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Everything posted by Psyger 0
not pure...pure is only strong if u get a gassed up sword like kraken hammer or LOI swords PURE WM doesn't have much canceling ability and can get severely punished against the right people even in the right hands and before people say u have 1.6k-1.9k hp....u wont reach 1.9k hp unless u rock 70 str with like 150 chakra meaning u have to sacrifice stats and utility for more hp just to still die just at a slower rate. In this sense high hp builds with the current slow regeneration system sucks cuz it takes forever to regenerate and the amount u regenerate is very low @Indra
Here I am with another suggestion post...I know I know tiring right? Today I will be suggesting a change on how weapon regeneration work. Since the recent changes to how regeneration work with it being heavily based on you having full chakra to start the regeneration process the other ways to regenerate hp are gone. No longer standing still away from danger to regenerate HP and no more walking to regenerate hp. Currently the only ways to regain hp is to: A.) Be healed by a medic B.) Being revived by a medic or Will of Fire which grants a % of HP back C.) Leveling Up D.) A weapon that has regeneration attributes Well on this thread I will only talk about D. the regeneration ability of weapons. Currently weapons such as Bone Sword, Blood Katana, Blood Tonfas, and 1 of the LOI swords offer HP regeneration passively through a sword. This however, only regenerates at a slow pace which takes about 20-40 seconds for even 1 tick of health regeneration to proc. This means about every 20-40 seconds you may gain 10-30 HP. There's a twist though, this regeneration is chakra based so meaning it's another regeneration which amounts are determined by the amount of chakra the wielder has. Suggestion I Suggest on making these weapons regeneration take less time to kick in/regenerate with the new regeneration system. If the time can't/won't be lowered for the regeneration I suggest to increase the amount of HP that is regenerated. Lower Regeneration Time by 10-15 seconds Increase Regeneration Health Gain by 10-15 Make the regeneration based off current chakra in pool ( Ie. 50/250) instead of max overall chakra
Currently if you have a full cash shop it is very hard to redeem items you've bought. Recently I bought some of the new items and now I am having difficulty being able to redeem them with some not even able to redeem until this is fixed.The "redeem" button is being blocked by other items which cause me to have to try to click in between the cracks to redeem an item which is hard/annoying.Another issue is that if I have items that are not shown on the first page; there is no way to scroll down as the scroll down function doesn't work from the cash shop stash window or if you go to the physical NPC in game I suggest fixing the scrolling option and move the Redeem button to a different area so that it doesn't overlap with the items you have bought. 1. is the Redeem Option overlapping with item's you've bought 2. is the Scroll bar which doesn't allow you to scroll up or down at all to see other items you've bought.
Recently Risky Blade and Blade Piercing received some nerfs/changes that I'd like to reiterate. They are as followed: Weapon Master (Sword) Balance Changes Risky Blade Dance no longer interrupt casts.Risky Blade Dance Technique now has a 0.5s end cast time.Crescent Moon Beheading Technique cast time reduced from 2s to 1s.Crescent Moon Beheading Technique damage reduced from 41/41/42 to 29/29/30.Blade Piercing Technique damage reduced from 32/32/33 to 29/29/30.Risky Blade Dance Technique damage increased from 28/28/29 to 32/32/33.Wild Slashes Range increased from 3 tiles to 4 tiles.Shockwave Slash Technique Speed Increased 20% (100 to 80).Shockwave Slash Technique Cooldown reduced from 16/16/16 to 15/15/15. I showed you all this to show what was changed in the red and what my suggestions will be for them. Risky Blade I'm all for the changes, but I feel that the changes were over tuned and I shall state why. Risky is fine with having a self stun of 0.5 at the end or no longer having the ability to interrupt cast but having both does the skill no justice. You are self stunned after using the skill which allows for an opponent to follow up with any skill that doesn't have a cast time Also you can no longer interrupt cast with this skill as it was a necessity for pure strength weapon masters to cancel things. However, it is fine that it was removed as some swords cause knockback and there is a secondary skill to interrupt cast even though it is harder to cancel/use than other cancels in game Suggest: I suggest that either the self stun is reduced to 0.1-0.3 seconds/removed entirely or change it to a silence so that the user can still move around but cant cast jutsus for a broken burst. Blade Piercing Currently Blade Piercing is a decent skill, but when you think about the level it is and the skill it doesn't allow you to use if used it makes you think of your actions. Shadow Shuriken which is a cancel and blade piercing are both the same level meaning you have a choice to use 1 or the other while they share a cooldown. This is fine, but when playing pure strength weapon master you are hindered by this. Blade piercing had it's damage reduced but not by much all while having a 2 second self stun after use. (Yes it is 2 seconds I timed it) Majority of strength weapon master jutsus have a cast time and now 2 of the jutsus have a self stun this being 1 of them and the other Risky Blade. Suggest: I suggest that the self stun cased by blade piercing is reduced/removed at each level until at max level where it is at it's lowest or completely removed. My example is as followed: 1 second self stun> 0.5 second self stun> No self Stun 1 second self stun>0.5 second self stun> 0.5 second self stun 1 second self stun> 1 second self stun> 05. second self stun
I'm making freestyles of the top of the head I'm at the bank collecting the dead You make a move I'm 4 steps ahead You making raps no1 heard what you said Nothing from you is important Kick down your door without a warrant You may be evil but noble I'm violent Call you a besty at any moment You had to work for your skill, mine is a talent Story of Jun the Gallant You ever seen a human topple a giant You make a rule you know I'm defying The laws of physics aint no applying A noble in motion cant be stopped aint no denying Step in my way i send your art flying Blast off again like team rocket One of your streams you came out of your closet Wearing tight pants with lint in your pocket All your raps are so rapid Foam from your mouth you must be rabid all them cuts on your wrist you need a band aid A rapper and a Gm a jack of all trades All of that work but not getting paid no wonder you only see 50 shades I see in color aint no sparing you noble flap the honor Kill you every time you spit they want me for murder I put you on my track to give you a sponsor You needed the clout, I needed the laughter Empty the clip with 1 in the chamber Watch i get a warning point with a ban hammer So flap the world and the new order It's Jun on the track noble I'm the father Pay your respects or pay with your death in either order if you stood on your raps you would still be shorter took 2 days to make a song your brain had to buffer I played with my dong now you will suffer as I move along money to be made I cant keep acting out with you this not a charade I gotta get paid, money to be made if you wanna fight so bad we can catch a fade, so when you see me you better be ready to play
I aint a rapper, i do this just for fun Im a part time gamer, my name is flaping Jun if i spit fire you'd drop your sword and run you aint a knight in shining armor You a priest a nun In the middle of the summer Stomp on you like kids do a caprisun But instead i might give it to you since u seem kind of thirsty Sorry if i wrote this too quick i was kind of in a hurry If im too fast ill slow down so i dont blow pass id hate to give you a can of whoop art and whiplash So let me be bashful I'm not that guy neither are you We're just too small flies You know what they call a white man just a small white lie So if you say your raps are good We won't see eye to eye I'm not even trying im just warming up This the pre-game You should hang that jersey up You fumbling over your words So i guess i should pick it up Im the starter you the water boy can you fix me a cup
As you should scum pirate
Let the Video and the Music speak for me. I'm just the messenger!!
Tier List updated all swords added! Blood tonfas are for agility..this is more so for the strength based melee weapons @Vallyria
Create your sword tier list here! It may seem useless to do so but it gives some of the noobs an idea of what's considered the good swords and the 1s to pick from. P.S I couldn't add Samehada because the Nin Wikia didn't have a picture of one. if you have a picture shoot it to my DMs on discord! https://tiermaker.com/create/sword-tier-list-1339017
if you're tunneling the game through a 3rd party try disabling it. Right click the game and Run as Administrator(Always run the game this way)
Sup Nin players, its Jun on the-...anyways Some of you probably didn't play nin in 2017 early 2018 but there was a thing called rubberbanding. Rubberbanding happened when you tried to flicker, use any warp skill including sub, stand still cast, or self stunning skill and move quickly right after it which caused your character to stutter step in that 1 spot until you moved again. The fix for this was adding the snare effect to skills like sub, flicker, stand still cast, and so on if you try to move wayyyy to fast. This way meant to be in place due to not being able to properly fix it on the old client. Now that we are on the new client is it possible this could get fixed? Only people with this answer is Rory and Wolf! Should it be fixed? That's the 2nd question If it is fixed it would give smoother transition when getting hit with a knockback, subbing, using warp skills, and so on. Snare effect would still be a thing for certain jutsus however, you wouldn't suffer from randomly getting snared because you moved too fast. What do you all think?
There has been a lot of Quality of Life (QoL) features added to the game and I previously suggested one. Well here is another 1 I'm putting on the table. This suggestion is for the the ability to right click jutsus in the Jutsu Window panel to find out information about the jutsu(s). This informative panel for jutsus could tell how many uses you have of the jutsu, the actual exp amount ( 1234/5000), its current level, and its max. For Example Earth Prison 573 Uses 3250/5000 Experience Current Level: 2 Max level: 3 Evolves to Greater Earth Prison after level 3 Great Earth Prison 1 Use 100/5000 Experience Current Level: 1 Max Level: 3 This would help not only older players but new ones as well find information about the jutsus they use in game but also a glimpse at the max level it has and the amount of training/exp they have invested into it towards leveling.
A lot of players have been wanting a bubble buff but instead of a buff how about a level 30 jutsu? Currently bubble revolves around being a support mastery that allows the user to provide support but snaring opponents in bubbles constantly which stops them in their tracks. My suggestion is to introduce a jutsu that supports his teammates as well as himself known as: Bubble Dome A Jutsu that allows the user to cast a bubble dome on himself(Alt+hotkey) or allies (target them) that blocks ( or lowers the damage of) 5 consecutive hits or until it runs out in 8 seconds. Level 30 Level 1 > Level 2 > level 3 35 CP Cost > 30 CP Cost > 28 CP Cost 20 second cooldown>19 second cooldown> 18 second cooldown
Its hard on my eyes as well and i wear glasses. The picture above is just an example but it's very hard to see on others like dark clearing bears and so on.
Due to the recent changes on the ability to see behind walls/trees and other objects and the day night system some areas have become harder to see/less visible than before. A prime example of 1 area is below: In mist I recommend reducing the fog on maps with the least lighting simply because the dark maps with the new day/night system + the Fog + the rain makes it ridiculously hard to see yourself or anything else. Also with the new targeting outline can we have an option in the Options channel to use the old target. The reasoning is because with the new visibility/day night cycle its a little helpful when trying to see others even after you have them targeted. One last suggestion around these changes is to make certain jutsus more visible as well. Some things in the dark are tough to see that was already a little tough during the day if u glance at it real fast.
back then the game took more skill to pvp overall but since new players have came since last year people cry for changes and reworks on certain things and thus pvp has been diminished to its current state of nerfs/buffs. Also hate to say this but Nin wasn't mean to be a heavily PVP game but took a turn none the less down that route. It's hard to make the game noob friendly and require skill to win in terms of pvp so thats why there is so many homings but IMO the main thing making this game so auto aim carried is the fact u can flicker combo with almost any instant cast skill and due to this its making majority of the pbase to go certain masteries just for this. A rework around flicker needs to be done to change the pace of PVP but we won't see it even if the players want it.
some of you in this thread are assuming that people that would get a mastery reset would chase the meta but in fact a good portion of the community wants to try different and new combinations. Also it would be better to put it at level 60 for 3 reasons. 1. The level cap is 60 and won't be going to 70 no time soon 2. Gives motivation after 50 to keep leveling 3. Changes/fixes occur that hinder masteries. Ie. Drilling Air losing its triple hit...at first it was ok then when fixed it was listed as a bug.
Some New games dropped tryna figure out which 1 to get
Rory never said the higher the rarity the better the reward. it's quite simple. Higher rarity of candy gives more % to the pumpkin which means less you need to fill it to 100% If you weren't 60 it probably wouldn't be so hard to kill higher level mobs for lollipops as someone that's level 30 killing bears/snow wolves for them. Its all RNG but if you want to grind 100 candy corn instead of 50/25 chocolate bars/lollipops then by all means
Old Raw Footage of Yaku vs Leaf for 19 minutes!!!
As you all know there is limited slots for equipped items and a lot of us want more. Instead of giving us an extra slot for each type of item you can wear how about 1 specifically for Corps(Organization) items. Currently some Corps(organization) items take up the accessory slot and because of this you cant wear things like gloves, summoning scroll(cash shop), and cape of straw ( Land of Iron) while wearing your organization item. My suggestion is to take all the items that take up the "Accessory" Slot to be put and categorized into it's own. The category can be called "Corps Item" and anything from Puppet Brigade Coffin to the Anbu Greives that take up the accessory slot should be switched to this category. The box that says Corps would be the same size as the regular boxes and it would be where the items would go if switched
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Gold and Silver both should be able to post pictures in Nin General channel in discord. Should ignore the chat cooldown in trade channel in the discord. The Color Palette for hair should be wider for us. Meaning we have more colors to choose from for hair. Every 3 months we should get a Free Stat Rest/World Blessing which would be random between the two. Should have the option to get a Gold Headband in every style including the styles from past anniversaries.