Hari Nogin

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Hari Nogin last won the day on September 25 2022

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  1. (Some of us were actually closer with deepu himself, like myself. I believe he is an attention seeker so the statue is something that he is actually probably proud of lol. I know id love my own face in nin online. Just get rid of it serves no purpose…)
  2. I jailed Melina a couple weeks ago while I was still LMPF. They showed up to the leaf academy for the election meeting to try and spam the room with “xDDD..” The “kindness” provided by the account “Melina” was constructed based off information gathered on different accounts. Obviously the character was “in RP” but this is no longer true. Now the name is widely known among the playerbase for other reasons and is just another reason for the other villages to make fun of leaf . I for one was affected by the situation so obviously im biased. I am NOT calling for a riot or whatever (Please dont send him hate messages, im sure he already has more than enough to deal with.) Just a simply fix so we can move on and forget about the thorn in leafs history…
  3. IM RUNNING FOR KAGE (check the bottom to see which council) I wish to improve the leaf from where we currently stand, this is in regards to all areas of the village. So let’s get straight to the point. Intro: Rp and Pvp must be combined if we want a fair-functioning village, too much of one of these leads to toxicity very quickly. Pardon/New Alt: Here’s my summed-up reasons for running kage, and references of my history for proof of eligibility for it: Leadership benefits: Events: The village needs a leader they can trust, and I feel like I can best fit this role to provide us all with the best village. PLEASE SEND YOU SUPPORT(VOTES) TO ATARI, KAIJIN, AND LION!!!

    (check the bottom to see which council)

    I wish to improve the leaf from where we currently stand, this is in regards to all areas of the village.
    So let’s get straight to the point.
    Rp and Pvp must be combined if we want a fair-functioning village, too much of one of these leads to toxicity very quickly.


    Rp: Role-Play oriented missions would be treated as jobs, being paid by leaf treasury for “RP” missions. EX: “Help lowbies with their RP missions”, or if you're more RP heavy: “Supporting our ninja with due diligence” .(I want this to be very neutral and for no one to be shunned for doing RP.) Helping other ninja with missions, or learning a key element in surviving in this harsh world, will reward designated individuals (Org leaders/Raid leaders/Jonin/etc) that will be entrusted with leader positions to handle payments. This will not only provide our ninja with more opportunities to earn money but also creates a great incentive to interact with lower level ninja, and for newbies to stick around the village and not pull a sasuke…
    Pvp: These roles should focus on PvP abilities especially the buffed organizations. Those leadership roles would be given to the most talented ninjas in combat. Raid leaders would be chosen based off select ninja who have proven themselves as leaders. (The Raid Leaders must will also be able to discord vc with others.) Auto-tournaments can also be scheduled in the discord to try and plan for said tournaments to showcase “pvp-ability”. (Recordings are much preferred, but finish-position upon finishing is also acceptable).

    Pardon/New Alt:


    I would not condone New Alt New Life, if people find out your identity, I will not force them to act as if it is an entirely different person.(People's actions carry more weight) We would instead found a new ally/pardon system based on ninjas who willingly contribute to the leaf village, leaf or not. Let me re-phrase this in a sense, I one-hundred percent support anyone who is ACTIVELY benefiting leaf. This means documentation in the leaf discord of deeds done, by said individual, in benefit to the village (Donations to leaf treasury, bodyguards payed for, leaf ninja helped on missions, etc.) This means a new pardon/ally system that will add to the already existing bodyguard system. (Pardons would require not only a fee but a vote from trusted ranked ninja from the discord) This also means bringing back allied-organizations.(If one is proposed during my term.)

    Here’s my summed-up reasons for running kage, and references of my history for proof of eligibility for it:
    Leadership benefits:


    Lmpf leader: I revived the lmpf and created a unit to uphold a neutral but strong sense of justice for the village as whole.
    Chunin Rp host: I actively host missions for lowbies, and coordinate teams to get ready to participate in the Chunin Exams, even paying for some teams interested in joining.
    Discord efficient: Would be able to utilize bots within the discord and create more autonomy within the entire server.(Im also very active on discord, usually solving problems as fast as possible, or trying to help lowbies)



    As far as events go, there is are  big ones I would try for...
    (Hopefully with the help from GMs.)

    If I earn the status of kage I would immediately try to coordinate a summit meeting, and discuss a TREATY between ALL villages. (This is the only way to save the lowbies)
    Hopefully we could work a system out with the GMs where money from Chunin Exams and money earned from paid house rent could be deposited into a GM/GM trusted(kage+council, etc.) “Leaf PiggyBank” to help with the expense of SURVIVING! Please read ahead to "PIGGYBANK"

    Leaf Treasury "PIGGYBANK":
    The bank needs to be open to leaf ninja but also secured by trusted officials.
    This means documenting and reporting often.
    The bank of the leaf would be updated at the end of EVERY WEEK with a screenshot of the contents, along with any changes that may occur to it.(Council/Org leaders/Jonin/etc would have access as well.)

    The village needs a leader they can trust, and I feel like I can best fit this role to provide us all with the best village.

  5. Please choose me. I have the drip. (D-rank criminal co-chief of the hidden leaf)
  6. Come on now, just let me win one of these darn things. And just remember, this world is made of LOVE and PEACE!
  7. Alright lets try this again, the correct way. Remember this world is made of Love and Peace!
  8. MUCHO'S LOVE You're hard-work and determination is appreciated!
  9. Hari Nogin


    Its funny reading things like: "you had your chance, now they're gone" or "you should've done this while you could've" Those people left the game, so obviously the weren't devoted enough to put in the work. People are leaving for attention and lack of interest, while "not" shitting on the devs. Its one thing to leave the game and express your reasons for doing so, it is another to blame people. Look, just think about it like this. Are those people going to stay gone once the server has moved over to .NET? Or are they going to come back? p.s. im not saying people cant leave, they have every right to. Its just annoying to see more and more of these "leaving" posts, when they aren't truly serious about it, idk just seems like a crummy trend rn. (This is honestly one of the funniest posts ive seen on here in a while.)
  10. One of the best Sandies I know. Good guy.