Psyger 0

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Psyger 0

  1. is Mist returning? Check out the video to find out
  2. see even if a person was to put the extra 40 points into str the damage would still be only 3 more damage than the new swords that have been added. But as i said on my other post in this topic.. The Swords aren't meant to be strong because of the damage they deal, but because of the abilities/passives they can do/provide in combat
  3. I just used the new Sword as an example. Bone sword and Blood Katana and most likely the swords dropped by Dark Weasel, Monkey, and Kuraken also deal as much or more than Samehada. Also if you read my suggestion post carefully i say to lower the amount of chakra it gives and make the actual chakra regeneration based off an actual stat. HP regen is based off chakra on weapons that give hp regen so why not make chakra regen on shirokata/samehada based off hp or chakra. The sword doesn't even do what it should do which is sap opponents chakra. There's a reason these swords are suppose to be the strongest in the game. It's not cause of the damage they do should be high. its because of the latent abilities/passives these swords are suppose to give that gives an edge in combat.
  4. Currently Samehada is 2nd weakest 7SM Blade and here is why: -Regens 10 chakra constantly flat with no way to increase the amount it gives, unlike Bone Sword and Kubikiri which can be raised by upping your chakra -Deals 45 Base Damage when there is other swords that deal just as much or close to it for the same damage or faster hits -Slow Swinging Speed 3rd to Nuibari's and Kabutowari's slow speed. -Wrapped Icon which we all wanted the shark skin version. Now we have reasons to buff Samehada, and I would like to suggest my spin on things to change make this sword better. 7SM Blades are suppose to be the most powerful swords in the game, but with the latest release of content and the constant adding of new swords they are slowly starting to fall behind. So below is my changes/buffs to them and why: Reduce the Chakra boost from +50 to +35 Instead of the Chakra regenerated being a flat 10; Let the chakra being regenerated be based off the wielder's Health or Chakra. Let the sword drain -5 chakra from the wielder as well since Samehada is a living organism and survives by feeding off its wielder's chakra. When melee an opponent or mob let it take 5 or 10 chakra per melee hit landed. if opponent Chakra is 0 let it take a static 5 or 10 HP added to damage of melee. There is only a 3 damage difference between these 2 Swords. As the Level cap increases stronger swords will continue to be added. We don't even know how strong the swords from the Village Bosses are yet. 7SM Swords are suppose to be the strongest but as the game progresses they are starting to become weaker than the newer swords added.
  5. Its not really a kage. Its just someone that would handle the raid system for takumi. They wouldn't have no other power.
  6. A daimyo wouldn't sound bad. He would have control over the Raid System with his left and right hand similar to how the daimyo npc has guren and gafuki. Control over the Raid System for Takumi and nothing else.
  7. thats why i said add a barrier to key raid points to make it more of an invade/defend type of scenario where as the defenders defend the barrier/raid point and invaders try to take it
  8. Village Raid Points Near Jonin NPCS: These Jonin NPCS near these raid points are indeed killable but they respawn immediately when killed. Allow them to stay dead and not respawn until Manpower is used by the Kage and/or Village Council to bring back the Jonin NPCS (Village Message)Mist Jonin NPCs have been restored with manpower by Ninja! (Some kind of message like this) Allow Intel to be used as an alert type system. When used for X amount of time a village message will be broadcasted once every 5 minutes when someone is attacking a raid point Council Member Esty has used Leaf Intel for scouts to watch raid points for 15 minutes. (Village Message)Leaf Intel has scouted enemy ninjas attacking a raid point. 5 minutes pass* (Village Message)Leaf Intel has scouted enemy ninjas attacking a raid point. Allow certain raid points that are on other maps besides the one we currently have to have some sort of Chakra barrier that is breakable after X amount of hits. This will make that key raid point become a Invade/Defend type of scenario that take places in game in real time. Ninja has destroyed the barrier the Raid Point is attackable! The KO NPC that is outside the Snow Cave should be the NPC used for Raid Point Reward Shop. Its a neutral area and its the middle area of the game. You can also place the NPC on Sea Map II which is the Sea Map with the patch of land before running into Kuraken. If you attack a raid point let it flag you as if you've entered PVP to prevent people from logging in and out to kill raid points without dying.
  9. Once again it...Stop trying to get masteries buffed if they are weak. Instead you all should be trying to find ways to balance out the other masteries to where they are on par or dam near to the state that lightning/fire/water is in. Next most of the buff post on lightning from what I'm seeing are coming from new players which to clear things up Light is not for the noobly and takes good combat experience and training with the mastery. Old players that cry for a buff we get it you been with lightning through thick and thin....Yet you still are trying to get it buffed because you play it. Refer to my Main statement at the top in this case....nerf the other masteries and stop trying to buff everything. When balancing a game you're to balance around your weakest/balanced class/mastery in this case would be lightning/water/fire not around the over powered things.
  10. This is post is me having a question about certain promotions and why promotions are taking so long to happen. Sand had there CE already and Mist a little later which is fine in all but why do we have to wait until all 3 villages CE are hosted for promotions to be done and the announcement be made on who got promoted? Sand CE was a week or two ago and IMO results should of been posted within 3 days Mist CE was just now today and results should be posted within 3 days as well. Instead each CE that has already been hosted as to wait until after Leaf CE is completed with no one really knowing when that is except for Erox/GM who host the Exams and the Kage's themselves. Why cant result's be posted before that?
  11. weh_bean.png.72138d089a4232bd3e7d2a8bc4db0fd1.pngNew Year, New Ninja

  12. When you properly make a diss worth going against
  13. Psyger 0

    WW Clips

    I don't see the issue with content whether you winning or losing its still entertaining to watch. Just say thanks for the video and keep pushing no need to be a negative Nancy with a Karen attitude. Just don't understand some people in this community that post under topics just to be toxic like are you looking for clout or just that sad in your life that you have to have some company with your misery? Shit's pathetic...Grow up
  14. Yawn imagine coming here to be toxic and lame just cuz you're miserable...You know what they say...misery loves company. Now begone you critter and stop acting like a Karen
  15. Hey everyone as the end of the year is approaching and 2021 is coming with COVID hopefully if not gone down to low numbers what do you all have planned? As you read this post also like it cuz why not Lol its positive, constructive, and good criticism. Don't be toxic do that on discord 2020 was filled with a lot of updates from Clan clothing being added, to wind changes and other balances, and finally we had got orgs added. Wonder what 2021 will bring? Snake summon, land of iron, advance masteries, new client, More balanced fps/ping from bad fps/ping players, and maybe even new balances? Who knows I sure as hell don't LMAO! My goals for 2021 with the Nin Community is as followed: Make more Jun on The Track Comedy/Cool Rap Songs ( P.S. I've got a microphone for Christmas so it's definitely time for Jun on the Track!) Hit 60 on my Bubble/Medic and Not reset but instead make alts Get unbanned from Nin Discord by @external or @Ueda Enjoy another year of Nin Without being banned from the game...hopefully LMAO SOMEONE FOUND THE BUBBLE IMPOSTER ON SAND'S CAMERAS AND REPORTED IT! Bubble has been ejected and was the imposter!
  16. At Asoki Port waiting for the Ship to come in this cold winter.
  17. Meanwhile as a Mistie im just chilling trying to become the best bubble user or 2nd best bubble user after Yami. Refer to my signature and let's push for bubble's level 30 jutsu to be made/added. P.S. Updates and changes like this wont take place until the new client is finished and implemented. As the famous Rory says Soon TM
  18. Life as a Ninja isn't meant to be an easy one Mugen
  19. Military was utter bullshit im ex-military US National Guard i know your pain Im a mistie also and i hope you never leave us for Akatsuki as long as Im mist anything after i wont care about that much . Nice to have you let me know if you need pointers as a Mistie
  20. Ninja here with a suggestion for Bubble Shark and my reason for it. At the very moment Bubble has no level 30 jutsu but has a level 35 jutsu and you think its worth it at the moment? That's debatable and up to the player using it... At 80 strength this jutsu only does 56 damage, moves super slow, has a 3 second cast time and a cooldown of 30 seconds. At 80 strength this jutsu should atleast be doing 60-65 damage while moving slow with it's same cast time and cooldown OR At 80 strength this jutsu should keep it's same damage, while moving a little faster with its same 3 second cast time and a cooldown of 26 seconds at max.
  21. this is why you carry a regular pipe and the poison 1. the DoT is staying whether you like it or not. The jutsus of bubble dont cause poison so use them if you dont want to lock yourself with melee.
  22. Rory makes enough money from me he doesn't need p2w Lol. Also I reset so often and re-train as different masteries and I must say the journey is different each time. Try new combinations, enjoy the aspect of leveling and not the aspect of being level 50/60. I promise you the game will seem more fun. Actually spend some time fighting the bosses, do stuff with other players interact more. Nin isn't just PVP you all just made it seem that way this is why you all rush to 60 then make alts/reset or get bored soon as you hit 60 and max your jutsus.
  23. I beg to differ. The DoT is suppose to stack each melee landed. Instead its resetting Once that's fixed it'll be better Also at 80 str the melee + the dot totals the melee damage to 70. once the DoT stacking is fixed it'll be better and work similar to int medic poison
  24. Today Rory answered some of my questions for an Q and A for bubble to put some of you worried bubble users minds at ease. Here I will post the questions then his answers. Questions 1. Why doesn't any of the bubble pipes mainly the new Sea thorn pipe have a base damage but has a high stat requirement of 80 strength? 2. Why doesn't bubble have a level 30 jutsu and will one be added sometime in the future of Nin? 3. Why does bubble techniques snare time last the same duration as the bubble placement done by melee? 4. Will bubble get an advance mastery? Answers 1. I don't want to balance Bubble the same way as Fan or Swords. It's already a lot more useful in that there's poison, which is a long DoT which in itself is very utility based, which is what Bubble is intended to be. 2. Yes 3. I wanted it to be consistent, especially since they use the same art. That way when you get bubble snared, you can always expect the same thing. 4. Yes