Gold Ninja
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RyuOLD last won the day on March 28 2015

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  1. ''Men have always fought each other, always creating chaos. That's familiar and safe. They know where they are in those circumstances, but to hazard a step into the unknown and actually love one another is far too risky for them. So if the demons do invade the world, bringing terror and misery with them, don't you think that men might welcome them as bearers of what they desire?''- Mephisto, Demon City.

    1. wolf-OLD-2025
    2. Feinz


      totallly sick quoteeee broooo

  2. The world map is basic and practical. No point outsourcing it to an illustrator when there's still so much to be expanded on in-game; additional villages, areas, etc. I'm interested to see how you will implement the ''Puppet manipulation Jutsu'' though. Great work. Stay consistent and motivated.
  3. The Nin staff have acknowledged themselves that little-to-no progress is being made. I respect their sincerity. However, their focus collectively as a team needs to be ''Nin Online''. I use the term ''team'' loosely; as it seems like they're just a congregation of individuals whom have a polar opposite approach to everything they do and then expect to get results at the end of it. This debate is pointless. Conserve your energy for your fap sessions.Have faith and find other distractions in the meantime.
  4. Good work. I'm particularly impressed with the action animations. In my own personal opinion, I think the level up star is unnecessary. The aura projecting from the feet is sufficient enough. You could accentuate it a little bit more so it actually looks a bit more exciting; i.e, Super Saiyan/Eight Gates type of aura. Or incorporate the star in a way that it sprinkles little star particles after the aura, and perhaps the aura getting bigger every 10 or so levels. Overall, great work. Stay consistent and motivated.
  5. Read, Wolf. Star Citizen is still in development but has accumulated more than 70 million dollars from ''Backers'' alone. Content is implement each time a certain monetary goal is reached. Software updated, dialogue expanded, features implemented, etc. This way its easier to keep track of what exactly the money that's being donated is designated to, as opposed to donating with a vague perception and knowledge of where the money is being spent. It's a great system provided everything promised prior to reaching that monetary goal is fulfilled.
  6. Implement stretch goals.This idea is taken directly from ''Star Citizen'', but is widely used anyway. This way you get the community excited about actually donating to reach certain ''goals'', where thing's could be; implemented, expanded, software updated, etc. @ To you it may seem like I'm being negative and lack empathy. Re-read what I wrote again because you've greatly misunderstood my intent. Its pointless for someone to commit partially to a project that requires a lot of time, especially if the individual in question is going through trials and tribulations in his life. All I'm asking is for more transparency on donations and for the Dev team to be realistic and honest with their promises. Several posts of this nature have been posted in the past, excited individuals such as yourself would then use capital letters in your posts only for the project to be neglected. An investment doesn't have to be a gamble if I can contribute in my way to make it a success. See it from a different perspective. I'm merely motivating the development team to be passionate about their craft, so that the money and faith the community has invested in this project isn't in vain.
  7. Just be consistent. Faith in Nin can't be restored simply by one Dev Log. Everyone goes through trials and tribulations in life so focus on reality as opposed to committing yourself partially to the project. The community needs to know that they have a team of dedicated developers whom are committed to creating what they've set out to create and fulfil their promises. People have invested in this project. Be realistic with your promises for a stable ''Open testing Phase''. That being said. Generic response; ''Great work Rory''. Welcome back to the community.
  8. Too many false promises. I am not convinced.
  9. Good news. I hope you make the Chunnin exams meaningful for those who participate in them. Make them difficult to attain. In theory, not all would pass the exams since there would be causalities, but since this is a game, I highly doubt that this will be the case. Every single Genin will most likely pass on the first attempt.
  10. Re-affirm yourself with positivity each day and you will see the difference it will make in your life. We are all susceptible to self-pity and self-inflicted negative thinking. Make the change in yourself and watch great things manifest in your life.

  11. I echo the same sentiments expressed above. Glad everything is back to normal.
  12. Powerful song. I find myself repeating this several times per day.

  13. A detailed explanation like this gives me assurance. I questioned the intent because it was vague. Even after reaching your goal, you were seemingly not satisfied. I know now that's not the case.
  14. Well done on reaching your goal, but please help me understand. You've attained what you set out to do and you're considering to extend the goal reached for what purposes, if not greed? I'm cautious because money changes a man's heart. Explain yourself.
  15. The most effective way to reach this goal and insure that the game itself is sustained in the long-term, is to add another ''special group'', much like Gold and silver members; whom donate a small amount on a month-by-month basis. They would be doing this deed purely out of the goodness of their hearts and not to fulfil their own selfish desires. Although, a stone statue in-game for the purposes of vanity would greatly motivate these ''Monthly backers''. I don't agree with this post. I have my own reasons for not wanting this game to rely too much on money but then again, nothing in this world is free and all that jazz. Good luck with your goal.