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Cash Shop
Everything posted by Monochrome
You need to have a gold membership which costs 20.00$ and you get 1 free name change a year. (not sure whats currently up with name changes but 5$ seems to be the cost for any additional after the fact)
having any sort of agility increases your chance for critical hits on anything ranging from melees to jutsu. Having points into agility can increase weapon speed just very slightly and you would need a good portion to notice anything
Scalpels I am here to discuss Scalpels but not the ones you all are probably thinking about. Poison scalpel has probably had 20 or more posts within the last 6 months made but no one acknowledges as far as I've seen, the absolute madness that is the "support' side of the already supposed support class being able to melee 60+ consistently. I have mained medic for 3 years and mostly played chakra based builds that utilized scalpels and know from experience how dumb it is to as or fight a chakra medic considering they hold z and spam senbon tools to deal the easiest damage ever. I propose a nerf to the jutsu as such. Proposal Increase the Cooldown and Reduce the base damage of the jutsu. currently the jutsu duration is 60 seconds and the cooldown is 60 allowing for them to immediately recast it after losing it meaning a support class always has high dmg pressure at their fingertips (quite literally). I recommend doubling the cd to 120 instead of having it at 60 so they have some wait time instead of constant pressure. A good reason to try and fix the insanity of chakra scalpels damage as well is that any chakra medic will be investing most of their points into fortitude and chakra meaning at max level you can melee 60-70 damage while also being able to heal yourself for 1/3rd or 1/4th of your hp every self cast of regen. this in my eyes is not a support class but a high damage self sustaining mess. its a good jutsu for the early levels considering chakra based medics have nothing to use combatively other than tools but in the later levels it just feels very overtuned for the class. And I know possible counterclaims are that medics have to invest so many points into chakra to get such high damage but if they are playing chakra medic they will unless hybrid most likely have 150 or more chakra casually while also keeping a good health pool. This proposal is meant to balance out the class in hopes that medics who invest large pools of chakra for good heals cant also just hold the melee key and melt someone down while in combat as well as encourage a more defensive/supportive style of gameplay from all pure chakra medics. Let me know what you all think and if this jutsu should change because in my eyes its too overtuned for what its meant for. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!
I come to the community today because I believe that the maximum jutsu slots should be increased to allow more diversity in jutsu selections and the hybrid mastery usage. (someone has to have made a topic about this before, but I'd like to bring it up incase it went unnoticed in the past) With the addition of either of the two concepts stated below diversity could improve in PvP, PvE, and RP. With the extra slots allowing for more usage of certain basic jutsu that people may not use simply because they do not have the slots for it or allowing for hybrids to have a more diverse move pool and since CD is shared with any jutsu that is its Level counterpart it wouldn't give them any sort of edge other than having situational coverage. (EX: Treat wounds and Poison Senbon) Concept 1 Increase the jutsu additions at the level intervals of 50,55, and 60 to +2 instead of +1 meaning everyone would have a max of 20 jutsu slots at 60 instead of the current 17. this allows for more jutsu learning but if your a hybrid (EX:Med/WM) you wouldn't be able to learn every single jutsu under your mastery umbrella so you would still have to choose wisely amongst your jutsu selection but also not be bound to a tight slot issue. Concept 2 This concept deals with the idea of adding a cash shop item like the inventory expansion to the shop for a small one time use jutsu slot expansion. the proposed range would be like 3-5 jutsu slots for 5-10$ and much like inventory expansion, you wouldn't gain anything from purchasing another one or using it again because it wouldn't do anything for you since you already gained the slots. this means money towards the game, more slots for the players, and hopefully as the topic is titled, diversity. (Hopefully one of these concepts will be considered and/or implemented) Hope everyone has a good evening
mannn why is the gf/wm the first to drop a comment about balance on my post completely understand this view and I'm loving most of the recent changes, just feels bad to see wind get the one jutsu that made it really viable get nerfed considering it feels like an offbrand fan now. some kb, some bleed, a homming and 1 easy to abuse flicker move but without the good coverage of melees and cc
I come to the forums today reaching out to the community both wind and non-wind users to see what you guys think should happen with wind. In my opinion its current state is alright but the recent kb change as rory stated kinda ruined an entire meta centered around wind that gave it really high dps if you could connect drilling correctly. I feel like wind right now is kind of lacking in anything special and want to hear what you guys might come up with because if anything reasonable comes out of this topic rory might actually consider it for wind hopefullyy. PS. where da man ainz at when you need a wind user ;-;
recolors are good but tbh only thing I can get behind is getting dem abs on that zetsu skin lmao Looking like you been slacking on that training
thats true but I don't see people needing 6 summoning contracts to make their pandas,weasels or snakes good 1 jutsu slot for really good summons vs needing anywhere between 3-6 jutsu slots to make the puppet feel viable in its current state.
the server delay makes it seem like it would have landed ;-; it seems to be doing that alot lately where a projectile def hit the player model but the server doesn't register it cause of a weird lag issue
PUPPETS As an avid lover of this fellow down there, I come to the community and hopefully maybe the devs if they are listening about possible additions to the puppet summon. So as a puppet user I've noticed something, they are only really good once you get multiple of them to swap between and utilize their different abilities and such BUT for the average ninja to utilize even more than 1 of these puppets they most likely have to sacrifice a jutsu with the current slots and if they want all 6 they have to basically sacrifice an entire mastery worth of jutsu slots. I come to propose 3 different ideas for the puppet to give incentive for people to get multiple of them or even for them to be decent on their own. Concept 1: Blood Puppet Upgrades. So this is inspired by the Blood Puppets and Blood Weapons (Blood Tonfa/Blood Katana). In essence if this was added you talk to Mugen in the Old Komori Village map located west of the sand village and have him enhance your puppet. I had thought of 3 levels since anything higher seemed like overkill in farming since all 3 levels would require certain parts to be traded to enhance your puppet summon. Level 1- your regular old base puppet, nothing special. Level 2- in exchange for some items your puppet would get a small melee dmg increase of around 5 extra making it hit 40 instead of 35. Level 3- exchanging even more items to Mugen gets you level 3 and a moderate increase of 50hp to your puppets health pool. Level 4/Max- in your final exchange you would gain the Old Blood Puppets "Metal Chain Technique" and/or a small reduction to chakra cost or cooldown. (Possible Bonus- once maxed your puppet gains the Blood Aura shown below and/or the strings of the puppet turn into a red blood concentrated chakra instead of blue like they started) Concept Item Requirements. Lvl 2- Limbs and Iron Pieces Lvl 3- Strings, Heads, and Blood Vials Lvl 4- Engines, Iron Pieces, and Blood Vials. Concept 2: "Advanced" level up system for this one the idea is less about making the individual puppet more useful and giving more incentive for puppet users to obtain multiple puppets. the idea is that as you gain more puppets they would slowly rank up to a max of 6 for the obvious reason of their only being six puppet summons. Each addition to your puppet crew would enhance them all as you slowly become a puppet master (all reductions and boosts are completely filler and subject to change if any of this is actually considered) 1 Puppet: Nothing but a cool summon 2 Puppets: 5 second cooldown reduction and 1 more melee dmg 3 Puppets: 5 point reduction to the chakra cost and an additional 1 melee dmg 4 Puppets: Another 5 second cooldown reduction and 1 more melee dmg 5 puppets: another 5 point reduction to chakra cost and an additional 1 melee dmg 6 puppets: your now the owner of 6 puppets and clearly a master at controlling them giving you a 10 second cooldown reduction and an additional 1 melee dmg By the time you have mastered the art of puppeteering your puppets will be much more useful then they were before and will incentivize people to gain more than just one if they decide to get one at all. Concept 3: Basic level up system This concept is simply to just give the puppet summons actual levels or at the very least a single level to add possibly a 3rd jutsu,a cooldown reduction or even a chakra cost reduction. Nothing special here like the other two just figured it would be nice to have atleast some tiny bonus to utilizing your puppets alot. Thank you all for your time and I hope you have a wonderful evening!!~ #Puppet Gang
11 lmao, did they adjust it to be based on level not just overall collection??
Nerf Iron Tower (Samurai numbers) [Suggestion]
Monochrome replied to question's Hageshi in Suggestions (Old)
are you sure your killing the right samurai??? Cause it doesn't take more than 100-200kills to drop a key if your farming horned samurai which are the mob that drop the key. (not sure if its true but it feels like its impossible to drop a key on acc that has already completed the mission. I farmed 100s after getting the key and turning in the mission and didn't drop another key, logged onto my tai/med and dropped one within the first like 10 kills. Might have just been rng or something but its nin, the grind is all you can do) -
so I am a pink lover who seeks to obtain as much pink in nin as possible so I have to reach out to the community and ask if anyone knows ;-; I've been around quite a while and have to wonder...WHYYYYY!!!!...does rory make everything pink so damn exclusive. half of the good looking pink items are event exclusive and it brings me pain ;-;
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defo remove daimyo and damn med supplies after 45 for rogues cause its a complete waste of a daily at these levels with very little if any ryo reward. Snow Wolves can stay though imo since snow wolves gives roughly the same exp as spa and 600ryo but uh yeah hosts can go bye bye less exp and less ryo than snow wolves meaning you basically get scammed if you get hosts instead of snow as a grinding mission at higher levels. #roguejustice (sorry if this response is too wordy)
Reworked lvl 30 WM Jutsu Concept - (Crescent Moon Spin)
Monochrome replied to question's Luhan in Suggestions (Old)
dear lord almighty please for the love of jashin I hope this is never implemented, I love people adding new ideas into the community and such but god no...if wm ever gets another dash/warp whatever imma be blowing the forums up and if its just another move cast aoe jutsu for wm imma have to ask rory why...just why -
Nerf Iron Tower (Samurai numbers) [Suggestion]
Monochrome replied to question's Hageshi in Suggestions (Old)
(make sure to kill the horned js lmao. shouldn't take more than 100 kills to get a key considering i got both my keys within the first 100 or so.) also only input I can put on this is that the inside of the tower just seems like the rest of LOI, lots of mobs crammed into an area with a jank aggro range. its genuinely a shame the aggro is so weird for LOI cause it makes the grind feel way more tedious than difficult ;-; -
only thing he could even be mad at me for is the fact that I was in an org and the org leader tried banning him lmao. esty is doing the same thing where I'm being blamed for trying to get them banned when I was minding my own business enjoying land of iron when all that went down most of the people who spam and hate me have no good reason other than "I don't like you" or "you were dawn" even tho almost all of the ex-dawn is vibing in the villages that hated em or with the people who hated em also freeze exiles people randomly all the time simply cause he thinks they might be a spy or because he disliked them (im obvi the latter). rory himself said kages using their power like this is fine lmao
I defo think the lower dmg would be great ;-; wms meleeing 50 is already wrecking 90% of the game since their kit has 3 warps ;-; so the 90s and such that the new swords are doing is just yikes...
I guess thats a valid use, I know the puppets are meant to be used together like swapping from puppet to puppet and such to actually get really good use out of them but I was just hoping they would be more than just sands slugs when you only have one lol
so um from what I've gathered from my previous 3 puppet posts and such is that no one uses the damn puppets which is probably why the thing seems to be pretty buggy in my opinion. Got a lightning variant puppet today and it won't allow me to mask while its on cd, doesn't let me de-summon half the time, and also its lightning spear does 22dmg and stuns itself which doesn't sound too crazy till you realize puppets only have like 500hp and it quickly kills itself. not sure if all puppets experience issues or if the self stuns and self dmg was intended but its kind of dumb in my opinion since its already such a low hp summon. Plz someone reach out and let me know what is up cause this has me feeling like I wasted a week of grinding and almost 200 blanks for this puppet.
over half a year ago??? breeze hasn't been active or sand for a long time burn...everyone deserves a chance
its been a literal 5 minutes burn and your actually being toxic how am I the toxic one???
#PardonAesthetic I'd like to see what the sandies think of the idea of me getting pardon cause apparently every single sandie according to freeze hates me and would never want me in their village lmao. I joined sand to literally just play in the village because I wanted to actually be loyal to a village and sand was my start village so I figured I'd come back now that I actually know how to play the game and try to have some fun but I guess freeze had other plans cause the second he saw me as a sandie I was exiled ;-; I could easily stay rogue because despite peoples pitiful attempts to spam me, I can very easily just level up and enjoy the rogue experience but I want to get pardoned solely because I want to be loyal to sand and see where it takes me. (Drop a comment of your thoughts on the matter)
when a whole group of people get exiled for speaking polish I think its time to maybe fix the kage system slightly kekw I do agree with rory that it is technically within their power but I mean its also bs when a kage can bar you from the entire village when you commited no crimes there and just wanted to play in that village and try to enjoy that villages experience (corps,community,etc)