
Gold Ninja
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Meisai last won the day on September 16 2015

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  1. *sheds single tear* We're in good hands, you guys.
  2. The entire event looked cool. Little sloppy, but it was the first time so I'm sure once a dozen or so of these have been hosted the whole process will go seamlessly. Cool concept to stream this live, however some coding for the camera man would've helped a lot. Just going invis seemed to cause some problems, randomly being hit by projectiles/jutsu and being ran into. I didn't participate in this event - but if I had - I can only imagine the frustration I would feel with my jutsu being absorbed by an invisible camera man. In a lot of byond games there is a system in place where if you are standing in a certain tile (the outer rim of an arena) you have the option of viewing the fight within the arena free-camera style. That way you can view everything without being an actual physical body in the arena. Not sure if that's present already, but if not that'd be pretty smart. Dope event. Smart advertising. Borderline cringy commentary. Congrats to the winners. Perhaps they should have some lore or something else dedicated to their victory.
  3. Your level of transparency and community interaction is unparalleled. You should hire a buffer if it's causing you that much trouble. We love that you post and answer people directly, but honestly, you don't have to. If your plate is full and you're working hard, those "wen we can play?" posts shouldn't be your responsibility to answer. Get a PR person for the forums (or dedicate someone from the staff who is already active), lay down the rules, and let him/her answer the dumb/easy questions while you focus on the real stuff. Just a suggestion. You're awesome Seth.
  4. Awesome news! So pumped! Now to keep my fingers crossed about organizations making a come-back. The open alpha chuunin exams would've been a great opportunity to get my organization, well, organized.
  5. Everyone is expecting the next dev log to be mindblowing. But you know, no pressure or anything.
  6. I remember seeing your profile under the Administrators section, but I saw your lack of posts and low resolution avatar and assumed you were part of the team long ago and left. Of course I know that isn't the case now, just know everyone appreciates bugless features and even though they don't thank you directly, your praise comes from the lack of complaints about things. Since you aren't actively involved in the community like Rory, Seth, or some of the Artists, people don't know to thank you!
  7. Very nice. Love the animation on the Doryuu Heki. Now if only there was a move that elevated a 3x3 area that the user was standing in...hmmm....
  8. I'm thinking like darts but with kunai. More of a mini-game I suppose. Competitive target practice, if you will.
  9. I think if the game does well and in 5-6 years you've established something really great, you guys could totally make a new IP and probably have a lot of funding for it. Hell, once this game goes full release status and you get people in these cash shops paying money for pixels you'll probably never want to stop.
  10. I like this! Perhaps an entire array of quests that can only be obtained randomly. Instead of picking them up from a quest giver, you could see a lost dog that gives you a quest to return him, or an NPC getting jumped that gives you a quest to save him, or like Kazama said an NPC committing a crime. These would be cool because you can't go get them directly, you'd have to explore and get lucky.
  11. Gambling. Kunai darts. Rooftop races. Rare NPC Spawns - Exclusive vendors, monsters with drops, etc. Shop promotions - Limited time discounts, price drops, etc. Weekly dungeons with extremely difficult modifiers. Environmental disasters - Floods / Sandstorms destroying parts of the village exterior w/ quests to help repairs. Ruins with tomb-raider style puzzles. NPC's attempting to raid villages periodically. Minigames for crafting/professions, possibly even Genjutsu escapes if that becomes a thing. Some of these are events, some are features. I had more before my original post was rolled back.
  12. New signature. Trying to dabble in pixel art again

  13. Getting better, just try to avoid pillow shading. Based on the hair I'd say the light-source is hard left. Based on his torso I'd say the light source is directly above. Based on the pants, I'd say the light source is below and to the left. Try and keep it consistent. I usually try and start with where I've established the light source then work outwards from there. Once you've got your shades in the correct place, then start focusing on how you will blend the colors (dithering and whatnot). Overall, not bad. This though. Wow. Very nice job, man. Looking forward to that thread. Keep it up!
  14. I was on a team with Chris Gayle before, he's an amazing programmer but not exactly the "see it through" type. He scrapped the game we worked on together for ~6 months because he became obsessed with the pixel-based movement but was in over his head. Not trying to bring him down or anything, it was definitely the best team I had ever been on. Just noting sometimes blind ambition can hinder you. Edit: Nice update! Love the separate servers, fantastic touch! Might be a good way to keep the filthy casuals (RP'ers) out of harms way.