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Ninjutsu last won the day on August 27 2021

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  1. Now the boat ride has a proper RP story to make it shorter, 2 minute boat ride definitely is needed and should be added. +1
  3. Lore/Backstory: With nowhere to go, the organization calling themselves 'Team Aggression' decided to set their sights on the Mist Village in order to use the village's Legendary Swords. While they completed this objective, a while after, animosity and tension grew as some of the other villagers believed that the organization didn't have the village's best interest in mind and were using the village for its Legendary Swords. Multiple villagers decided to stage a coup against them. This led to an all-out war within the Mist Village. After a bloody, hard-fought battle, Team Aggression was exiled from the village. Giving fair warning to the Mist that they would be back.
  4. Some of those puppets are absolutely broken as shown in the video, with Rory balancing the game more recently this is something that should definitely be looked into.
  5. While hunting with my fellow mist ninjas, we decide to stop by a certain lair to photograph the moment! Creds: @Tight @Jah @Theri @Shijie
  6. Hitting Lightning Cutter is as hard as ever since the new client came out, people are faster and are easily able to outrun the jutsu, and on top of that when you do hit cutter there's a moment where you're casting pillars when someone can either: Sub, Flicker, or cancel it completely with a bubble/fan melee. Lightning as a kit needs anything it can get right now, and decreasing the cast time of pillars by 0.2s shouldn't be a problem. +1
  7. Simply amazing! This is actually one of the suggestions that I really hope to be added. Definitely helps the overall game immersion since people won't have to tab out of the game to go to discord trade channel to sell/buy something.
  8. I feel like one of the main reasons new players drop this game is because of the initial heavy grinding you have to do to level up. I've seen it with one of my IRL friends who's basically obsessed with the naruto anime/manga. The thing is though is that Rory intended the game to be this way, so unfortunately I don't think that the overall experience gain will be buffed. A tip would be to try and play the game while there is a world blessing on, and read up on guides on the forums. Other than that good luck.
  9. Very nice idea issa, hopefully we can see this in the game sometime soon to give a fresh dynamic to hunts/group fights.
  10. I was a victim of this earlier today, I must say it is very unpleasant and makes absolutely no sense..plz fix
  11. We need this asap, RIP Issa E/F we were gonna go crazy in CE
  12. hmm i feel like bleach dubbed isn't that bad compared to other animes
  13. Been trying to edit my videos more, still a big noob but enjoy ;')
  14. maybe, we don't know that yet, but its fair to assume its available to leaf only because the only person in the manga/anime who uses it is a leaf ninja. what bruh? Tenten was only able to use it once lmao. Any normal person trying to wield it would die due to chakra consumption, so it makes no sense to have that available in leaf. I am water/light, regardless of the pipe being locked to water (which I am) I would still be able to use it.
  15. Yeah, a mist ninja who regardless of pipe being locked to water would still be able to use, and not a SS? lmao. Why are you asking me about weapon designs like I was the one who created Kiba? All I said is that in a part of the anime cannon the sword demonstrates that its able to hit through trees and rocks, period. I also never said that its underpowered lmao, that's how you chose to interpret it which wasn't my intention. If you watched the clip, you should be able to cast certain jutsus with the sword, but that's more of a rework. 3v1'ing isn't that farfetched if you really think about it. The SS are the top of the top WMs, regardless of a sword being ''absolutely broken'' to you.