Lord King

Gold Ninja
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About Lord King


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  1. nice sig, bruh ;o

  2. Nin Offline (Toad of going Offline is the prompt I'm getting).
  3. @King Gimmie that name boi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord King

      Lord King

      @Rory @ReubenNick Hook me up with the username "King", they haven't been on in 4 years. :(

    3. ReubenNick


      @Lord King I will speak with Rory about it. Although, chances are slim that such will be possible! 

    4. Lord King

      Lord King

      @Shadow was able too. I'm hoping so! 

  4. Now to figure out why the forum loads up stupid slow despite me having near perfect connection.
  5. Man, now I need to get a gigantic monitor.
  6. I posted some on the forums. I have some more tucked away if need be. I'm at work now so if you need me to link you I will when I get home, and install new parts into my PC.
  7. The Spa or the Food boosts? I understand the boosts but it'll give money more use with the Spa's at least. I just don't fully understand the problem with meta-PVP but I respect the decision to not involve it. @Rory Also, if you need any artwork done I wouldn't mind helping. Minor things to bring life to the game.
  8. I wouldn't mind helping (art-wise). One thing you could make useful now are the springs, which could be used to decrease Battle Wounds (for a price) and those food vendors wares actually giving some sort of boost. @Rory
  9. It's gonna be unfair to someone - anything before 3pm EST I'll be working so that's my reasoning. Maybe have it hosted more than once in a day so more people could try it out? I think this option is the best.
  10. Friday, around 20:00/8pm EST
  11. You forgot about me just being naked.
  12. Enjoy is a stretch at this point haha.