Psyger 0

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Psyger 0

  1. a tool + mountain crusher. u can get that same dmg as an element with a shuriken or a chakra med with a bubble pipe. anyone can do 200 damage easy. MC stun just neeeds to be removed and made a .5 silence instead. MC and 16 palms is gf strongest jutsus. 16 Palms isn't easy to land at all either but it is worth while when landed. Not only that it self stuns. Palm bottom not as strong. it does like 75-80 at 90 str which isnt broken since its range is that of a melee range MC is the only very strong gf jutsu and even then i wouldn't lower it's damage but instead remove its stunning capability
  2. I been meaning to make a post on this but I'll say this. You call it GF COMBO like you're getting hit by the whole thing through your substitution jutsu when in fact you are not. People or combining two skills so fast that it looks that way but thats not the case. 1 of the jutsus called Palm Bottom is subbed with people using Mountain crusher right after + throwing a kunai or shooting a jutsu. Most times you only get hit by 1 or two jutsus depending on how they combine it with they're 2nd element. Also why are you just coming at gentle fist? Agility tai can breaking kick into Seismic after using flicker. If anything was changed with gentle fist and this particular combo would be to take away mountain crusher's ability to stun the opponent and replace the stun with a Silence that last as long as the current stun last. Gentle Fist damage is no higher than that of an person playing elements. At 90 strength my gentle fist moves do 80-95 which isn't bad at all.
  3. Currently some of the Forum changes I've noticed that alot of you want agree with will be posted here. You can no longer make organizations instead it is called Clubs and from what i see you can not leave them if you make it. If someone knows how please PM ME x.X You can no longer add profile music to your profile and you cant listen to music that feature is gone You can no longer edit your background on your profile that feature is gone You can now earn badges and ranks on the forum. Badges are earned for doing certain things on the forum. Ranks are TBD ANBU member amount has been lowered Police Force member amount has been lowered Will add to this List as time passes
  4. Psyger 0


    cuz i be sick lol @Erox but i must keep the content going OOF
  5. Psyger 0


    Old to me New to you all. Something i made a while back but never uploaded. Enjoy If you dont like it block me!!!
  6. @RedRum let your village know i will be using this feature ALOT
  7. Logically speaking from an RP standpoint what i said is facts? #freezehud my kage tho so no complaints
  8. So as Nin reaches a new peak and another summer of gaming with updates to come I thought I'd add some low level side quest additions for each village. Mist As you know the Mist Village has a Place most players call "Temple". Outside the Temple where the Red Box is you could place an NPC which could be named _____ Talking to this NPC will begin the Questline known as the "Haunted Temple." There would be 4 Parts to this Quest which would be given in a order to complete as follow: Kill The Temple Guardian known as Tanuki Break the Barrier Seal on the Temple Doors(Some of us have already done this to be able to enter the Temple) Kill 100 Evil Spirits Collect 50 Undead Charms. After collecting them the NPC(he/she) can begin to create a stronger Barrier Seal on the Haunted House. -Rewards can be EXP, RYO or an quest item or unique title such as "Exorcist" Leaf Leaf has a Flower shop with an NPC thats infatuated with someone with the name that starts with an R. The quest would be to find out who name starts with an R. Once you tell her who name starts with an R and the awful news about that person you are to put flowers on they grave given to you by the Flower Shop Owner. Questline will go as followed: Ask around Leaf to see who name starts with an R. (Duke, Candy Apple Seller, and a new NPC will be who you'd ask and receive the bad news from) You will then report back to Inoki the Flower Shop Owner to tell her the bad news and she will then task you with finding out what flowers he like by asking some NPCS again ( Gm to pick the NPCS or create them) so she can give them to you to put on his grave Find his grave and place the flowers on it for the Flower Shop Owner so she can remember him. -Rewards will be EXP/RYO an Accessory( Flower Petal for Hair) and/or a Title such as " Flower Power" I will make a Sand side Quest once I think of one to be added in a separate post. I feel this will give a little something to do in each village and even add a little RP for your character to do.
  9. I asked for this to be nerfed in the past and it never saw the light of day. I hope you succeed where I failed. Hopefully these summer months are filled with balancing and good content updates that don't last a week then die out.
  10. im curious what was a lie? because i use melee kunai now and not only that...ive also taken a break from the game
  11. If you heard mist vcs when we raid and we be roasting and talking shit and laughing everything up even when we lose fights LMAO
  12. WoF is fine as is. In fact this make WoF actually great because imagine if you're in the process of executing someone and it's interrupted because they WoF activated. Make sure to give executing a cast time too so its balanced.
  13. i guess lumy is the best fire wind w/o being fire quit fire wind cuz it was "trash" Meanwhile im fire wind and the only 1 and wont get mentioned despite being good and active with it Primal your list is something else
  14. NInja best fire/wind at the moment
  15. Nice suggestions and good additions.. May seem small but from an RP aspect can be interesting and made fun for RP missions and such.
  16. My damage doesn't make me meta when I have to aim everything to do the high degree meanwhile everyone else can just spam flicker combos or rely on a weapon to get free dmg
  17. Hey there just another Legendary Ninja doing legendary things with a challenge for you all!! Lately in discord a few vets have been saying lets lock Fans/Pipes to the respected masteries and a lot of people disagree with that suggestion. Why do they disagree? is it because they need the crutch to stand a chance in the world of Nin? is it because they have bad aim and can't land any jutsus? You don't have the answer do you? Hell I don't either but any who. The challenge is if you aren't a Wind user or a Water use try fighting without your weapon and try to get better at the game as a whole. Right now these weapons are carrying some of these ninjas and down the road you never know what can possibly happen. They may become mastery locked or they may receive a higher requirement. All I know is Ninja AKA JunPachi is not a Bubble Pipe user and he's from Mist. He's a Wind/Fire user with no Pipe relying on pure aim and skill and is enjoying every minute of it. Be more like him...Don't rely on meta!!! Meta Changes Will You?!?! #Noweapon
  18. @Adarya do mist next please :o
  19. I'm the main character call me jack sparrow Drunk off the sake (rum) like Jack sparrow. Don't let the little things go over your head gilgafish
  20. As the Title Says
  21. @Ueda If you only add kages to the Wall that serve the full 6 months of they're Kage term it could work. Also if kage terms are 6 months that means only 2 kages per year...Let the Kage Face stay on the wall for a year starting the day they term end could work that way the wall is wiped with a clean slate and every kage gets a chance to have there face on the wall if they serve the full term. Part Time kages aren't allowed on the wall.
  22. Haven't posted in a bit and have barely played the game from a PVP standpoint. Today I did some PVP for the first time in a while though and thought I'd suggest something for vacuum spheres if possible. Suggestion Make Vacuum Spheres shoot the first Sphere when you press the key-bind and to shoot the other two spheres the first one has to have landed and not only that but you have to manually press the key-bind a 2nd and 3rd time for it to shoot the other two. If you land the first Sphere then you press the keybind again to shoot the 2nd sphere and miss it you wont get to shoot the 3rd sphere and the skill will go on cooldown. Also! you only have 3-5 seconds to shoot your next sphere after the first Sphere lands. 1:5/2:3/3 First Sphere you have 5 seconds after it lands to shoot the 2nd and land it...2nd sphere you have 3 seconds after it lands to shoot the 3rd. All together you have 8 seconds to land the spheres and if you only get to land one the skill goes on cooldown for w/e its cooldown is set too in game. Example *Shoots Vacuum Sphere* You hit PlayerOne with Vacuum Sphere I You hit PlayerOne with Vacuum Sphere II *Runs out of time to shoot Sphere III and skill goes on cooldown* You hit PlayerOne with Vacuum Sphere I *3 seconds pass* You hit PlayerOne with Vacuum Sphere II *1 second pass* You hit PlayerOne with Vacuum Sphere III *Skill goes on Cooldown* This will also allow Vacuum Spheres to be made instant cast again due to the change of the way the skill works. Also remove its ability to stun its opponent and lower the self stun/remove it completely.
  23. I regret resetting my first character which started the reset trend for me. If I had kept my first Tai/Med i would still probably be top 10. Shit Happens though