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  1. wow I was 2 when this game was made thats crazy (but my parents let me play this game so its fine) nice work roro
  2. While I am not a leaf ninja, your clan seems like a great idea! Thank you for sharing!
  3. Thank you Yeah I was kinda surprised because their weren't any issues except for some pixels. As for you other points I would try them out but I'm a poor Boi lmao. I would think adding stuff like cig and spectre would look cool but there doesn't seem to be enough slots. Ps. I like yours too, simple and sweet
  4. I know that dragon mask will probably be cliche by now but I like how the sasu robe covers up the missing sleeve from monk robe
  5. Hmm, will we have to reset to get the clans? I would be willing to do that lol
  6. mmm yummy better than jessica
  7. the kage was so gold it seemed liek this game was pay to play @Akiro
  8. Here's autograph to No. 1 Kuraen fanboy from Kuraen Wilkor 

    1. MrChubb


      nope im best kuraen git gud

    2. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      Okay so autograph for best Kuraen fan from Kuraen Wilkor ;)

    3. MrChubb


      nub git gud u little pussy nub no balls git gud nub ur mom g0y ur dad lesbi0n rn les fite nub git gud

  9. I want my rank to be for sand FOREVER
  10. happy to be your first follower.