
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Telloo

  1. Damn girl why you so selfish? Your going to have that body for the rest of your life I just want it for a day,

  2. Will you still being giving out the golden headbands?
  3. The name is Yukimura. Telloo Yukimura

  4. WOW am I happy to see this xD it has brought hope. Btw Rory do you have ETA for all of this?
  5. Leh GO Royal Club!!

  6. This is my COUP D'TETAT

    1. Sake-tan


      Ibeseo ibeuro doneun bumerang~

    2. Telloo


      I did not know you can comment on this lol xD

  7. there is a spelling error in the Stylish Blade's description it says mush instead of much
  8. WOW nicely done I approve. #Telloo4Hokage
  9. All good Rory. The game is still in alpha so bugs and downtime are to be expected. No need to apologize to us you haven't done anything wrong, but if you want maybe we can have a huge event once the game is live again xD.
  10. WOW Nice Video xD sorry I meant to say NOICE
  11. Your lucky? PSHHHH were lucky to have you, cause without you there wouldn't be a us lol.
  12. Yay xD I'm happy to finally see this also will this be longer then the last testing? Cause I heard the last testing was only like a week or so.
  13. moon festival xD I just recently went to one the liveliness is amazing xD also you should add LoL moba type minigame into ninonline I have a huge idea on how it can work if you interested let me know I'll make a post in suggestion
  14. so there is a ryo/token exchange system?
  15. I see a Token Seller. Whats the token for?