TBD
  2. For me a person that has played, took breaks, played again, and mass reset the game has become stagnant. Yes there is alot of content but you can only do so much with the content without it becoming a repetitive process. There is several elements in the game that can be used to bring contennt other than just being quest grabs as 1 time missions. You could add weekly events/monthly and so on. Not even just can be weekly/monthly quest that give rewards if completed by the end of the week/month. Theres several npcs roaming around that can be used for things or npcs that give dialogue that can open up some kind of quest/questline. Nin needs some kind of storyline/back story and a quest line to go with it outside of the regular leveling quest that rewards you every 10 levels. Auto events need to be a mix of events instead of just pvp. Add RLGL, dodgeball, lowbie events. Stop just telling low levels to "go grind" so they can enjoy the end game you players. This isn't the only content. Game just needs more overall sustaining content and not 1 time content. After you finish 30 arc 40 arc 50 arc its just farming spots for ryo sinks/earn ryo... They serve no other purpose. We have fishing..we need cooking, woodworking to craft boats to get across river faster and so on.
  3. lol @Light the good old days for sure tryna keep them alive
  4. I think the plan is to give stat resets once balancing is completed fully. if you can't wait I recommend buying a stat reset via cash shop or try to win 1 of the random codes sirch and others give away. They post the codes in the discord btw so if you're quick enough you will be rewarded.
  5. Benimaru Shinmon, who was a troubled child, who was casted away from his village after his parents died and marked as an enemy. Was backstabbed by his own allies when he needed them most to save their own lives. This ninja has learned to only survive off the land and only obey the laws of the natural world. Anyone that threatens said natural order he will make it so to protect it. Often seen hanging with bears, penguins, and leopards this ninja learned to survive by following said animals closely. Benimaru will stand with those that stand with him and defend the motherland and his allies against those that threaten everything he stands for. He respects all on equal footing as no one is greater than another. Equality is key and he will ensure it stays that way. Constantly teaching those around him that seeks insight from him, constantly learning himself his knowledge knows no bounds in this ninja world and it continues to grow even to this day. He has become a humble being of this ninja world after being hit with blow after blow from everyone within the ninja world. Benimaru Shinmon walks on the edge of the world hoping that something or someone of supernatural force down to a regular being gives him what he needs to push the world to the edge and show them the true way. -The Humbled Ninja, Benimaru Shinmon
  6. Hey Nin Players, ever wanted to know what certain acronyms like b1, b2, or dz meant? Well in this post you shall find out from a Long Time Player. (P.S I was bored waiting on a blessing, so I made this for the newbies of the game.) SZ - Also Known as Safe Zone is an area deemed a safe area were waging war kills will not count and you can't lose bounty or gain bounty in these zones. These areas are often located within the village or the training areas near the village. DZ - Also known as Danger Zone is an area deemed a dangerous area due to enemy ninjas fighting here and dangerous creatures that roam the area. Missions like Waging War count and bounties can be gained/lost in danger zones. Often located around the maps such as bears, bounty station, Mini Bridge, and etc. B1 - B1 also known as Bears Map 1 is located left of the dark spiders' map or right of the cursed host map. It gained the name from older players due to it being the first bear map they run into. B2- is also known as Bears Map 2 which is located right below bears map 1, left of snakes, or north of south tigers. It gained the name from older players due to it being the 2nd bear map to run into before reaching south tigers. KH - Also known as Kage House is the place where you get your daily missions each day, Roleplay Missions, the Kage Office, and it's also the place were enemies do missions such as Spy and Documents. BH/Mist BH - AKA The Bounty Station(s) which is a place where you can collect bounties from enemies you have killed to receive Ryo for your character. This is also a place that is very popular to enemy ninjas to travel through so be careful. Missions Such as Bounty Hunt and Village Most Wanted can be completed by collecting bounty from the NPC inside the building. CF - Also Known as Chakra Forest/Forest of Ambush is a place in between Leaf and the dangerous pvp maps of Nin. CF is a vast map with plenty of running room is also the perfect map to ambush a group of enemies or to take on a big group of enemies when you are outnumbered. The map is considered a danger zone so be wary of enemies in the area and use the trees as much as possible to evade attacks and to remain hidden. DB - Also Known as Dark Bridge is the map after CF which is a narrow bridge used to travel back and forth from Leaf. This map just like CF is also camped from time to time to ambush people for kills and to do missions. This map is also a danger zone meaning bounty hunt missions and kill missions count on it. DC - Known as Dark Clearing is the map before snakes and is also a pretty big map. It has received its name from being a dark area which is hard to see enemies on unless they are targeted, or some visible light is shined on the target. Another danger zone as well so you know what that means; Kills and Bounty! ST - Known as South Tigers is the map after B2 or also known as the map before reaching the bounty station on the mainland is a popular map to travel on and a popular map to run into enemy ninja on. This map is also a great place to find people to kill and to collect bounty on. You can also restock your tool supply if it gets low on this map. B3 and B4 - B3 and B4 are also known as Mist Bears or Bears Map 3 and Bears Map 4 which was added to the game with the launch of the Mist Village. B3 is a Bear map That you can reach by traveling right of Dark Clearing or by going southeast of Dark Spiders. B4 is the next map after B3 which is a continuation of b3 which leads to the Asoki Port that takes you to Mist. Both maps are filled with bears and is a good area to camp for kills when missions reset. WW - Also known as Waging War which is a type of mission that requires you to kill "X" number of ninjas to complete. Kills for Waging War only count in danger zones and war zones so be mindful of this when hunting for kills. They also can't have battle injuries and they have to be above level 10. VMW - Also known as Village Most Wanted is another mission but instead of requiring kills, it requires you to collect a specific amount of bounty at once to complete and turn in. You can only collect bounty from people that are on danger zone and war zone maps. They also can't have battle injuries and have to be above level 10. CE - Also known as Chunin Exam is an Exam that takes place in each specific village and can either be hosted by a GM or can be automatically started. The exam has 3 to 4 parts ranging from a quiz, 1v1, and a "Forest of Death" type stage where you have to retrieve a heaven/earth scroll to pass. DBE - Also known as a Dodgeball Event is an event hosted by GMs or automatically hosted were players launch dodgeballs at the opposing team to try to eliminate them to win. Each win against a team awards 1 coupon so do your best! PBE - Also known as a Pushball Event is an event hosted by GMs or automatically hosted were players launch pushballs at the opposing team to try to push them behind the line to eliminate them. Each win against a team awards 1 coupon so do your best! WP - Also known as Water Prison is a jutsu that snares your opponent for 3.5 seconds giving you or your teammates a chance to combo them before they either flicker out or the snare ends. EP/GEP - Also known as Earth Prison or Great Earth Prison is an earth jutsu that snares your opponent(s) all around you for 3.5 seconds giving you or your teammates a chance to combo them before they either flicker out or the snare ends. RP - Also known as Roleplay is an act or perform the part of a person or character. You use /e then type your message to use this feature within the game. [Example: /e smiles angrily at Ueda. Picture of Example: Nin Online (] GM - Also known as a Game Moderator is a person who acts as an organizer, officiant for regarding rules, arbitrator, and moderator for a multiplayer role-playing game. In this case our current GMS are as followed: Antar, Vaxure, and Average
  7. This will be a list of each bubble jutsus correct descriptions that got changed in the recent bubble changes by the balance team in May of 2022. Base damage Level 1(level 2) (level 3) I will put level 2s, and 3s, in parenthesis but keep the description the same for each said jutsu unless said description has a significant change. Soap Bubble Technique - This bubble technique has a 1 second cast time allowing you blow a bubble which travels up to 8 tiles, snaring the target for 2 seconds on impact and pierces dealing 21(21), (22) base damage. Great Soap Bubble Technique - This bubble technique shoots a giant 3 tile wide bubble from the user mouth with a 1 second cast dealing 22, (23), (23) base damage traveling 8 tiles. Bubble Clone Technique - This technique uses your pipe to blow a bubble friend that fights by your side for 10 seconds with 80, (90), (100) health. When it gets near the opponent it explodes for 80 damage hitting anyone near the AOE. It works as a summon, so it can only be used interchangeably with another summon. Exploding Great Bubble Shark Technique - This water technique run charges for 2 second(s) then shoots a giant exploding bubble shark that travels 12 tiles dealing 25, (25), (26) base damage and when it hits and deals explosion damage to everyone near the first person hit for 40, (40), (41) base damage while snaring them.
  8. @Omnisia this the thing about Nin balance...they always nerf/buff from what i see according to how it plays with other masteries and not the mastery alone. These kinds of changes be nerfing 1 mastery players or players that want to play pure and IMO it shouldn't be that way. The best suggestion is to have chakra scalpels not work with blood tonfas, tonfas, demon claws, as well as making the base damage very to low to non existent for tai meds
  9. You is not my Hokage
  10. So, let's get straight into it: Currently in Nin with the new regeneration everyone knows if you don't have full chakra, if you get hit, or if you hit someone it resets your regeneration cooldown. Meaning once the cooldown is finished your health will start regenerating until it is full. However, if you have full chakra and use 3 of the items I list below while trying to regenerate your regeneration cooldown will reset. Fan/Bubble Pipe/Poison Kunai all reset the regeneration cooldown whether you hit the air or the person. This means you don't have to hit your opponent and they don't have to hit you. As long as your melee with 1 of the 3 weapons your regeneration cooldown will reset, and you will have to wait before you regenerate hp. The Issue: Currently people that use swords, regular melee kunai, tonfas/demon claws/blood tonfas don't get effected by this. Meaning that they can carelessly spam attack the air and the regeneration cooldown will not reset. Countless times in PVP they are seen just running towards the opponent they are facing just spamming the melee key while regenerating hp until 1 of 3 things happen. A. They hit you B. They get hit C. They use chakra I suggest: A.) Making the swords, Melee Kunai, Tonfas, Blood Tonfas, and Demon Claws reset the regeneration cooldown when they melee the air OR B.) Make Fan, Bubble Pipe, and Poison Pipe regeneration cooldowns not reset when they melee the air. Side Note: Im leaning more towards option A as it will make these users think twice about just spamming melee until it hits without no real risk to it. This also helps make regeneration less broken/annoying to deal with in fights/events like tournaments and so on.
  11. Psyger 0

    Tier List

    making me want to come for earth wind title .-.
  12. Slashing Tornados recently got changed where it has a cast time of 1 second now but everything else is still the same from the damage to the chakra cost/cooldown. Even though the change didn't hurt Fan's kit entirely it did no justice to the jutsu itself. I suggest that Slashing Tornados Self stun is reduced by a couple of seconds at level 3+ or across all ranks of the jutsu. ANOTHER option is to increase the projectile speed of the tornados simply because with the current 1 sec cast time that's easy to see and its slow projectile speed landing this would require an opponent to be walking or just not care and walk right into the Tornados. P.S no I am not a fan ninja but simply suggesting idea/feedback to Rory to give him some kind of better idea for tornados
  13. A nerf to the speed isn't that bad when the whole kit received a damage buff that it didn't need. Other things need more looking into like lightning and agility Tai changes.
  14. atrane black mailed me to come listen to jun on the track help

    1. Psyger 0

      Psyger 0

      Just listen to the Bogdan diss then you can leave 

  15. Jun on the track 🔥