Psyger 0

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Psyger 0

  1. PIPE SNARE UNSTACKABLE? must gonna give bubbles a buff
  2. thanks @Niti i didnt see that post i guess ill delete this
  3. Ninja back again with another bubble glitch/bug that I'm pretty sure is already known by the GMs but I'm here to re-iterate it. As you all remember or known if you played in mist before as bubble when it was first released a certain jutsu knockback opponents plus snared them. Bubble Spray Technique is a bubble technique that does what this picture shows The Bug: The Gif will show the outcome of this bug which pretty much shows the jutsu not knocking them back as the description says/said. The Fix: Just make this jutsu knock back its opponent and continue to snare like the description says.
  4. Ninja back again with another bubble glitch/bug that I'm pretty sure is already known by the GMs but I'm here to re-iterate it. The Bug: A Bubble user places a bubble on the ground then after placing it he stands behind it charging chakra waiting for the player/creature to walk into it and get snared. Once that person/creature walks into it the player that was standing behind it charging chakra gets halted. When its halted your player is still in the animation as if he was charging but in reality he isn't. This bug causes bubble users or anyone that uses a pipe to constantly have to mash the chakra charging key to get it to charge or you have to try to find the sweet spot to charge right after they run into the bubble. The Fix: Just let the bubble caster chakra charging not get interrupted when a creature/enemy player runs into the caster's bubble.
  5. So when bubble was first added it had some flaws and majority of them were fixed and a couple weren't. One of them is with bubble clone; which should be a simple fix if Rory doesn't mind doing it in the next patch simply because there is like 20 new bubble users also because its a bug I think Lol The Bug: During Missions that require you to kill a set amount of creatures {Ie. You need to kill 70 Bears (0/70) } When you use bubble clone and it strikes to final blow to the creature the kill(s) don't count toward the mission. This goes for any mission that requires you to kill creatures making the PVE with bubble that more annoying/frustrating to do simply because that means you have to shoot 40-60 dmg jutsus to try to kill stronger creatures for the kills to count. I have yet to test this with missions like Waging War to see if the kills count when you kill a player. I will update this post when I find out Update: This bug is also present with every summoning you can get in the game.
  6. All I see is lightning users wanting a buff to the mastery they are playing as always. Lightning does more damage than earth and water so that statement of urs that it does less than most elementals is a lie. The Tutorial is like 3 1/2 years old stop trying to relate to it based off current balance of Nin. If anything every other mastery needs to be nerfed down to the balancing that is of water and Lightning with cast times/damage/cp/cooldowns.
  7. At this rate we are going to have to make our own discord server for Nin because when he mutes it's not for one hour or two its for 5 hours and up. When he bans he doesn't specify why he is banning or how long the ban is so you're pretty much stuck in limbo. When you ask him about stuff or question him he just bans you from the game or acts like a "PISSY"/asshole person. People be talking to him calmly and respectfully yet he acts like a dick then bans you when you give him lip. Don't this remind you all of an old discord mod named Akiro?
  8. This is where the community needs to stand up against a person undeserving of the power he was given. @Hageshi he really muted you for a bad meme? thats sad
  9. So lately I've been seeing a lot of players complain about one of the discord mod despite not even being in the nin discord anymore due to this mod. I recently got banned from Nin Discord for calling said discord mod in his direct messages a Pissy(Easily Irritated/Bitter) GM. Why did I call him this you all wonder? Well he muted me in Nin Discord for false information/ provoking a reaction and I simply asked him what false info was given. He proceeded to be an asshole/dick so I called him "pissy gm." All of this took place in a private setting/Direct Messages but even still he banned me from Nin Discord. A few other players that have been going back n forth in Dms with each other (ie. just using names Lumy and Ninja get in an argument in each other dms) One of us go to external with an SS of the dms of us arguing trying to report something and the said discord mod bans the 1 that got reported. If I remember correctly there is no Nin Online Discord or Forum rule stating that if we handle matters or have beef in a private setting such as direct messages on discord we will be punished in Nin Discord for it. Instead of things being swept under the rug with the mods/gms like they have been i rather them work in a professional courtesy. COVID-19 already limits social gatherings don't do it on Discord too because you think you have the power to dictate/judge what is and who is wrong/right at the time.
  10. Make sure I record some footage for a future video and song by Jun on the Track!
  11. Waiting for a blessing but keep forgetting I'm the only God on Toad Server.

  12. Someone Said they saw the reincarnation of Morpheus from the Matrix in the Sand Village as a Ketsueki Clan Member!
  13. I wish they spawn there again cuz at the moment rogue ninjas suffer the most from this event meanwhile every village has the crap right within they village territories making it easy to farm it.
  14. this is a simple change @Sin @Serias or @Ueda just needs to change the slot it equips to.
  15. Been here from the beginning of the journey till now and I must say patience is key and passion to continue after so many failed attempts is the lock. You've opened the door now Rory only thing left is more doors to become open which will lead to great things for the game. Keep up the work @Ueda @TheWolf @Seth @Serias @Master Ant @Erox @Emiya and thanks for the chance to see these things unfold since the start.
  16. Added Fan and Bubble descriptions and updated the Tier List to the current Metas.
  17. Added new photos to my albums!

  18. I'm fine with this road map and the coming things but I must say Rory feed off the negatively don't let it feed off you. I'd also like to say you're giving mist the ability to charge on water which is a great passive, but in return it's possible we get some more water maps or maps with water like ponds or something. You said a new team member will be working on fishing so why not add more water areas @Ueda
  19. I was traveling the ninja world and one day a man appeared before me and took me away to what I thought was heaven. As I stayed here talking to this Man he gave me the ability to infuse chakra and to pass such teachings on to the others. He also told me about my future which he saw for a brief moment. So far I've honed the Chakra he has given me and own a portion of land which is growing!
  20. The laws need to be revised as the same people that signed them aren't in those positions anymore.
  21. Good to be back
  22. Sand Killing the Rogue Ninjas known as the Jakushas in Takumi after they went missing
  23. I'm here to show that basic clothing can also be stylish just as much as the cash Shop Rebirth of Murderer Nin