
Silver Ninja
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Harmony last won the day on November 25 2021

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  1. Would be perfect but seems abusable specially invading a village with alt can see ppl using it to just spawn their whole group in at one time. if this is add i would sadly have to recommend kage or council having the option to evict the owner but having to pay back the deposit or limit it to 2 ppl max
  2. just sacrifice points but having more lower str requirement weapons like wooden katana would be nice but still keeping some sort of str req behind them
  3. Having the same issue so i just play in window mode sadly
  4. dont forget nerfing one of the other homing changing them to a shorter dash and maybe adding a chakra/stamina drain every time you melee can be based on weapon side or
  5. Wouldnt that mean it needs a self stun? could always add that to fuuma ^^'
  6. This should also be a thing for wm risky blade and crescent moon or just added to one of them preferably Crescent moon
  7. Could make it appear every time you have pressure point activated.
  8. I have had that issue with the new client, but I have found a workaround, even though it makes it hard to read. I played around with the setting and found when i picked anything higher than x1080 or if i checked fullscreen it would zoom in and you wouldnt be able to see much so the work around is to pick any resolution that is x1080 on window mode and just stretch it to your heart contents i can see a bit more horizontally but meh would rather have it fit full screen based on monitor size ^^'
  9. Drops like event coupons would be nice and maybe with a 0.01% chance something from the event shop could drop item and be switched out every week or bi weekly. More items for event shop
  10. A new eyes pack would be great can try making a couple of new eyes as well
  11. Love this suggestion reminds me of Vindictus Marketplace was so easy to sell items ;-; now my cocoons wont go to waste will drop the price of a lot of items though
  12. Dont be selfish fan has to go aswell
  13. Crystal fan should have a run cast i haven't played against it because ive been inactive but it seems troublesome