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Everything posted by Zeke

  1. Zeke


    Ah, welcome back then. I don't know you personally, and I doubt I ever will. But hello!
  2. Yep. Kirigakure forever.
  3. Zeke


    I'm the rebel with no headband.
  4. Zeke

    Navi vs. Fnatic

    First thing that comes to mind.
  5. McAdams is correct. This is something that can be easily googled. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=most+common+computer+resolution
  6. No, I mean Otaku. Sure it CAN be just something as simple as geek. But it can also mean something like: While the word is used abroad to mean a fan of anime and manga who enjoys the anime culture, in Japan, the word can be looked down upon as a term for a person with any obsessive interest (not confined to anime and manga) in particular some cases reaching extreme levels such as men falling in love with Dakimakura (Body Pillows). "When these people are referred to as otaku, they are judged for their behaviors - and people suddenly see an “otaku” as a person unable to relate to reality". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otaku Yes, I have read over the full page before. It'd be like calling somebody a fag. It could be an insult. It could also be something unrelated and not harmful. ~~~~~ For the record, I have nothing against a real Otaku or the foreign version of an Otaku.
  7. You do know Otaku is considered to be an insult, right? Being called one is a very bad thing. Only the mentally insane would call themselves one. Americans just think since it sounds like a fancy foreign word that it's not a bad thing. Somebody that enjoys and appreciates anime/manga/cosplaying is NOT an Otaku. An Otaku is somebody with an unhealthy obsession. The kind of person that spends their life savings on the full doll collection of an anime, masturbates on them and then uploads the pictures to the internet. It's literally somebody that would commit crimes for their obsession. Like a drug addict.
  8. I'm also from byond. Key: Eziekieal I mainly played: GOA FFO BLN Mitadake High The World R:2 (And a couple other .hack// games) NEStalgia Sigrogana Legend (Was cool for a while) Random DBZ/Bleach rips. Ikou Era Classic (Was great while it lasted) Castle
  9. Yes! Well, I mean... I'm down that the release is delayed but... I've been wanting to use this video for a while... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHh0rf0ojEc
  10. I've used this a few times but: @Rory
  11. Zeke


    Welcome to the forums. @Yassrab You can't slash a golden headband.
  12. Welcome to the forums. Alpha comes out soon!
  13. Joukyuu from AIKI. It's just a Manga, but still.
  14. You should scale down the size of the blue text a bit. It's a tad too large.
  15. You mean yesterday? Welcome to the forums.
  16. Zeke


    ~~~~~ Welcome to the forums! Good luck with your flames of youth! @Maitogai
  17. The normal shinobi headband is already silver. Where's my facepalm.gif?
  18. http://www.ninonline.org/forum/index.php?/subscriptions/
  19. Ah, awesome. I'm glad I bought a gold membership then, haha.
  20. Zeke


    You're out of character, Poser-kun. Minato did not know Kiba so you have to go away. ~~~~~ @ Welcome to the forums.
  21. You're never too old for Final Fantasy games. If you need help playing any of the games just send me a PM, I'll help you out.
  22. @ Silly Poser-kun. If you read the link I sent you you can see Rory stating that he is considering OOC. That is your answer.