Greed the Avaricious

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  1. Actually, I've decided who I wanna be! I'm gonna spend all my time training my character up so his power level is 9,000+ and then I'll randomly assassinate the kage of the most active/most populated village, even if it's a suicide mission and I'm not able to make it out of the village alive after I assassinate said kage. All this just to ensure chaos and anarchy. Why? Because damn everyone, that's why.
  2. I played it. Your reaction when you've run out of fuel and blades and you realise that by "switching" characters or levels you just get it all back. = ZOMGFG! !! YES YES YES!
  3. I thought I already won this "game"? Edit: Atrox
  4. Hmm.. I bet Greed the Avaricious will post below me.
  5. My face after reading this entire topic(Particularly the first post):
  6. Thanks for the tip! Just asking, can this work with a playlist of songs?
  7. That makes one of us. I'm kidding, of course. ...Or am I?
  8. If it's got a rock guitar and preferably small little "rock riffs", chances are, I'm listening to it: (A few examples of the songs, each of a different "sub genre" I guess) 3 Days Grace - Animal I Have Become + The Good Life The White Stripes - 7 Nation Army Breaking Benjamin - Blow me Away The Von Bondies - Quite a few of their rock(alternative) songs
  9. So.. the villages are gonna be full of organised RP'ing and stuff which includes a real "life and death" situation, wherein it's all like DayZ: DayZ: Trust no one. That guy you think is your bff? He'll kill you in a heartbeat and leave your body as fodder for the zombies all over a can of baked beans.
  10. @ Taizu: I agree with what you're saying, it's leading to an unfair advantage for the starting villages. @Rory: Transferring money and equips over for a head start for when Kumo is added? Seems legit enough for me and the rest of the gang.
  11. I don't even "get" half of the movies named.. @Selkie: Prison Break.. rofl..