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Everything posted by Jamaal

  1. Lol, I guess he felt some type of way... *shrugs*
  2. To protect the sheep you gotta catch the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.

  3. I believe Chickenlegs at the time. It's been awhile and I've been through so many aliases it's ridiculous. I wasn't anyone important though, lol. I know when I hadn't yet officially joined the forums, I was frequently browsing it as a guest. The last post I read from you was something about this being a creative outlet for you and how you were doing on some test... back when the forum was purple... I followed it long before that aswell, lol.
  4. Hehe... Yeah... Hell yeah...

  5. I use to follow the game years ago and every blue moon, I'd randomly check to see if you picked the project back up... and here I am. :-)
  6. I remember years ago when you first started this project. I always had a feeling you'd pick it back up, everything is looking good and I can't wait to play! :-)