
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Moixo

  1. Ryuta Affiliation: Leaf Clan Leaders: Takashi "Akatatsu" and Moixo "Seiryû" Story: Known as a warrior clan, the Ryuta Clan has been formed by two brothers trained specially in Taijutsu since their parents werekidnaped by Rory when they were 6 years old, and have been seeking for them since today, being both of them 19 years old now. In seek of power they became criminals in the Hidden Leaf village, making them get exiled by the hokage Shirou. They have been fighting each other for moths, so one day, a sage dragon noticed an overwhelming potential on them, so decided to train them in dragon sage arts, what brought them a blood bond by summoning, beginning the first days of the Ryuta Clan. Clothing: There are two types of clothing colours in the clan, that consist in Red(As a symbol for Akatatsu the Red Dragon), or in Blue(As a symbol for Seiryû the Blue Dragon) . Special Abilites: Ryuken: The most known Jutsu of the Ryuta Clan, is a fist that scales on scaled on the user's best stat not counting Fortitude. Dragon Sage Mode: A secret Jutsu that will grant the user 30% Chakra, and 30% to the highest offensive stat of the user(Agi, Str or Int).