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Everything posted by Zeke

  1. Zeke


    Google translate, go! ~~~~~ Sorry guys for my other post I saw that it was full of errors then decide posing on my tongue even - My suggestion is to make the village frogs for mission sannin - Each org you hiding your propio (this is just a suggestion) - Type when you get the mission to org mifunwe.png the investment for anyone who is in the org soldado.png - Mission akat Nagato Aparelho.png and each char type your org catch a jutsu type I go for akat and caught the jutsu edo edo tense tense.png Would anyone know if I did not already gave ssa no idea why but I've been scouring the post if there any things equal Aguma suggestion excuse me: D ~~~~~ Edit: Damn, he beat me to it.
  2. ...Dammit. Welcome to the forums.
  3. Welcome to the forums. Location: Kirigakure, eh?
  4. Zeke


    Welcome... This isn't the introduction section though, haha.
  5. I'm new, so I don't know you, haha. But welcome back.
  6. @Takezo Kensei Hm. Action based Final Fantasy set in a more modern world. I predicted this a long time ago. I'll play the game, though I can't say if it'll be good or bad until I do.
  7. Zeke

    Kekkai Genkai

    I rebirth at level 50-100. Total is 2k. ^_^
  8. @ Take a look at this topic for some common questions:
  9. @Takezo Kensei Maybe just 1 admin approved organization like how Blitz was on GOA.
  10. @Gary Oak I haven't looked into FFXV yet so I can't give an opinion on it. FFXIV (The MMORPG) is coming out on August 27th. I'll probably be playing it for a while with a couple friends. If you want a good FF to play... You can go with FF1 (Though the storyline is lacking, still a fun old game). Pretty much every Final Fantasy after that has a great storyline/gameplay. I personally dislike FFXIII because of the characters and how linear the gameplay/story progression is. But most FF games are great. consider trying out the 'Tactics' games, they change up the gameplay a little bit, but they're still strategy games with great storylines.
  11. Good job. Kirigakure has always looked sick. You look at Konoha and you get a Goku-Cheerful vibe. You see Kirigakure and you fear for your life.
  12. ..That's not the right joke.
  13. Zeke


    Yeah, just like every online game ever, haha. Silly @ (Some indie type games require manual updates I suppose. But all the Eclipse games I've played have a launcher/updater in the exe.)
  14. Ah, this reminds me of the support system in the Fire Emblem games. If two units are nearby during fights they raise their support level (triggered by cutscenes). The higher their support level is then they gain certain stat boosts while fighting close together. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Support
  15. In the game? I suppose if it had to be in the game then alcohol could give some sort of taijutsu boost. Weed isn't used in the Naruto universe. Though if it did anything maybe it could make you think you're sensing other ninjas.
  16. Zeke


    Welcome to the forums. Just keep your eye on the shoutbox and you'll see a developer post a link to the livestream often.
  17. Oh, cool. A bunch of us are from byond. Did you play any specific games on there?
  18. Zeke


    Nexon games make you launch from the site as well. It's so annoying I just go into my game folder and launch the exe from there.
  19. Zeke

    Favorite Anime

    @?Kaito ? Claymore I was considering reading a while back. I've really been slacking with my manga recently.
  20. Yep. Great storyline even if the gameplay was kind of 'meh'.
  21. Zeke

    Favorite Anime

    @?Kaito ? DxD I've heard about but have never seen it. Clannad I tried watching a while ago, but the art ticks me off too much. I also heard it was a little overrated.
  22. You need to eat some chicken with it.
  23. Zeke


    A lot of games are trying to do that... I prefer launching the game from an exe on my desktop.
  24. Zeke

    Dream Character

    This would be an ideal appearance.
  25. The history behind games is always interesting to hear. Be sure to save this somewhere so you can re-read it in a few years.