
Gold Ninja
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Cosbo last won the day on September 6 2023

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  1. White Dojo Shirt//Pants Brown//White Cursed Sakkat Bordeaux ( just a darkish red lol ) Summoning Robe Tbh making every single cash shop item have 2/3 recolors each ( white - black - random color ) would increase sales a lot and it'd be pretty easy to implement
  2. "discontinued", it doesn't mean it was fully deleted, it's just outdated. Can't we just get that same "discontinued" system back? lol literally no one is asking for a revamp
  3. Stats auto reset once you hit lvl 10. If you mess up after that, all you can do is either reset the char, or buy a stat reset scroll from the shop
  4. 100% + shameless promo of sum old post i made, even though its marked as "shipped", i heavily think we can add some more stuff from here Personally, i'm not a fan of heavy guiding in mmos. But i do agree that players rely on the wiki WAY too much because of the lack of in-game information. I'm 100% in for npcs telling ppl some hints about available quests ( Just mini-questlines, like takumi's ). It'd be a nice way to connect every arc & village, since we lack a proper main story. ie, after finishing your village's Seals, you talk to a Jonin Npc, and said joining gives you a " Go to Takumi & deliver these seals to Yuu ". This would not only teach the player village locations and how to travel, but it'd also force them to speak with Yuu ( Npc that triggers Takumi seals mission ) . For regular one-time missions, I kinda like the idea of you randomly bumping on npcs that need ur help. Though a " ! " indicator for missions is pretty needed.
  5. Early experience should be a priority ( just like it is in every single game ). Complaining about dead dzs & such, when 80% of new players don't get past lvl 10 is kinda pointless. Better leveling > More players > More Pvp > More Development $ > More updates
  6. Some masteries are not meant for grinding at early levels ( or at all ), which is why most people would tell a new player to " Pick it as your secondary mastery at lvl 50 " , which kinda sucks but yeah. The early level grind is a huge reason why new players leave the game before even making it to lvl 30
  7. I absolutely hate daily missions lol. Making them the main exp source doesn't make sense, limiting the ammount of time someone can play doesn't make sense. Yeah you can grind, but that should always be the last resource. Spending hours killing the same mob, just to level up 1/2 times, isn't it. Some arcs being extremely grindy ( 30 & 50 ) don't help either. About progression. One time every 2ish months, gms will host a Chuunin exam. Giving players the chance to get a promotion to chuunin. Though i agree it's really off-putting seeing 80% of the playerbase be lv 60 and genin Pretty much yeah. 1 of 3 villages is completely dead, adding a 4th one would do nothing but kill the other 2. I'm a sucker for map design and would 100% want new villages and zones, but first they need to fix player retention, progression, early levels, map layouts, pve, and a bunch of other stuff thats holding the game from getting ( and retaining ) new players.
  8. Yeah try to not take much advices from nik lol, he kinda gone. The zones and how they work are explained in the academy aka the tutorial, which prolly means u just speedran the whole thing ^