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quark last won the day on September 2 2013

quark had the most liked content!


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Newbie (1/17)



  1. quark


    I'll join up too. IGN: Raiden
  2. Delays like this are normal in early alphas, don't worry about this. I can't wait to begin testing. :3
  3. This is looking really good. Please Rory and dev team, do not rush yourselves in trying to bring content as fast as possible, work at your own pace and do this as good as you think you can, it is our obligation to wait and support you guys to the end.
  4. Thanks for all the staff efforts for trying and bring the game to all the users asap, I'm sure we all appreciate it and will give our best in this Alpha phase to help you guys with whatever we can.
  5. I would actually hope for it to be released for all members by sunday since if it's not, then I'll probably have little to no chance to actually test it at all.
  6. This is really helpful, I'm sure it'll help a lot of people and the humor added made it even more pleasant to read. :lol:
  7. Check the timer Rory posted on the first page to know the exact time of the release.
  8. Well, I don't mind waiting if it's only a few days after the gold users. It's looking really good, thanks Rory.
  9. It's looking great. Thanks for the dev log Rory and I hope everything goes well so everyone can play Nin soon enough.
  10. I would gladly help however I'm not that confident in my ability to write vast amounts of text in English, since it's not my main language and I feel like sooner or later I would be stuck because I wouldn't be able to write what I want to write and make it sound good and entertaining to the people playing the game. Also, I'm only following the anime, so I don't have the kind of knowledge that other people who also read the manga do. I wish you the best of good luck in getting people able to fulfill that role Rory.
  11. Would prefer if it would be a little more off the anime instead of a copy cat Akatsuki and the anime all over again, but we'll see how this goes.
  12. It's looking pretty good, and the run speed is fine since you can't run like a little girl around the map to get chakra like those Naruto BYOND games and then come back when you have it and you're CDs are over and use the one OHKO move you used previously. The animations are smooth and it's looking really amazing so far.
  13. The clothes look really good.
  14. Just found while googling some stuff about Naruto and became excited while reading the forum posts and decided to make and account and join the community.