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  1. Oh man endure a little lost patience a full month and a few days will not hurt

    1. Oniikage


      Yes, my friend, I and my group of friends playing Nin are waiting normally, but what stresses me are some players who do not accept a different opinion and want to make a bust because of little thing, the famous "politically correct" haha. But thank you for your understanding.
  2. @konahari I understand that the gold members paid and now can enjoy the closed beta phase, but in this matter I would also like to be a gold member, however here in my country the commercial dollar is very expensive and this makes it impossible to do some shopping in the store Of Nin Online, understand that South American countries pay much more to buy things for the dollar. On this I say again that there should be more respect with the average players in question at the time that make us wait, and as a consequence of that many Latin players are not playing Nin Online anymore. Understand a little about our causes too, before you judge !. Ps .: I speak for other players as well.
  3. You definitely have no respect for ordinary users, they always say something will happen on a certain date but they always delay and make excuses. From what I see only Gold and Silver users can enjoy it all. They should have more respect for the commitment they give us!
  4. You definitely have no respect for ordinary users, they always say something will happen on a certain date but they always delay and make excuses. From what I see only Gold and Silver users can enjoy it all. They should have more respect for the commitment they give us!

    1. Kyosagi


      It's delayed a week or so to get everything situated for a smooth open beta! 

    2. Saku


      Like Kyosagi said. Also if you would actually care about this game you would know the reasoning behind the delay. Also, nice double post, good member...

    3. Siluk


      It's not on the same topic, so it's not a double post. 

      However, you can never know WHEN something will happen, you only put an ESTIMATED time. What if Rory would die just before finishing what he had to finish? So many possibilities, so you can never be sure when it'll happen. If you're a good member, you'll be patient about it.

  5. Estou ansioso para poder jogar novamente o nin-online e rever o meu ninja.
  6. Hello everybody, I am a new member and some questions and ideas about the game but always like to read the topics to understand more, I know this topic is old but wanted to know how the chunin examination, it is possible to pass the three team members if every time the tests change and if there is any application? .