
Gold Ninja
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Wingless last won the day on February 22 2018

Wingless had the most liked content!

About Wingless


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  1. Updated the profile with Chunin Promotion. Great work team 7! @Hawt @Dairuto, you did great!

    1. Fenyx


      Almost felt bad for poor Dai again. :O

    2. Wingless


      He tried really hard, but was super nervous. lol

    3. Hawt


      We did really well! It was fun doing the exam with you guys.

  2. When did you make the rules? Can I get a copy? I'm fairly certain more than Shirou decided on the winners. A lot of staff weighed in as well.
  3. I mean, personally I think many of us who joined in were of good enough caliber to get the rank. But there was only 8 slots, and 8 were filled quite easily. Those that did not get the rank, did not lose. They will retain points going into next test. Who knows, maybe the chunin exams is not the only way to get a promotion? Those that want it, will seek it out, regardless of failure, or being passed on.
  4. RP was a major factor in the Exam. Congratz to the winners! :3
  5. I'm glad after 4 years of this community, that the people playing are still so vibrant and charismatic, and welcoming to new players. I bought 2 of the armors, but they aren't my style so I passed them to those that wanted them. Thanks for the awesome community, and the great experiences thus far!
  6. Ooo! Nice looking armor. We should have a cash shop in game that lets you see them on your character (and taunt people into buying them via cash shop cause they look so good.)
  7. OH I was thinking each for some reason, thats much easier to afford than 15k I thought I needed. Thanks!
  8. 15k? The event center ate all our money, and now this is 5k more than normal? :/
  9. Turning in shared quests past the daily 3 cap. Some were able to gain millions of xp this way through exploits in very small time frame.
  10. Can you put me in your tsukuyomi for a while? I've been bad... Great work Rory and team!
  11. @Rory Would you want assistance designing missions? I could get behind that! If that was something you've considered needing help with, I wouldn't mind presenting ideas to you in a structured format such as: Questline Quest path Prerequisites Interactions NPC Dialog and Replies Objectives Rewards Dev resources needed (new NPC, new item, new vendor, etc.) It would be neat to have quests related to certain masteries for advancements, or general RP qualites. For instance since I am water aspect, I would need to cast 100 Water Slashes while in a body of water to advance my training. (easily done and not much creative thought behind that). Anywho, let me know and I'd start trying. Love your game!