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Everything posted by Atrane

  1. Nin Online (2025 and beyond) Nin Online but with a focus on repeatable content and active danger zones. Features Rebirth System This system would be added to reduce the need for alternate characters and give players the ability to almost endlessly progress the same character. The premise would be an initial character can level to 60 and max out the exp bar. Upon doing this, they gain the option to "rebirth" their character starting all over from level 1. They get to keep all items, ryo, house ownership, and ninja ranks that they have earned throughout their previous journey (Passed down through inheritance.) Players would be restricted to staying in their initial village (or going rogue ofc.), but gain the ability to redesign their character and pick a brand new mastery combination while leveling. Rewards that players could earn from going through a rebirth character is a new level cap. For example, after reaching level 60 and going through a rebirth, their "second life" would be able to reach level 65 (or 70, could be tweaked of course!). Potentially they could gain additional skill tree points or more jutsu slots as well. However, progressing through levels past 60 would be exponentially harder than the original play through. For example, the experience required to go from level 61 to 65 could be compared to the exp required to go from level 40 to level 60. Players could rebirth a 2nd time to gain the ability to reach level 80, then 90, then eventually capping out at 100. This new system would exponentially increase the replayability of the game while providing players with a tangible reward for wiping their progress in order to attain a new high. There could even be an end game quest line that unlocks the ability to rebirth (rather than just maxing out the exp. The time it takes to reach level 100 would be an extreme time commitment that would be a respected achievement (similar to FangBlade reaching level 200 on Global Maplestory :P). Changes Atrane would be unbanned from Nin Online's Discord.
  2. Which circles back to my first point that the end game has lacked expansion for far too long. I'll say it one more time for you: the issue is not the early game being too hard, its the lack of motivation to reach a goal worth the grind. Hope that helps, good luck.
  3. Believe it or not, people think they know what they want but are often wrong. Especially when it comes to games. "Consensus" means nothing in this case. If you are not here for the experience of the journey and only hoping to level faster then the game simply isn't meant for you. Many players persevere through the leveling but quit anyways unless they have developed an attachment to their character or to the community. The easier it becomes to level, the faster people are willing to move on. The game doesn't force you to spend hours grinding mobs but it exists as a method to continue gaining exp outside of side quests, daily missions, bounty hunting, etc. The game is absolutely boring to play alone, but that's the point. If the mindless grind is too much then take a break and explore, meet new people.
  4. year after year leveling gets easier than ever but the end game remains virtually the same outside of new mechanics to learn (like jumping) the issue is not that leveling is too hard, its that to many it is not worth the payoff.
  5. Yea, restricting it to same faction would help to prevent this possibility. However, if used to be spread across a guild or organization it would be nice for setting up a base of operations for RP. As for spawning inside of a village it should be avoidable since you have to be pardoned to actually rent it. There could be a similar method to the rent prevention that notifies the player like, "your faction doesn't allow you to set this checkpoint" or something. Possible alternative could be an option to upgrade a house into a guild base and use guild points to unlock the ability to use it as a checkpoint.
  6. As someone with many different characters it would be nice to be able to use my house as a central hub for storage and spawning. To prevent abuse it could restrict the characters to sharing a faction with the owner. I think it would also help with the housing shortage that can happen since people wouldn't need to pay for multiple houses across their accounts.
  7. The death of forum activity has honestly hurt discussion revolving all the different aspects of Nin. Discord is much more chaotic and messages sent there are much more reactionary rather than thought out (in my opinion). I miss the glory days of these forums being active
  8. Was clearing out some clips a couple weeks ago and put together a video that shows the differences nin has gone through over time. Just from a simple eye test you can see how much more fluid the game has become.
  9. The owner of the house can set co-owners who are then able to place their own furniture in the house. However, if the rent isn't paid everything will be sent to the original home owner, rather than be mailed to each individual player. This happened recently with the Red Moon guild base, where everything was sent to the account @Hiko
  10. I will be running for council this term.
  11. Maybe some cosmetic/furniture/weapon drops that fit the the mini bosses for some mobs. Like a bear rug from the bear boss, grey version from cave bear. Tiger/Alpha wolf hoods and jackets. There's many possibilities that could be added. One thing I worked on a bit was a kunai fashioned from the fangs of the Rat boss in sewers but I kind of gave up because I'm not that great at pixel art. Something else I worked on in the past was a Candy Cane back item for christmas but once again it's just a single frame of art, I'm not skilled enough to do every animation needed. Another idea I had was a back shuriken made of ice.
  12. You can have both better dailies and the lack of the ability to abandon. I believe DZs should have more paths so choke points are less common and that specific dailies need slight tweaks to make you feel better about doing them. As I said above, I am well aware of players who enjoy hunting but they are not the ones I am trying to shed a light on.
  13. Many of those examples are what I mean by players giving up at the first sign of adversity. #2 is something that is mostly a problem with the sand village which can be attributed to their only entrance being 5 tiles wide and right behind their casual hangout spot. The rest of the issues you bring up could be counteracted with gaining all 4 dailies at once, being able to progress through multiple at the same time. For example, if you are grinding snakes to clear the lair and defeat someone who tries to gank, you can progress on waging war by defeating them. For the issue of duplicates, there could simply be a system in place to prevent someone from gaining a mission they already have to complete. Also, I agree that some missions exp rewards do not match the effort to complete them. Such as samurai drink/danger dangos which are essentially stolen documents for lowbies. These are additional issues that should be looked at and tweaked.
  14. Ueda is right that a change like this, while seeming like an easy and obvious solution, could have unforeseen consequences on other elements of the game. Killing a mob is a lot less satisfying than defeating another player. My idea focuses on working with the mission system we have now and tweaking it to change the way missions are perceived. Players have shown that by being given a choice, they will always take the path of least resistance. That path should be closed off.
  15. There are many missions that the average player will deem not worth their time or too difficult to complete. Some examples being the samurai drink, danger dango, abandoned lair, blood puppets, etc. Since the player has the option to give up a mission for a chance of getting a better/easier one or to find other ways to spend their time it lessens the amount of time spent traveling or grinding a goal. I am well aware that there are players who exist that will do these missions despite having the ability to abandon, however there exists a sizable chunk who will choose to skip them. Some players will take the easy route to min/max their progress by farming alts or asking other players to sell kills/bounty in an effort to get to the higher levels they are striving for. Since these players are removed from the pool, other players have less targets to fight for their missions which can result in them feeling that their only choice is to find players on the bounty book and buy their bounty/ask for kills. As controversial as it is, I believe that players should not be able to freely give up on a mission without some sort of drawback, to incentivize them into spending time on all 4 of their daily missions. Some solutions I have thought of are adding a timer after abandoning a mission before allowing them to choose a new one or giving a player all 4 daily missions at once per day but removing their ability to abandon any of them. This post is not meant to look at the people who have remained in the community but to consider the vast amount who have tried the game and left soon after. The intention of a mission like village's most wanted is to create activity in the danger zones yet players are more likely to take the route of browsing the bounty book like a catalog and trying to find a seller. With a change like this, those players will still exist but players who want to actually go out and hunt will have a higher probability of finding someone trying to complete a more difficult mission. Danger zones are an ecosystem and there always has to be someone at the bottom of the food chain. Without them, the rest of the ecosystem will suffer. I am posting this because I believe it is an interesting discussion to look into, I hope people can keep an open mind when thinking about it.
  16. Leveling is definitely LESS time consuming, the problem is sprinting into the lackluster endgame isnt great for player retention.
  17. 227 Attempts in a little over 3 weeks, 2 trophies and a handful of blanks
  18. Bosses such as Kraken, Dark Monkey, and Dark Weasel have very long spawn timers and too low of drop rates to compensate. I did a 50 kill experiment on monkey over 3 days and in those 50 hours I dropped only a SINGLE blank. This lack of rewards is a problem across all bosses in the game and leads to very demotivating gameplay. Especially when you consider if a rare item finally drops it has to be shared across anyone who shows up or fought over, causing resentment and distrust between players. Situations like this are not uncommon to see, different teams arguing over who deserves the right to fight the monkey. If drop rates aren't going to be increased then I think that the respawn times for these bosses should be drastically decreased so that more players from our growing community have chances to fight it and earn rewards. Also, increased spawns would give more chances for enemies to conflict during farming, since there would be a higher chance of teams being there to farm. It's really worth considering, even if it brings down the rarity of items a bit.