Psyger 0

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Psyger 0

  1. It was added to be a delay between map swapping back and forth. Some people including myself would map switch between the same 2 maps avoiding damage/being killed and eventually find a way to escape. Map switching cooldown from combat timer should be removed HOWEVER, there should be something to prevent the statement above. Either add a 1 to two second cooldown on constant map swapping between the same 2 maps or make it slow you if you do so. it could give a message " Slow down you are trying to map switch too fast" which would prevent you from switching for ___ amount of seconds.
  2. Crystal Fan level requirement should be 53 and Blood iron Fan should be 57. 50/51 is too low for an item that only requires 80 strength and the same applies to blood iron fan i do agree the level requirements need to be flip flopped though. It makes no sense at all.
  3. The Current chat box is semi transparent and nice and all but I had a few suggestions that could possibly be added or may get some attention that the community would probably like. This is the current chat box and how it Currently is. Notice how is some what transparent but still a little dark. In the Options/Settings window you should be able to make the grey/black box that surround the text more transparent and when you hover your mouse over it it darkens back up to how it currently is. Why this change? When people are the top borders of a map and you're trying to look in the respected corner your chat box is in its hard to see. Being able to make it more transparent will give you a little more visibility without you having to disable your whole HUD. For this suggestion I had an idea to add a separate channel in the chat box area designated with a skull where you can view nothing but the bounties you have got from people you have killed. Often times people screenshot bounties due to some reward system set up with a specific Corps/Village or to gloat and boast about it in certain discords. This would make the Main "A" Channel where all chat is logged less cluttered and overfilled with things and make it easier to view the rewards you can get from the people you have killed. Again this is a suggestion but I hope it can be upvoted by the community and hopefully the gms! Leave a like and provide some feedback on your thoughts about it.
  4. blood tonfas regen hp but i guess that isnt unique to the weapon itself. I guess it could work but blood tonfas are insanely strong. as for blood katana its so so.
  5. Why are you trying to buff a weapon that you are using? Before you started using it you didn't dare make a post or think about buffing it. Now it's convenient for you and you want to buff it? Blood Katana already does more melee damage than bone sword how much stronger do you want it to get? It's fine how it is IMO
  6. @Lumy yea old puppet w/o inf respawn would be was more tanky use to shoot fire dragon and so on. Now its like a reduced form but can spawn constantly.
  7. i said a cd option in the post...also said that if u give it a cd raise it's hp back up to what it was back then
  8. Hey again today....IM ON A ROLL!!!! Any who as you all know almost all summons use some sort of skill whether its a close range or long range skill. Whether its an Corps Summon or a regular animal summon. Some of these summons have skills that hit multiple times even if you're standing still and if you run the direction the projectile is firing it will pierce you multiple times probably leading to your death. Weasel Wind Scythe: Clam Water Bullet: Grand Puppet Water Wave: All 3 of these skills need to only hit once if it's the same target but still pierce to hit other targets. As i said these skills multi hit even if standing still and some of them stronger than others can lead to a one hit kill. Some Summoning skills even hit through substitution but doesn't so to say break your substitution. Clam AOE Stun Monkey Whirlwind Kick Grand Puppet Lightning Current Toad Fire Bullet These skills currently hits your substitution but doesn't break it meaning your sub still has a second chance to play the role it's meant to. Some of these summons use it's said skills multiple times back to back which result in a spam constant warp back to the mob/person subbed which is annoying and flawed. These skills also hit outside the hit box/animation given to them which confuses players as to how they are hit or the sub they use is broken. I suggest fixing the hit box/animation range of these skills and let them break sub.
  9. Currently Grand Puppet for the Sand Corps Puppet Brigade may not seem like a big deal when fighting them but low-key it is. in the past these puppets got an health nerf and a nerf on the multiple times the water wave can hit I believe. These two nerfs weren't bad but the health shouldn't of got nerfed. Currently the Puppet is killable but can immediately be respawned when a simple equip/unequip of the weapon/item which just instantly respawns it with full hp. I suggest there be some kind of draw back on constantly respawning an item/summon so easily with no cost. Either raise the weapon swap cooldown of the item and in return raise it's hp back up Or simply make it an Summoning jutsu that doesn't take up a slot nor counts as a summoning jutsu. (Ie Similar to how sandies can have more than 1 elemental puppet summon + a animal summon) This way it can have a cooldown/chakra cost and not be so spammy.
  10. now all that is left @Erox is to give me a like on my post
  11. @Erox might want to check some of the kages out then. Ik mist kage has an alt in 7sm idk about leaf and sand and rogue corps
  12. With the new Corps change making everything towards official orgs being done in game and live changes to them there has been a few things that stood out to me. People can immediately leave orgs and rejoin with no downtime in between I suggest adding a downtime one can rejoin/leave a Corps because people have been abusing this (not a bug) by leaving on 1 account and joining on another since it wont have bis then rejoining on the first account that left with no draw back Kages putting alts in official Corps such as ANBU, 7SM, and etc. I suggest allowing kages to join official Corps which counts as a slot or give Kages something in return for not being able to not join official Corps. The Corp panel shouldn't just pop up on the screen when entering the said corp base The panel pops up when you enter and some results that happen because of this is people accidently clicking leave just add a / command to have the Corp panel come up instead of it being automatically.
  13. the skills already did low damage. You barely do 40 damage with a kick now at 70 stat points. You also have to look at the PVE aspect which was made harder with this nerf cuz the skill damage is used more over its melee damage output. The melee damage is weaker than gentle fist PP melee and any other melee...
  14. Recently agility taijutsu was nerfed in damage and it's youthful spring along with it. I hear its because the mastery is spammable which isn't the case. Agility Taijutsu already does low damage in return you're allowed to dish out fast damage DUE to the MELEE SPEED not the skill spam-ability. Only1 taijutsu skill is spammable and that is Breaking Kick. While the other 3 after 20 have 18+ Cooldown i don't understand how its spammy. The only jutsus that should be in the damage/nerfs for agility tai was breaking kick and Youthful Spring. The rest of the kit should of went untouched. Now at 70 agility you barely do 60 damage with the Morning Peacock and whirlwind kick which is the average amount of agility to go if you plan to play anything else with agility taijutsu. At 140 agility you deal 80 damage with both these jutsus when you have other masteries doing way more with the same stats. Agility tai was nerfed badly and its opposition...Gentle Fist is the better choice now days even after its nerf simply because the skill damage is better and the melee damage is better. Agility taijutsu has great speed with poor damage now. before it had average damage with great speed. I suggest undoing some of the nerfs to it or tweaking the skills to be worth the nerfs that it received. Also im not Agility tai im GF im just going off my perspective
  15. Imo the basic jutsu you get from the Academy should not take a Jutsu slot. As it is the fundamental jutsu u begin with and is needed to graduate the academy. A starter jutsu is what you could call it per say.
  16. It doesnt need to come back. Just simply set up Little mini wars between factions if you want a team death match aspect. Only down side would be no respawning. This was removed for more than just it's coupon abused.
  17. imagine blaming everything on me like some big art cry baby. How did i get Event HQ removed when everyone abused it including yourself ? if everyone worried about themselves the game would be 100% better. You want to blame me for getting event HQ? You want to point fingers? Let's point fingers at the fact you paid 1000$ for a sword from Ghost/Redrum/Pirahna.
  18. A while back in the past I remember asking Rory at one point if medical corps in each village would get a boost similar to how 12g, anbu, 7sm, and so on have respected boost and his answer was Yes. I cant reveal the proof as it is a discord DM and breaks privacy act. If Medical Corps will offer something I thought it would be something incorporated into their current outfits or something that's in game. A specific part of the Medical Corps outfits that you get from the Medical Npcs in each village 1 of the pieces will have a specific boost for the org. This item can only be worn by members of the medical corps and if you leave the village or the org you can not wear the item and it will auto un-equip if already on. It would be something similar to how this is Thoughts?
  19. Hey i had a curious question about the jutsu 16 palms/suggestion At max level does 16 palms Evolve into its better form? If not i feel like we should allow it to what do you all think? ?
  20. I said in the message that the old guide got deleted @Wanheda. I also added a little more with the guides from each faction so people have some sort of understanding/
  21. As the title says its another suggestion for gentle fist. Currently people are upset with the way you can flicker combo with gentle fist then follow up with another jutsu from your 2nd mastery whether it's an element or something else. So i will suggest several different changes for some of the jutsus. Mountain Crusher: When hit with this increase the knockback range it does to give people time to avoid any jutsu that is followed up after landing it. Lower Mountain crusher's damage and give it a silencing ability that silences for 2 seconds. Instant Cast 16 Palms: Give 16 palms the ability to silence it's opponent for more time depending on level of the jutsu and let it keep its current chakra sap ability. Raise the cooldown and chakra cost of this skill if this is done. Change it's cast time to 2>1>1 depending on level Vacuum Palms: Give vacuum palms slightly more range, reduce the damage slightly, keep its cast time 1 second and allow it to knockback as it definition says. Keep range as it is, reduce damage slightly, allow it to knockback and its cast time should be 1>1>Instant depending on level Palm Bottom: Remove Palm Bottom's stun and turn it into a silence instead of a 1 second stun let it be a 1 second silence. Lower the skill's damage in return. Instant cast These are just some suggestions dont bash me but instead come up with some decent suggestions to make this mastery better overall instead of just nerfing 1 set thing in it's kit. Currently the flicker combo is all GF really has to offer that's worth it. The kit overall needs a revamp... Gentle Fist should be more about utility/sustainability with moderate damage. More Chakra Sapping and Silences should be the way gentle fist should be. Overall I suggest toning down Gentle Fist damage and removing some of the stuns and making them into silences. This will make it a more fun mastery and will add a little uniqueness to it's KIT
  22. No problem the suggestion was made but ik you all have to go through the right avenues before changing anything. Atleast its gonna get looked into which is more than not doing anything at all
  23. Recently, a few bosses were changed due to a exploit known as the Revive exploit and it made me start thinking about the way bosses are and the concept around them. There are different type of bosses in nin: Mini Bosses and Big Bosses Mini bosses can be done with a 1-2 man team as they are not as tanky and they don't hit too hard. Some of these bosses are Spider boss, Bandit bosses(excluding the 1 in the house that drops demon claws) and Dark Weasel. These bosses are fine as the rewards are low chance of dropping all while not being too difficult to beat with the maps being of a decent size for kiting, time to charge chakra/cast a heal, and cast jutsus Then you have Big Bosses which are pretty tanky in a sense and hit crazy hard sometimes they can 1 shot you. The drop rate is pretty bad on these bosses and the maps they are on are small and leave little room for error as 1 mishap may be you waking up in your hospital. Big bosses require a team effort which is not bad at all but even with a 4 man team it may not be enough as some of these bosses shoot aoes that hit through subs, the flicker melees are 1 shots, and the map is just too small to actually maneuver and do team tactics against them. Big Bosses like LOI Boss, Bone sword Boss, the Boss in cursed host, Kraken, Manda, and the Bandit boss that drops demon claws. All these bosses have atleast 1 thing in common across the board, They have smaller boss mobs on the map (Ie: Tentacles and Venomous Snakes) These type of bosses are tough in their own regard as they are Tanky, hit very hard, and there is limited mobility when fighting them. Manda Boss Suggestion: Decrease the amount of Venomous Snakes that spawn or raise the cooldown as to which they spawn. Decrease the damage of the Manda Boss homing attack and raise the boss's health. Kraken Boss Suggestions: Reduce Tentacle Health or damage, Make Kraken More tanky and lower it's damage by 15% OR make it less Tanky and keep it's damage HIGH. Ieyasu Boss(Demon Claws) Suggestion: Increase the size of the map, Reduce his damage and make him more tanky, or Make him less tanky and increase his damage slightly. Land of Iron Boss Suggestion: Make the Map slightly bigger, Make him Less Tanky and keep his damage the same, or make him more tanky and decrease his damage some. Bone Sword Boss Suggestion: Increase Map Size or make it an Instance Boss Fight similar to spider boss where you are warped to a different map to fight. Majority of the Bosses in Nin have a poor drop rate which everyone knows about already. On top of the poor drop rates some of these bosses can be quite difficult as they are Tanky ( Alot of Health) and they hit Hard with some of them being able to 1 shot. The bosses with items that are strong in damage are understandable to have a high drop rate as they are Very Rare items to have and you don't want 15 people running around with the items, HOWEVER the power these bosses have should be looked into or changed. These kind of Bosses are meant for a team effort and because of this these bosses should be MORE Tank than damage as a Very tanky boss that deals 70-120 damage per attack/skill they use makes a team fight more important as you can not solo a boss that has 30k health and hits for 70-120 alone. It requires a team effort to take down that HP and it would encourage team pve more.
  24. Hello, my fellow Nin players and welcome to the post that everyone has been waiting on from me. Countless times I've been asked how do I level so fast or why do i reset so often? This guide will teach you how to level like me and hit level 36+ within a week's time all while playing other games, having a life, enjoying family and so on. I also remade this guide because the older post was deleted. Well, the questions will be answered in this guide I shall provide on how to level Like Jun AKA Ninja. This guide will give you the most quickest way to hit level 35 from level 1 in a short amount of time all while having a real life or doing other things besides no living Nin. **ALSO** Here are some helpful guides made by other players like prices on items, where to train, rp guides and etc. Beginner Guide By @Ori - Roleplay Guide By @Saku - Mastery Guide and Tier List By @Ninja - Item Tier List and Prices by @Niti - Side Missions for levels 20, 22,25, 27, 30-35, 38, and 40-45. Also, the leveling Arcs for levels 20, 30, 40, and 50 are listed on the Nin Wiki here - Nin Online Wiki | Fandom Stat Calculator, Nin Map, Where to grind, and Kage History by @Deviax - MetaNin | Home (These Side missions help ease the pain of leveling in certain level ranges) Level 1-10 **Please Note: When grinding in the below villages it's best to get a melee kunai if you are using the Intelligence stat as your main source of damage. If you are Strength based grab a Wooden Katana/Bubble Pipe and use it until you meet the requirements to get a stronger weapon, and if you are Agility based use your fist or tonfas once you meet the requirements. .** In each village I recommend doing the tutorial/starter missions that the game prompt you to do. You also view these by pressing M or clicking missions on the HUD and doing what it says. Sand Village Guide By @Antar - Sand is 1 of 2 easiest villages to grind in due to its training areas being in a great location and within its village areas. For levels 1-4 I typically stay at Larva and grind them till I get to level 4 or half way to level 5. You can also do the mission with the kids near the Sand Gourd Statue by giving them the Kazecola/Sand Up to help with the grind. After Larva I head to scorpions which I stay at until about level 8/9. After Scorpions I grind at Stingers until level 10 then proceed to Coyotes. Mist Village Guide By @Antar - Mist Village Guide - Player Guides - Nin Online Mist is the 2nd easiest village to grind in outside of Sand and it's reason is because of the distance it is from the other villages and the boat ride that takes 5 minutes to get to the village. For Levels 1-4 I stay at Larva just like I would as a Sand Ninja until almost level 5. You can also do the Gold Bars mission to help give some EXP early on so the grind isn't too toxic. I then proceed to dragonflies until level 8/9 Once level 8 or 9 I begin killing foxes until 10. Leaf Village Leaf is one of the harder places to grind due to the need to leave the village early on and grind in danger zones due to the lack of mobs when reaching higher levels. For Levels 1-4 stay at Larva like previous villages until almost 5. You can do the hide and seek mission with the kids at the playground to help give EXP so the grind isn't toxic. Proceed to spiders and remain their till levels 8/9 Then head to level 9 wolves until level 10. **Please note; I would not grab any daily as a low level ninja not until level 16 simply because at this level you get missions that give better exp that can help you level to 20 faster. ** **Also another Note: I recommend getting your hand on these items as soon as possible for missions/side missions - 200 Venom, 10 feathers, 38 Racoon Tails, 30 talons, 20 DNA, 23 Rat Tails, 23 Scorpion Tails, and as many bear paws as possible** Level 11-30 Sand Village Once you reach level 10 I normally do Sand Seals which is an easy level 11 and then proceed to do Leaf Seals which is an easy level 12. (Doing these seals in Leaf should be easy with Sand's passive 100% Cloak.) Once level 12 if there is an active Chuunin/Jonin and you have 2 other people with you; you can do RP I which should get you to level 13 if not close. if there is no active Chuunin/Jonin to host continue grinding until one is available. Depending on your masteries you may have to continue to grind at coyotes until level 15. This mainly applies to agility taijutsu/gentle fist strength users, Strength based weapon masters/Fan Users and Intelligence/Chakra based medics. Once stronger you can head to the small scarabs. if you are an Intelligence mastery user such as Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Int Weapon Master, or Wind yo can head to the small Scarabs. You will remain at the small scarabs until level 17/18. Some of you may feel more comfortable staying here until level 20 which is fine but if you wish to train like me you'd follow my path. If you follow my path then at levels 17 and 18 you should be killing big scarabs and you will remain to do so until level 25+. While still grinding here I normally take breaks and kill the bosses in Takumi with the aid of a medic or someone that is knowledgeable of how killing bosses together work. While killing the bosses be sure to grab the Guren Mission(Level 20 Req) and turn it in for an free level up. When you reach level 25+ you can either stay inside big scarabs grinding will occasionally killing bosses in Takumi or you can head to Snakes, Bees, and Hornets to grind on until level 30. Mist Village Just like I said for Sand, I would go and do Sand Seals and Leaf Seals for an easy levels 11 and 12. Be warned doing these at a low level are hard so have a group with you or become very stealthy by using cloak to sneak around and get them done. Some Leafies/Sandies are nice enough to let you do them as well or you can bribe them. Once level 12 if there is an active Chuunin/Jonin and you have 2 other people with you; you can do RP I which should get you to level 13 if not close. if there is no active Chuunin/Jonin to host continue grinding until one is available. Depending on your masteries you may have to continue to grind at foxes until level 15. This mainly applies to agility taijutsu/gentle fist strength users, Strength based weapon masters, and Intelligence/Chakra based medics. Once stronger you can head to the Ghost inside the Haunted Temple. if you are an Intelligence mastery user such as Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Int Weapon Master, or Wind yo can head to the Ghost inside the haunted temple. You will remain at the Ghost until level 17/18 unless you feel you can kite Giant Fire Ants well. If you can kite them I recommend going ahead an starting to grind on them. You should be killing Giant Fire Ants/Giant Ants until 25+. When you reach level 25+ you can either stay at Giant Ants grinding while occasionally killing bosses in Takumi or you can head to Snakes, Bees, and Hornets to grind on until level 30. You shouldn't have to leave Mist though for a while for grinding since most your mobs you need until level 30 are there. Leaf Village Just like I said for the other villages, I would go and do Sand Seals and Leaf Seals for an easy levels 11 and 12. Be warned doing these at a low level are hard so have a group with you or become very stealthy by using cloak to sneak around and get them done. Some Sandies are nice enough to let you do them as well or you can bribe them. Mist has no seals or no mission that another village can do so don't worry Once level 12 if there is an active Chuunin/Jonin and you have 2 other people with you; you can do RP I which should get you to level 13 if not close. if there is no active Chuunin/Jonin to host continue grinding until one is available. Depending on your masteries you may have to continue to grind at wolves until level 15. This mainly applies to agility taijutsu/gentle fist strength users, Strength based weapon masters, and Intelligence/Chakra based medics. Once a little stronger you can head to the white tigers and regular tigers. if you are an Intelligence mastery user such as Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Int Weapon Master, or Wind yo can head to the tigers/white tigers. You will remain at the tigers until level 20 I recommend unless you are Intelligence based and can kite really well. If you can kite then I recommend going ahead an starting to grind on Hornets/Bees near Tanzaku. You can grind here until level 25+ and just like the other villages if you feel confident enough you can head to Snakes/Bears and grind on them. You can occasionally take breaks and go kill Takumi bosses and turn in the Guren Mission while there. Be sure to be level 20 to get the mission and turn it in. *Once you unlock the level 20 Train Arc (Land of Waves) You can grind here inside the train. You gain exp from the mobs and bosses as well as getting rare drops that you can sell or wear for fashion. This applies to each village stated above. * *Once you reach level 40 you will unlock the Bandit Arc that will give you access to more side missions and a storyline to help you level from 40-50. This quest line should be done with a team to get done quickly. This quest line also gives items you can wear, buy, or sell depending on you. * BUILD GUIDE LEVEL 1-30 Water, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Intelligence Medic, and Intelligence Weapon Master here are some builds I used playing Int from low level to mid level which helped me be able to kill mobs stronger than me and grind efficiently. These builds are what I used as an Int user until level 30 and they worked out perfectly for a healthy balance between power to kill mobs, chakra/hp to sustain hits and be able to go longer without charging. **Also Note; Once you reach level 30 you can do the Land of Toad Missions and once done you should've reached level 34 from completing or higher depending if you do dailies while doing it.** Level 1-15 Fortitude/HP - 300 Chakra - 100 Intelligence - 45 Level 16-25 Fortitude/HP - 500 Chakra - 150 Intelligence - 65 Level 25-35 Fortitude/HP - 800 Chakra - 225 Intelligence - 70 For Strength, Agility, and Chakra based masteries I will post individual builds so Look closely. With these masteries you will be using melee and tool usage more than jutsus so your HP should be relatively higher than the Intelligence builds with your damaging stat being the 2nd highest then chakra. Level 31 and 32 is pretty much free levels in Toad which should put you to 70 strength so you can use swords like Twin Fangs, Stylish Sword, and Religious. (Strength Based Weapon Master/Gentle Fist) Level 1-15 *(If you go Gentle Fist you need to get 100 Chakra so you can use Pressure Point Needle.)* Fortitude/HP - 500(400 for Gentle Fist) Chakra - 75 (100 for Gentle Fist) Strength - 30(20 for Gentle Fist) Level 16-25 Fortitude/HP - 700 (600 for Gentle Fist) Chakra - 125 (175 for Gentle Fist) Strength - 50 Level 26-35 Fortitude/HP - 800 Chakra - 200 Strength - 65 For Agility Taijutsu users this build will focus high consistent DPS with tank HP and average chakra early on. if you have Tonfas also you can use them by level 30 which will increase your melee damage by 14. Agility Taijutsu Build Level 1-15 Fortitude/HP - 400 Chakra - 50 Agility - 45 Level 16-25 Fortitude/HP - 550 Chakra - 125 Agility - 65 Level 26-35 Fortitude/HP - 800 Chakra - 200 Agility - 75 Lastly we have Chakra Medics; they excel in healing abilities and using Chakra Scalpels/Senbon to help them Level. Typically most Chakra medics that go this route early on team with friends or other low levels to help them level until level 15 which is when they can be more offensive and train on there own. I personally invest a few points into agility to help early on or get 10 Intelligence to use a melee kunai until i get scalpels. You can also get poison senbon which down the road will be helpful in PVP. Chakra Medic Build Level 1-15 Fortitude/HP - 400 Chakra - 225 Intelligence - 10(For Melee Kunai/Poison Senbon) Level 16-25 Fortitude/HP - 600 Chakra - 375 Intelligence - 10 (Will Not Change from 10) Level 26-35 Fortitude/HP - 850 Chakra - 500 Any stats you invest into after 35 is up to the player as most of your core stats will have reached the minimum requirement needed for most your skills that will be viable for you in combat. Since i feel this way I will not make a build guide for 36-60 as it is up to you; what do you want at this point? More damage, sustainability, tank, or a balanced build
  25. TBH it was said in the past that that is a con of playing as a rogue ninja. You don't get the benefits that a vilage get such as no friendly fire in danger zones/safe zones. Takumi/rogues dont typically band up and fight people unless its an organization made for those reasons. Its not normal for 50 rogues to all fight together. Takumi is home to criminals and as such there shouldn't be some massive organization that can house 300 people. It should of been 3/4 orgs made for Takumi that could house a good portion of you all with the org member cap still at 20. 3/4 orgs like this means thats 60/80 people in orgs with no friendly fire.