First I'd like to say that graphic wise things are looking good so far. But my own personal complaints would be: 1. As stated by other players, a hand sign animation added would make the jutsu look better, I believe you already made a post about having a handsign for jutsus, so I'm not so worried about this. 2. Also stated by other players, combat looks very slow. We're ninja, not heavily armored knights! 3. I dislike how you have to manually aim in their direction. It wouldn't be a big deal if it didn't stop you from moving, but it does. I heard in the past you would be adding a targeting system, that would solve that problem. Though I do also remember people complaining about jutsus auto homing in on the target. It'd be fine if the jutsu shot towards your targets, as long as it doesn't follow them like a heat seeking missile. 4. I noticed you guys kept running on top of one another. That seems like it'd be a major annoyance in a real PvP fight when you're trying to land melee hits. ~~~~~ Another question: Will it be possible to block attacks? With either another jutsu, your hands or your sword? Even if it doesn't completely stop an attack, a damage reduction would be nice.