
Gold Ninja
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  1. This has to be one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time. 1. What made you think that it doesn't concern anyone besides the people abusing these weapons? Shouldn't it concern us even more, since we're on the recieving end of it? 2. CC/Interrupts on weapons is one of the most broken aspects of the game, since CC is basically the key to winning almost any encounter. I agree that GF's flicker combo is pretty busted and most of the people also agree that it's in need of some kind of rework anyway (but so is poison scalpel).. But the basic attacks of GF are pretty underwhelming and can only be utilized by the mastery itself. It's not available to the entire village for a small investment of 20 strength for some free CC on every melee hit.
  2. There's so much stuff that's obviously broken for months/years now and it's beyond me how we don't get any balance changes regularly. Fighting against someone with a pipe (snare/interrupt on a basic attack available to all mist ninja for just 20str???) has to be one of the most frustrating experiences ever. About the topic tho.. I think that Fire/Lightning is pretty strong when it comes to teamfights and when you actually land that cutter it's extremely satisfying and often means death for your opponent.
  3. I got the same problem with G DATA INTERNET SECURITY, haven't been able to connect to or even update the game for quite some time now. It's telling me that Nino is a trojan every single time. (Trojan.GenericKD.32013576 (Engine A))
  4. The exam was well made, definitely an improvement of last time. All the stages were fun and nicely designed and we were having a blast on our voice chat. There was a little unhappiness going on with all the promotions at the end, but it was probably just a big exception since we didn't have a CE in a long time. Thanks for putting all the work in!
  5. I never thought that there was this history behind it and that you were working on this game for so long already. It's good to see that you've made it this far and that the progress is that big. PS: Love the giant shuriken on his back!
  6. Alright, I'm also going to run for the spot of a council member. So feel free to vote for me!
  7. I've recently watched the previous chunin exams and they looked really interesting. It's going to be great, but really hard at the same time.. Because some people will probably possess a 2nd mastery until then and I'm sitting here with one that feels super unfinished. Gotta build a good team for that exam!