
Silver Ninja
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HypnoMan last won the day on November 12 2014

HypnoMan had the most liked content!

About HypnoMan


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  1. I've been following this game for about 4-5 years now and was on and off. I cant say im on the game atm even but I love hearing success from you Rory because i really do have respect for you. I follow alot of indie game and mod devs but of them all I've never known anyone as focused and real as you. You've poured your life into such a small project and stuck to it where many MANY others would quit, not only for your community but for your pride as a developer. I really do see this game becoming even more successful, otherwise i wouldn't had been following it for all these years, and I truly cant wait to see what you have next in store for us! Much love and respect Rory!
  2. I'm recording for 3 days so anytime between then is fine.
  3. Recording Starts Tomorrow! Earliest Recording time is 3pm EST make sure to remember!
  4. Hello Ninjas, I am planning a video showing off all organizations in NinOnline to show future member how strong the community is and how we support the community banding together to have a better in game experience. Organizations participating are to be in character the whole time during recording, anyone not will be kicked from the filming site and can lead to your organization being kicked from the video, and follow all directions given by me or other staff. You will tell a bit about yourself and why you joined the org and what you plan to do in it. Org leaders should be present and I am willing to work with your schedule if need be. Leaders will tell what the goal of your org is about and how it was formed. Any organization's interested in being in the video must contact me via PM or comment. The leader and at least 4 members of the org must be present on the scheduled date and time. If your org is 30 minutes late then it will be excluded from the video. Any suggestions for the video can also be posted below in the comments such as locations and activity's we can show off. We plan to start recording on May 12 till around the 15th all organizations should apply before then.
  5. @Indra most of the votes didn't count because people didn't read the rules.
  6. Just so y'all know ill accept any invite to any org because everyone is awesome

    1. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      I invite you to Roots

  7. I'm going to be on later today to record some more footage so if you on at around 5pm CST ill global it!

    1. Wolfang12346


      oh i wont be on then i dont have a computer at my house

  8. I may or may not be getting some footage tomorrow ;)

  9. I love your profile song, Three Days Grace rocks ;D

  10. Excited to record some beta stuff with everyone

  11. Been waiting for this
  12. The YT version should be ready by next week, May 6th, had work
  13. HypnoMan

    Video Editor

    Like the idea, it's something to get your mind off the game
  14. That profile song rocks !!!

    1. HypnoMan


      Thx man :D i think so to