Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by RyuOLD

  1. ''They killed Saddam, now I wonder who's sane How do you balance being Batman, Bruce Wayne?''

    1. Iyamarashi Shin

      Iyamarashi Shin

      where'd you get this from?

    2. RyuOLD
    3. Iyamarashi Shin

      Iyamarashi Shin

      mmm, i knew it had to be someone with bars.

  2. This community needs a Phoenix down.

  3. To what extent? Since the majority of members who registered on these forums are from ''Naruto'' related MMO's, or googled ''Naruto rpg game'' on google. Originality is good, but I want to know too what extent Naruto related themes will be cut down? Things such as villages, Bijuu's, bloodlines, etc. Everything about this game is based on Naruto. Are you going to remove jutsu's and replace them with ''Magic'', ''Chakra'' with ''Energy''? Elaborate plox. Oh, and welcome back.
  4. RyuOLD


    Not unless its only accessible to a team of translators, similar to what you already have planned. But the main languages you will need are Spanish and English. If the member manages to create an account, then surely that's all the required skills he will need to play the game. Most people learn English faster by reading it, so it would be beneficial to those that can't speak English fluently, instead of segregating our community.
  5. RyuOLD


    How difficult is it to implement an in-game translator option for quests and dialogue? If its extremely difficult then just stick with English. Its the easiest language to learn anyway.
  6. It should but it doesn't do the bloodlines in question justice for them to be ''balanced''. One way to look at it is that 200 years have passed and the clans and their abilities have become diluted. Could you share more on what you're developing? I realize we are going off-topic here so you can respond via inbox.
  7. Off-Topic:This leads me to make assumptions on how the over-powered Bloodlines will be handled when their implemented. On-Topic: You are welcome to add the ''Sound'' Badge'' thing to your list if you wish to do so.
  8. @Crosswise So in other words the badge will have a similar purpose the title had before it was removed(Or in the process of being removed), Recognition for player input and vanity? At-least make them useful and add a variation of effects. They don't necessarily have to be stat-related but at-least something that awards the player. Here is an example: You use real money to purchase Gold, you receive benefits other players don't receive. If you added a badge which would enable normal players to get the same benefits then it would balance things out. Sound badge (This grants the user the ability to upload a song to his profile without being a Gold or Silver member) But I guess this whole idea is primarily for fun. I like the idea but would like it even more if the badges had a sense of purpose beyond vanity and recognition. Something that would make other members think ''Damn, that Ryu has that awesome Splinter badge that gives him 2% extra defense against earth jutsu. I wonder if it will drop if I ambush him''. See the incentives there? They would become collectibles which you could mix and match to a total of 3 slots. It would also mean players could have the same build but individual skill and badges would be the small margin which would determine who has the upper-hand. They wouldn't be unbalanced since you wouldn't be able to stack the same badge and receive an unfair statistical boost.
  9. Or simply link the in-game characters stats, jutsus, amount of win's and losses, etc with the forum. Players could choose to set it to private if they wished. Pester your leaders more. In most cases the messenger is looked at before the message. On-Topic: I would like for badges that will either raise stats (only marginally) and wont be stack-able, even if its like 2% less time spent regenerating chakra, or even 5% extra damage with your chosen element(s). It would give players an incentive of actually trying to attain them. Lets face it, most players wont be active on the forums when the game is officially released unless its to ask for help. Give players a reason to stay active in the community. Collecting badges that have an effect in-game is ultimately beneficial to the community as a whole.
  10. ''Neither a borrower nor a lender be.''

    1. Electron


      To be a lender makes you more powerful and you can oppress people through that shit. True story.

  11. "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."- Martin Luther King, Jr.

    1. Atrox


      so deep man...so deep

  12. "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!" - Bob Marley

  13. Edit: You mean channel filters? Their usually implemented in nearly every game. Right now its not essential. Bug fixes etc then the rest will come.
  14. How very optimistic our community is. Eventually you can 'waste your time' effectively, playing an online game. What postponed the game was unforeseen circumstances. People bitching and throwing tantrums isn't going to make the game released any sooner. Go to sleep, get some pussy or play other games in the meantime. Nin-Online is on the horizon.
  15. The game is not going anywhere. Don't be afraid to sleep.
  16. People need to show support instead of posting meaningless meme's. How would you feel if they just gave up on the game all together.
  17. Hours upon hours of play time are spent killing wolves, with the intent of reaching level 10 so players can participate in Pvp with their friends. Will the same rules used in the test server apply on the 27nd, that being a minimum of level 3 for pvp? Its not essential since the test is primarily for testing purposes, but it would add extra initiative for players too log on without flooding the forums complaining that their 'bored' or: ''Why you keep doing wipes man, I spent hours reaching level 8''- even though wipes are inevitable; this will not stop topics or question like this. B) TL:DR : Could you change the PVP level requirement (Temporarily) to level 3?
  18. Interesting. Lets see a mass of people congregate in one place killing baby wolves. Nevertheless, this is good news. I wonder what the server capacity will be like. The community is considerably large, filled with eager shinobi's whom have been anticipating this day. Good work, guys. B)
  19. This would definitely make things interesting. If weapon, clothes and scroll NPC's are included, then the 'missing-nin/criminal' should be able to take what he pleases after killing the NPC. Since a 'jail' is already planned, being killed by anyone in the village after committing a crime would automatically put you in jail for a duration varying from minutes to hours, depending on the amount of NPC's killed and other factors.
  20. Leave us. The dog eats strangers.

  21. ''In the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty''- Bob Marley.

    1. Bubbles


      "yolo swagg" - George Washington