Lord King

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Lord King

  1. Nin Offline (Toad of going Offline is the prompt I'm getting).
  2. @King Gimmie that name boi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord King

      Lord King

      @Rory @ReubenNick Hook me up with the username "King", they haven't been on in 4 years. :(

    3. ReubenNick


      @Lord King I will speak with Rory about it. Although, chances are slim that such will be possible! 

    4. Lord King

      Lord King

      @Shadow was able too. I'm hoping so! 

  3. Now to figure out why the forum loads up stupid slow despite me having near perfect connection.
  4. Man, now I need to get a gigantic monitor.
  5. I posted some on the forums. I have some more tucked away if need be. I'm at work now so if you need me to link you I will when I get home, and install new parts into my PC.
  6. The Spa or the Food boosts? I understand the boosts but it'll give money more use with the Spa's at least. I just don't fully understand the problem with meta-PVP but I respect the decision to not involve it. @Rory Also, if you need any artwork done I wouldn't mind helping. Minor things to bring life to the game.
  7. I wouldn't mind helping (art-wise). One thing you could make useful now are the springs, which could be used to decrease Battle Wounds (for a price) and those food vendors wares actually giving some sort of boost. @Rory
  8. It's gonna be unfair to someone - anything before 3pm EST I'll be working so that's my reasoning. Maybe have it hosted more than once in a day so more people could try it out? I think this option is the best.
  9. Friday, around 20:00/8pm EST
  10. You forgot about me just being naked.
  11. Enjoy is a stretch at this point haha.
  12. Won't see me thoooooo~

  13. We should do the war then a tournament for everyone to join, that'd be great.
  14. Remember when we actually wanted to help each other out? #MakeTeamsGreatAgain

  15. Too lazy to grind Venom. Drop rate is retarded low.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lord King

      Lord King

      Snake Spawn got nerfed as a means to avoid Gate/Map Revert abuse. 

    3. Hecarims


      You said drop rate is low,i disagreed on that,how fast you can kill them is whole different subject


    4. Lord King

      Lord King

      That is part of the point, it also is lower. It doesn't matter for you because you can kill them a lot more effectively than others. Tiger's and other mobs still drop at the same rate, but the lvl 30 Snakes have a significantly lower drop rate. 

  16. Could someone tell me what time would be suitable to wear a striped sweater?

  17. Drink tea, spit on bad company. 

  18. It's glad to see something that turned into a failed pipe dream of my childhood finally become something I can enjoy finally. From a former Naruto Realm member to a Nin Online member, finally lmao.
  19. Well, @Rory, you could also use the 3D model you made as a reference of animation for it. The pixel version of it looks spectacular.
  20. Give it a black outline and it'd fit a lot better.