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Everything posted by Atrane

  1. Maybe down the road we could do seasonal festivals again?
  2. @Ueda I really think you should reconsider the 10k registration fee, either by lowering it or removing it altogether. I've paid the fee and won an election in the past, but these days competition is becoming scarce. I believe that the chunin rank ninjas competed for in the past should be enough to allow them to register for an election. Right now it's a 10k gamble, and that scares a lot of potential candidates off. You're asking players to gamble away ryo in order to do a job that can actually be pretty stressful at times. There is a reason you hardly see ninjas who lost council elections in the past try again. Even in the mist village Kage decision, the only requirement is level 40 for a spot in the tournament with no ryo charges. Thanks again for bringing us elections, but please understand where I am coming from as a player.
  3. I'm not sure if it would be possible to create a leaderboard for this, but I think another cool stat to track would be total bounty collected. I know that the npc already tells you your total, but it would be cool to see where you stand compared to other ninjas.
  4. 1b4f057c8cf546de8396e99f51d9298e.png.1b23aa36703cdd446a3f1af0926e70e4.png




    This turned out a bit messy but oh well :<

    Goodbye for now. 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yousei Reiketsu

      Yousei Reiketsu

      Couldn't help but smirk at these, appreciate the nostalgic vibes. Makes me happy you cared enough to save these and furthermore, share them. You will be missed. ;)

    3. Rumaki


      ohh he saved a lot I bet this is just 10% of them, and he has embarrassing pics about everyone around him im just praying so he doesn't drop them and leave 

    4. Ishyn
  5. In a few days, it will be 2 years since I began my journey in this game. There have been many ups and downs over the past couple years but I enjoyed the time that I spent here. I made a lot of memories here that I won't ever forget. 

    I think it is time for my story to end though. I've completed both the rise and downfall of my character and feel like I am in a place where I can leave the game and feel satisfied. That being said, I also think I could return to this game at any time. Whether it's on my known characters or starting fresh on an unknown account. 

    I'll probably visit the game sometime in the future, so I guess this post is just my way of saying goodbye for now. It is time for me to take an extended break. I could return tomorrow, never, or somewhere in between. 

     Later tonight or tomorrow I'll make another post with some screenshots to showcase the memories that I created here. It's been fun guys, peace.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Leevi


      Legends are never forgotten.

    3. Dart


      You're gonna be missed, boi. :( 

    4. MankZz


      I'll miss you ! :(

  6. Cool change, makes the world seem more lively and less bland
  7. Sounds like a really good replacement for vchat
  8. Add a level 25 fan with 30 str req
  9. This seems like the most obvious and fair solution.
  10. Good work on finding what caused the crash
  11. this game lacks so much content that we have to do metaphor events on forums
  12. I'll enter the race once again.
  13. hi you are very handsome

  14. Leaf Village Spring Festival 3v3 Champions!
  15. Raiding during your event puts us in jail? lol
  16. Yea, having a larger world to play in excites me as well.