Dear Ninja,
Another exciting patch notes for you all, we had to postpone the Bounties and Missions to the next major patch. Sorry guys! We're pushing out the Cash Shop in 1.9.0 and moving Bounties, Missions, and Sand Village to 1.9.5. This will enable us more time to ensure the game is ready to be wiped and transition into a beta without requiring us to wipe two times. We are not going to wipe again following the launch of the Sand Village. We will continue to add more villages during beta and this will allow you to keep making new characters to try out the new content or reset your main one. We typically are pretty open about leveling and trying out the game, constantly wiping players is something we try not to do unless we have to. We also are trying to make this experience as fun as possible for the testers involved, testers help us find bugs and improve the game and make it capable of being launched successfully.
As a side note, any content we've been working on that has bugs should also be fixed. We don't say these bugs have been fixed in Patch Notes since they are new content and were not perfect when added before the unveil of the actual Patch Notes.
Many mapping errors have been corrected.
Fixed Substitution level to 1, it had been 0 - disallowing it to be leveled up.
Fixed the client window not being focused correctly, resulting in interface sounds playing when hovering even when the window wasn't on top.
Fixed the tutorial in Leaf Village part of the Fighting test, where you could complete it before being killed by Satoshi Clone.
Fixed duplicate command being displayed in /help.
Fixed game server and Authentication Server crashes.
Fixed remaining logged in and various saving/rollback issues.
Fixed PvP Mode would not keep you logged in for 30 seconds like when you are a Ninja Killer.
Fixed issues where you were unable to move when talking to certain NPCs in the tutorial.
Fixed issues with shop forcing you back to the shop location after being closed.
Fixed name of the Fighting map in the tutorial to display the correct roman numeral, they were backwards.
Changes to client to possibly resolve some ActiveX issues.
Events should no longer bug up or cause you to unable to move or process.
Events will stop you from moving sooner, preventing glitches or moving you back to an earlier spot.
The drawing of the health bar in the target window was off by 1 pixel, it is now aligned.
Servers when they crash, will automatically be removed from the Authentication Server. disallowing you to connect to them
Sound engine crash related problems resolved.
Text rendering optimizations.
Focus bug fixes with menu not setting the focus back to the username/password when a message box was closed.
Fixed a bug that buttons were pressed after logging out such as social ones.
Fixed issues with login such as long waiting and not working sometimes.
Fixed where items would respawn when they were dropped, they now only despawn after the timer of them to despawn is over which is 5 minutes and displays correctly.
Improved initialization of DirectX and checks to ensure crashes are less frequent.
Fixed bugs with certain inputs processing while adding a friend (window shortcuts).
Fixed bugs with many paperdolls and reduced sizes of many.
Server Select will no longer reset your currently selected server if you have one. If a server goes offline, it will change it though.
Right click menu has been improved.
Fixed a bug where the inventory and jutsu window could process by clicking on the screen.
Right clicking a player that is your friend will display "Whisper" instead of "Add as Friend".
Sell all and withdraw all now support stackable items and won't just sell 40.
Fixed an issue preventing dropping all items when selecting all.
Mastery select should work when electing the 2nd element, in rare cases it didn't work for some users.
Windows no longer get focused when hovering over an icon (item or Jutsu for instance).
Fixed being able to sell/trade bindable items that couldn't be destroyed.
Fixed bugs with displaying hair for items that are supposed to hide hair when facing up only.
Shop rendering bugs have all been fixed. Females had weapon render above all paperdoll. Other bugs where weapon would appear above body parts.
Fixed Earth Prison rank up for rank 2.
Fixed many rank 3 Jutsus not displaying max.
Fixed other projectile bugs and made it work better.
Jutsu Cooldowns now are sent accurately rather than relying on client to reset each time they are sent.
Fixes Jutsu swapping.
Double cooldowns.
Inventory button should work again.
Fixed a bug with logging in as someone else or having their data instead of your own.
Improved login speed and reliability of successfully logging in.
Fixed tint bugs with fogs.
Titles now can be earned again using items.
Clones will work in big maps.
Windows close with mouse down rather than mouse up.
Chakra charge will still check work when the main window isn't focused to stop it if you let go of spacebar.
Animations when using items will now stick to your character when displaying.
Forgetting Jutsus and destroying items should work properly now.
Substitution Jutsu works properly with all Jutsus and projectiles.
Bug fixes with Tutorial area.
Many other bugs which are less important to note.
Fixed many bugs with descriptions and names.
Fixed possible bug with moving automatically.
While hiding other players in events, it will now hide their names.
Weapon damage is now applied correctly to damage you deal.
Fixed desync bugs with casting and stuns.
Fixed issue with players picking up items that weren't theirs, using the AoE loot system.
Fixed items on map disappearing.
Added Cash Shop system.
Added where a sound effect is played when the splash screen loads and the menu music will not begin playing until after the splash screen ends. Increased the duration of the space screen to match the sound effect's duration.
Items that are used to learn Jutsus now display the element they are in the description to aid those with Color Blindness.
Server Status now supports all statuses and not just online/offline. it is updated in real-time and each server has their own server status.
If there are no servers online, you will not be able to connect to the server select screen. The Authentication Server will be in Maintenance Mode until a server is online.
Authentication Server now enforces the same client file size as the one in the Updater.
Authentication Server now refreshes servers as they change status while in the server select screen.
There is no more connection limit while logged into the Authentication Server, it will no longer disconnect you.
Force windowed fullscreen mode for resolutions that have a width or height that is of 1024x768.
Focus improvements to menu to set the focus on password if username had text inputted.
Added logout fader.
Massive changes to error messages from server and changes to order of the messages to be more helpful to players.
Added elevated access check in client to ensure the client is ran as an Administrator, with Windows XP support which bypasses the logic.
Server Select and error messages display server name.
Server Select now automatically detects the best server to select.
Friends now display when they go online or offline in the chat.
You can now swap Jutsus that are on cooldown and fixed words that used Spells instead of Jutsus.
Battle Inquiries no longer is applied while in an Arena Zone.
Cursor no longer hides when hiding the interface, it will automatically hide after 3 seconds of inactivity.
Holding down mouse button and releasing will train stat points faster - 1 second will train 5 stat points.
Removed Lightning flash from weather and made the sound effect less frequent.
Logging in will remove any equipment you can't wear.
Your player name is now hidden.
Added a new Taijutsu called Leaf Whirlwind.
Added a new Water Jutsu called Shark Bomb.
Added new Fire Jutsus called Fire Shuriken and Ash Burning Pile.
Added new Weapon Jutsus called Triple and Hidden Explosive Tag.
Added Cash Shop in Clothing Shop.
Snake Lair Entrance before entering the cave, is now called Leaf Edge Encampment and will begin to become a camp over time.
Removed random damage formula, this did a random amount of your true damage by 50% to 100%.
Taijutsu now have an AoE hit passive, that allows them to hit the same range as weapon users.
Formulas for Critical, Deflect and Dodge have been changed to 1/10 of the stat which will yield 1% bonus (100 Agility = 10% rate). Critical is based on Agility, Deflect is based on Strength, and Dodge is based on Agility. Random aspect of formulas is still in place, having 10% Critical does not mean you will critically damage 1/10 of the time, it means that it will take that ratio and randomize it to 1 out of 100 ratio aka compounded. If the number 10 is greater than the randomized number that is generated out of 100, it will critical. We may remove this random aspect in the future. It is not something we are sure about just yet.
Projectile damage is now calculated and scaled properly with stats. It uses its own formula and does about half the damage as a normal attack. They all now move the same speed, damage, and range.
Overkill damage is no longer applied to the percent of help you participated in combat. This means, if a high level player kills an enemy and does way more damage than its total health, they can kill steal you. This is no longer possible.
Yori will now explain more when becoming a Genin about the Leaf Village and where to go to begin training.
Arrow added to show players how to exit the Academy when becoming a Genin.
Visors have been removed from the Genin Shop. All players who bought Visors from the Genin Shop have had them removed.
Added arrows to the starting area to point to the exits.
Fixed some exits not aligning with the correct entrance positions
Shadow Shuriken rank 2 can now pierce.
Rebalanced Senbon, Kunai, and Shuriken projectiles.
Sand Storm, Hail, and Snow will no longer display with random weather.
There's a 500 millisecond restriction with buy/sell transactions.
All scrolls and Premium rarity items can no longer be sold for Ryo.
Changed many item/Jutsu names, requirements, and descriptions.
Substitution Jutsu rank 2 has a 9 second duration instead of infinite.
Wolves no longer can walk on water.
Revive now heals 10% HP + 0.2% per Chakra point as bonus health restored.
Genin Test now requires you to have 15 right instead of 17 to pass the exam.
Misc. changes to Tutorial.
Added Forehead Protectors Shop inside Clothing shop.
Added new shop art for the merchants in Leaf Village.
Rebalanced weapons.
Food in stalls of Leaf Village have been changed to RP food and no longer serve in combat.
Added Blood and Chakra Pills which have a 30 second cooldown to replace foods which can be found in the Medicine Shop.
Removed stats from all items except some weapons which only give Chakra.
Weapons have had their strength requirement increased.
Only Weapon users get an AoE hit from weapons.
Weapon Jutsus have been rebalanced.
Some Jutsus have been modified to interrupt casting.
Flame Dragon now is an AoE projectile that does not explode.
Masks render below hair.
Removed Reset Appearance from Account Manager.
Added new emoticons /clap /slowclap /huh /cry /''.
Rebalanced Apply Bandages.
Apply Bandages now heals one additional health per 2 points of Chakra.
Projectiles have a 3 second cooldown.
Best Wishes, Hitspark