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Everything posted by Zeke

  1. Zeke


    Actually thinking about it, I never made an introduction topic either. A bit too late for me though, haha.
  2. Haha. Buy a gold membership and it'll be gone. B)
  3. Zeke


    No need to hate on perfection. Welcome to the forums.
  4. Zeke


    ... Way late. But offically: Welcome to the forums.
  5. That's true. vil·lage /?vilij/NounA group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area. A self-contained district or community within a town or city, regarded as having features characteristic of village life. cit·y /?sit?/NounA large town. The financial and commercial district of London, England. town /toun/NounAn urban area that has a name, defined boundaries, and local government, and that is larger than a village and generally smaller than a... The particular town under consideration, esp. one's own town: "Carson was in town".
  6. There's also the fact that Kirigakure purged out clans from their homeland.
  7. FFV was a good game. I remember laughing during the dramatic cutscene where There was a game on BYOND that used all of FFV's graphics in a different world. They even copied the job system and everything, though they finally shut down after several years with no updates.
  8. Zeke


    Welcome to the forums. I think Haku was cooler. (See what I did there?)
  9. Hello. Your name doesn't really sound familiar to me. Welcome to the forums.
  10. Clans haven't even been announced yet...
  11. Besides, too many villages would be counter productive unless there was enough players to fill them all up. I'm not sure how many players will be active once the game is up. For 5 villages I'd say you would need around 200+ active players for it to be fun.
  12. Welcome to the forums.
  13. I think you're misunderstanding it. I don't believe it means 'Oh, Naruto the show is better than DBZ? Tell me how Rasengan blows up planets.' I think it means 'Oh, Naruto the character is more powerful than me, Goku? My attacks can blow planets up, Rasengan can't.'
  14. The Grand Exchange is basically Runescapes version of the Auction House on WoW.
  15. @Whack A player owned shop would work fine if there wasn't a global market (Auction House/Grand Exchange). If there is a global market the player shop would be kind of redundant. Unless you mean players owning the generic shops in town?
  16. Basically there is an Auction House in every major city. All of them have linked markets. A player goes up to the AH, selects an item from their inventory and the quantity. Selects how much they want to sell it for and how long they want it to be listed on the AH(usually 48 hours). Then they can go off and do whatever they want(including logout). Any player can open the auction house to view all of the current items listed (with options to filter items) and if they buy an item it's instantly mailed to them. If you're the seller and your item is bought the money the person paid for it is mailed to you and can be picked up whenever. A lot of games have similar things.
  17. Well there isn't much to suggest about an Auction House. A simple version of what WoW has would work perfectly.
  18. 1. I'd pay real money for vanity type items. Cool looking clothes/equipment, but nothing that gives a gameplay advantage. 2. An auction house for players to sell in game items between eachother instead of trading/selling face to face would be useful. WoW.
  19. House Spartacus Family Guy Futurama South Park
  20. Ah, it wouldn't matter. You're too far behind to win.
  21. Zelda and 'Today' ones were the best in my opinion. Moogle is also nice. Good art in general though.
  22. Upload them to tinypic or something and paste the image URL. Or just upload them and paste the normal URL.
  23. Zeke


    Basically I can pick out... -Summons(?) -Sannin -??? -??? -Akatsuki catching something -Edo Tensei -Sorry if there is a similar suggestion(?)