
Silver Ninja
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Dart last won the day on May 4 2018

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  1. Master of Torture and Interrogation 木ノ葉拷問・尋問部隊
  2. Should not stop at just making it Sand-only. But also make it Sand Wind only. There will be people with random masteries in sand such as Fire/Water or something like that with 20 str points just to use a Fan still.
  3. Dart

    Clan Submission

    Introduction: Mirana was the first clan born inside of the Leaf Village and it is made of individuals genetically bred for the art of war. The members usually take the path of joining the Leaf Military Police Force where they can support the village by using their strenght and courage to bring justice and peace inside the Leaf territory. Mirana shinobis are also always ready to fight for the Hidden Leaf Village in any war against other villages or factions. Name (OUT OF RP): Since Mirana isnt a Japanese word, we decided to apply Mirana in here with a new name that is yet to be decided. We are open to suggestions from both players and staff members. Founding and Leadership: The clan founder and first leader is well known to be the strongest shinobi of all time, Aghila Mirana. The leadership of the family has been passed down to Shotoho Mirana and it's now held by Caio Mirana. Achievements: 3 Jonins, 5 Chunins. 2 Council members, 1 LMPF Leader, 7 LMPF members and Classified ANBU members. Lore: Details about the Mirana lore can be found in the clan post here Clan outfit: Started but never finished by Sezu unfortunately (The first version created by Sezu was in black/purple/red colors and i changed to black/purple/green later on just to create family pictures like this one below to our personal use). Main colors being Green and Purple (Applies to the hair that family members are born, and the clan outfit too). Mirana Moon Sage Mode (Fan Art still being developed):
  4. This council was active for the entire 6 months not only logging to deal with meetings but to play and help the village on all aspects. the only member that went inactive for some time was Hawt because he moved and had no internet connection.
  5. Leaf's Medical Elite Division. @Senketsu @XXXRUMAKI @Nitche (Combat Force) @mav @Fritzo (Support Squad) @Caio Mirana (Leader)
  6. Glad to take part in it and happy to be promoted. thank's for the CE, too bad the grading system was kinda meh, but i can understand But anyway, good job, the arena was fantastic and the Desert of Death map was really cool too with all the effects.
  7. It was awesome, thanks for hosting these events @Kanno
  8. I'm so excited to see all this stuff that you guys have been working on, good job Rory and the team
  9. Waging War - The First Great Battle other good SS's taken by me that can be used to publicize:
  10. It was a lovely year. Thank's Nin Community and Staff, it is a pleasure to be here with you guys, and let's keep this train going!
  11. Hey leafies, i'll be running for Council Member Vote for me if you think i could do well for the village. Thanks Btw, i'm accepting donations for the 30K Ryo requirement, the smallest donation it is still a donation and i really appreciate!
  12. I wasnt expecting lul, tbh i lost count of how many in and off game friends i invited to Nin haha. Yayyy pretty cool
  13. Not only ANBU masks should remove you from bingo book while equipped but also make the ??? in the same colour, so there's no ANBU with Gold name or Silver name for example. And they can hide their identities better